Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Powers/Beast of No Nation (DC Comics)

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Beast of No Nation (DC Comics)

Cost: 10 SP

You have become the Avatar of all Faunas, ala Beast Boy, this grants you an extraordinary ability to connect with and transform into the vast array of Earth's fauna. With a mental catalog and perfect indexing of every single creature that has ever existed on Earth, you possesses unparalleled knowledge of their strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities. This comprehensive understanding extends to every creature's biology, behavior, and innate abilities.

The power allows you to swiftly shape-shift into any animal form contained within your mental catalog. This transformation can seamlessly transition between forms, adapting to the needs of any situation. Whether it's the keen eyesight of an eagle, the agility of a monkey, or the strength of a gorilla, you can selectively manifest specific animal aspects without undergoing a full transformation.

Any animal form you harness are at its absolute peak potential. Even in partial transformations, the manifested animal aspects are maximized, pushing the boundaries of natural ability. Through training and practice, you can enhance these forms, making them even stronger than their natural counterparts.

Moreover, the mental catalog of fauna continually updates itself. Whenever you explores a new planet, your mental catalog of the Faunas expands. This ensures that you always possess the most up-to-date information and can adapt to the unique creatures you encounter in alien worlds.