Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Powers/The Furtive Pygmy (Dark Souls)

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The Furtive Pygmy (Dark Souls)

Cost: 25 SP

You have become the Primordial Man, gaining an unbreakable connection to the Dark Soul, the Abyss, and the inherent power of the Furtive Pygmy.

Just like the Dark Soul, you will never fade with time; in fact, you will continue to grow stronger as long as you have the time to nurture and develop. You stand as the embodiment of the primordial nature of humanity, wielding the immense power of the Dark Soul and the Abyss itself.

Your darkened eyes see the world with unparalleled clarity, even in the darkest of environments. No longer will you lose your way in the night, as your eyes pierce through darkness effortlessly. Illusions hold no power over you, for you see through them as if they were mere mirages. Your vision is a beacon of truth, and those who attempt to deceive you will find themselves at a severe disadvantage.

You harness the power of the Dark to enhance your supernatural abilities. Any ability you possess, regardless of its nature, can be infused with Dark Hexes, granting it increased potency and rendering defenses against it ineffective without proper and specific protection. Your powers become exponentially stronger in the dark, and your attacks gain a will of their own, relentlessly pursuing your targets until they are vanquished.

As the Child of the Abyss, you carry a fragment of the Abyss, amplifying your mastery over the Dark. Your Dark powers will reach new heights as you unleash devastating blasts, beams, and showers of Dark energy upon your enemies. The very environment bends to your will, as you summon fountains of Dark to curse and hinder your foes. The Abyss empowers your explosions, infusing them with unimaginable might. Furthermore, you possess the unique ability to absorb the Dark from external sources, strengthening yourself and enhancing your speed and agility for a limited time. As long as you are surrounded by the Dark, you can draw upon its energy to fuel your own.

Ruler Of The Abyss

You are not a mere child, but the living embodiment of the Abyss itself. Your new Abyssal form grants you the power to shape-shift effortlessly, disguising yourself as a flawless human or altering your body during battle, growing new limbs or towering over your foes. However, remember that you remain vulnerable to injury despite your transformative abilities.

Your soul has been infused with the Dark, a gift of the Dark Soul's boundless capacity to grow and expand. As you experience emotions, your soul deepens, generating and releasing new humanity into the world. This cycle strengthens and spreads your darkness, akin to Manus, the Father of the Abyss. The powers of darkness you possess have been greatly enhanced and will continue to grow alongside your Dark Soul.

Wherever you reside, you can warp the world around into an Abyss, a chasm of darkness that distorts space, time, and metaphysics. This Abyss expands as long as you remain, its darkness growing deeper in correlation with the strength of your Dark Soul.