Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Technology and Artifice Power Upgrades/X.A.N.A Reborn (Essence Meta)

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X.A.N.A Reborn (Essence Meta)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Deus Est Machina (40k)

Required: Franz Hopper (Code Lyoko)

Your very soul now transcends the limitations of both your physical body and mind, existing simultaneously within every technology surrounding you in a 100 km area. Additionally, you gain the ability to possess biological entities for short periods, although making permanent changes to biological minds is more challenging and costly.

Each day, you generate a "charge" that can be utilized in various ways. You may spend a charge to enhance a specific aspect of your intelligence along a limited and focused axis. For example, you can double the size of your mind's or how fast you think, or your raw ability to do brute force calculations, or your ability to track abstractions, or any other focused, limited mental attribute that falls under 'intelligence.'

Alternatively, you can spend a charge to grant yourself a "power." Initially, these powers may be relatively limited, like a small force-field that can endure a few punches or gunshots. However, as you spend more charges, you can empower these abilities to become larger, stronger, or more sophisticated. Additionally, you can develop abilities that synergize with each other, allowing you to combine powers in efficient ways. The more you enhance a power, the more efficient it becomes, and the less it costs to incorporate it into other changes. For example, if you develop a power that creates or summons a kind of hunter drone, you might be able to add your force-field to that hunter-drone for a low cost in charges rather than having to develop that ability again. Moreover, you have the ability to warp reality in a broad and unstructured manner by using a charge. This allows you to move an entire city a couple feet to the right, or more drastically rearrange a smaller area like a neighborhood. You might cure sickness (or mitigate harder issue), or take a couple a couple months off someones age. Or you might warp a factory into producing new components of your own design, and inserting automation so no human is needed.

As your intelligence increases, your abilities, influence, and the potency of charges also grow simultaneously, but with diminishing returns.

Finally, you can use a charge to reverse time by 24 hours, which automatically happens if you are killed and possess any charges.