Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Esoteric and Abstract Powers/The Comforting Fragrance Of Death

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The Comforting Fragrance Of Death

Cost: 20 SP

Your blood has undergone a transformative change, becoming a potent and lethal substance specifically designed to neutralize and bring about the demise of immortal beings. This newfound ability empowers your blood to kill immortals, irrespective of the nature or source of their immortality, leaving no exceptions.

Infused with this toxic essence, your blood possesses a unique quality that proves fatal to those impervious to death. Even the most resilient immortal beings cannot withstand the venomous properties contained within your life-sustaining fluid. Upon contact with their bodies, your blood acts as a deadly poison, instantaneously nullifying their immortality and leading them towards their final rest. However, as a consequence of this extraordinary power, your body exudes a distinct and alluring scent through your sweat.

This captivating fragrance acts as a beckoning call to immortal beings, irresistibly drawing them towards you. They are instinctively compelled to seek out the source of this enchanting aroma, unknowingly enticed by your allure and approaching their own undoing. Moreover, the longer an immortal being remains in close proximity to you, basking in your intoxicating allure, the more they become obsessed with you. They develop an intense desire to protect you and keep you all for themselves, driven by an overwhelming infatuation that stems from the profound connection they feel towards your lethal essence.

Your body, once a vessel of life, has now become an irresistible elixir, seducing and ensnaring immortals with promises of an end to their unending existence. As they become entangled in your web of allure, they succumb to their obsession, their unwavering devotion turning them into staunch guardians, willing to go to great lengths to ensure your safety and preserve their exclusive claim to your deadly essence.