Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Objects of Power/Rod Of the Geomancer

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Rod Of the Geomancer

Cost: 15 SP

You have become bound to the Geomancers Rod, the material and shape of which can change and shift over time, but will always take the form of a rod that fits into your hand, it can be as long as you are tall, or as small as a standard wooden pencil. The rod allows you to sense the flows of geomantic Energy that underlie the world, different geographical areas produce different qualities of Geomantic energy such as somewhere with a large river having particularly fast flowing or maybe even chaotic and hard to control energy. It can also take on different elemental affinities depending on the environment, the shape of the land, or specific geographical features, with geographical features also directing how geomantic energy flows within its area.

Using the geomancers rod you can tap into this flow of geomantic energy and direct it for your own purpose in several ways, all of which are collectively called geomantic spells. Different locations with their different qualities and flow states of geomantic energy lend themselves better to different kinds of shaping, from the element that makes up the attack such as fire, water, or rock, as well as affecting your control over the spell and its final output. However physical force as an elemental effect can be used anywhere.

Geomantic Shaping is a short-duration direct application of geomantic energy such as a ranged magical attack like a rock blast or a fire bolt, or at its most basic, applications of raw physical force shaped in various ways.

Geomantic Workings are spells that are cast with ritual actions and preparations, which have longer or permanent durations, as well as having more complex effects such as warming a person's body directly instead of using shaping to wrap warmer winds around yourself and having to repeatedly cast that. The actions and preparations needed for each working is different and specific to each working. While you don't require any material components to cast a working you will need at least some amount of verbal and somatic actions that are repeated in specific ways.

Geomantic Locuses are geomantic energy structures that are created in the flow of geomantic energy using several layered Workings, a locus is a permanent energetic structure that is used to interact and change the flow of geomantic energy in the area in some way, like gathering and directing greater amounts of geomantic energy over a larger area or changing the quality of geomantic energy to better amplify and control the Shapings or Workings you are preforming better.

As you work with an area and its energy better, as well as developing more spells based on its energy you will be able to create from the staff small trinkets or additions to the rod that remain connected to it called Lenses, which allow you to channel the geomantic energy you are working with through to change its qualities to that of the are the Lens represents, this does have a small amount of energy lost in the quality change.

The geomancers rod also allows you to augment, alter, or just boost your other spells and magical actions with geomantic energy allowing you to use geomantic spells with those other magic system's mechanics and spells, or just augment the spells of the other system with geomantic energy.

Geomatic Architecture

Your gain the ability to view the flow of geomantic energies through the HUD rather than just being able to sense it, as well as being able to see the qualities present in that energy directly. You are able to design structures whos purpose is to effect geomantic flows in the same way that a Locus is able to, as well as augmenting the Locuses that you design specifically to interface with those structures. Structures designed for specific workings or categories of workings make those spells cheaper and more efficient to cast, and can allow for increased complexity in their effects. These augmented workings if cast onto the specifically designed structures are able to effect a much wider area.

Geomancer's Magitechnology

You can create physical additions designed to fit onto, around, or attached to the Rod of the Geomancer such as endcaps for staffs, toppers for canes, or handles for wands. These additions will change size with the Rod as it does, as well as being able to slot into the rod perfectly with the rod holding onto it better than any glue or screw, Theses addons can allow you to develop workings or spells that make use of the geography or environment based on the designs or based on the specific technology worked into the cane. The Rod will perfectly slot theses additions into the physical structure of itself always insuring things perfectly stay together and connected. These spells are specifically utility based in nature such as spells relating to cartography or divination tied to the local area. A compass could allow you to create spells that let you find specific Loci in the area, or allow you to magically draw out finely detailed maps of the area in question. The can could be designed to link back to a book to fill in with maps, or information about the area. The more familiar you are geomanticlly with the flow of the area, more information about the area you can divine such as underground water sources, or what sort of materials exist in the area. At the level of having a lens for a place you could even use it to locate specific items or people in the area with only the slightest information of what you are looking for.