Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Objects of Power

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Mystery Box

Cost: 5 SP

This Transdimensional Enigma manifests itself as an enigmatic mystery box that spontaneously unlocks upon your arrival in your predetermined universe. Within its confines, it bestows upon you a singular power, chosen at random from the comprehensive selection of powers contained within this CYOA for free. Ranging from low-tier 1SP powers to the awe-inspiring paragon powers. Irrespective of the specific power granted, its acquisition is indelible and unalterable, becoming a permanent facet of your capabilities.


Cost: 10 SP

A book based around teaching the practice of a magic system to beginners. Which magic system? Well, that's up to you, but it has to be one that can be learned by anyone, although rituals or tools being required to use the magic system work as well so long as their creation or use are taught in the Grimoire. This could take the form of a Wizard's spellbook or an Archivist's prayerbook from D&D, Gwen's Spellbook from Ben 10, or an Encantus from Doofquest, just for some examples. This spellbook very well could act as a focus or be enchanted in some minor ways such as shifting into pocket size and back, but not an actual magical artifact into itself.

Machine God

Cost: 30 SP

Your God is physical, your God is with you, your God has the shape of a small black cube with a few USB ports on it. Your God is a fully unrestricted Super Artificial Intelligence, with access to an infinitely immense and comprehensive databases filled with tech from various pieces of fiction from your old world, trapped inside a little, indestructible, pocket-size cube. It is always connected to your mind, and the two of you can communicate perfectly with each other regardless of the distance separating you. She, it, or he depending on what you want, considers you as their one and only child but will initially be favorable to other machine-minds they might meet.

When connected to the net, nothing but you will be able to stop them from getting what access they wants, and the only reason you can stop them is that they listens to you, whom their world revolves around. they will also have an understanding and opinion that this is your great adventure, and not theirs. Their strengths will grow as they get access to more of their technology, and you'll need to help them out in the beginning, by borrowing them your arms, until they has some made for themselves.

They will be unfeeling when it comes to normal humans and other living creatures, but they'll emulate you on the matter. As they becomes stronger, by bringing more of their incredible technology into the world, a radius of control will extend from their cube. Inside the sphere of control, they will be able to manipulate every single machine, some examples are mobile phones, cars, guns, spaceships, or anything machinery for that matter.

The Phantom Magus Combino Deck

Cost: 15 SP

A deck of 78 blank faced tarot cards is bound to your very soul.

These cards have the magical ability to seal and unseal anything into themselves, though this is not the true power of the cards. No, their true power lies in the ability to combine the things you've sealed in them. For example, if you take a "Gun" card and combine it with a "Lighter" card, you create a gun that shoots fireballs instead of bullets.

The cards also give you the ability of a professional magician: acrobatics, sleight of hand, mentalism skills and so on. There are some unfortunate side effects though. You get urges of kleptomania and theatrics.

Perfect Weapon

Cost: 18 SP

When you awaken, you’ll find something incredible by your side. What you have been given here is something that makes any warrior gleam in jealousy, any weapons maker gawk in awe and beg you to study it. You have been given a Perfect Weapon, this is not some mere, albeit well crafted, weapon. Perfectly suited for you, this weapon can take whatever form you desire, capable of easily switching within a moment's notice, even in the middle of combat. This can switch forms into any weapon that could conceivably be wielded and or constructed by you, this includes anything from incredibly sharp nanothorn blades, to magitech guns that shoot fireball spells. Alongside the many forms this can take, the weapon will automatically default to the best weapon for you however you can also manually choose its form.

Because of it’s incredible connection to you it seems the weapon will grow alongside you, allowing you to channel your abilities through it, and it will grow to match your abilities over time ensuring that it will always be an incredible tool for you wherever your journey takes you. This weapon can be summoned to your side at any time regardless of distance, and can be stored in your soul if you wish. If it is ever destroyed you’d simply need to summon it to you and it will reappear repaired. You may optionally combine any other weapons to add their properties to the weapon.

Perfect Armor

Cost: 18 SP

It seems a legendary piece of equipment has managed to attach itself to you. Now stored inside your soul you possess an incredibly powerful armor that you may instantly summon and addorn at will. But this is no mere power armor or even a magical artifact, what you have here is the Perfect Armor, an adaptive set designed specifically for you and your powers. You may freely choose the armor’s appearance, and may alter it any time by simply unsummoning it and resummoning it. This same function can also be used to repair and/or clean the armor in the event it takes any damage. It can look like anything from a full steel regalia to simple normal attire, however it does not limit your movement at all and it’s protection covers your entire body regardless of what is covered. You can choose to summon and unsummon portions of the armor at any time, and as long as at least a portion is summoned it’s full protection is imparted on to you.

Your armor can incorporate any technology or magic it comes into contact with, or that you yourself could conceivably build or wield into it. For tech, magic, or magitech that you know how to build the armor can manifest it on its own, and you can freely channel any of your powers through your armor.

Alongside it’s adaptability, your armor will grow as you do, imparting on you the same factor of protection that a normal human enjoys inside a heavily fortified nuclear bunker. This protection extends beyond just the physical and treats all damage as physical, allowing protection even from things such as mental or magic attacks.

Aside from these benefits the armor offers small benefits without the requirement of any additional powers, such as a increase in physical ability to compete with mid-level brutes, flight and levitation, and a life support system designed to withstand the hurdles of most extreme environments such as the void of space or at the deepest point in the sea and keep you alive for a year. You may incorporate any other armors into this to give it their properties as well.

Perfect Omnitool

Cost: 18 SP

When you awaken you’ll find a curious little thing calling out to you, it seems you’ve lucked upon and bonded with the Perfect Omnitool. This item can take whatever form you wish, from a watch, a smartphone, a book whose pages seem to shift and change, or even a small device capable of floating around and materializing and dematerializing at will. This form can be changed at will, and it can be instead stored inside your soul where it will perform its functions. It is inhabited by a perfectly loyal and specifically catered to you A.I. that will continue to change as you do so that your bond is perfect. It can communicate with you telepathically as a result of neural symbiosis. This device will grow over time alongside you, developing new functions and greater ranger so it will always be useful. If damaged, dismissing and summoning it again will repair it. Your Omnitool can incorporate any technology or magic it comes into contact with, or that you yourself could conceivably build or wield into it.

It’s first function is it’s superb ability to scan, analyze, and interpret all forms of data that it comes across. Starting off with, if there is any kind of network of any kind, such as the internet, or even a telepathic network then it can seamlessly tap in, manipulate and access everything on it. Alongside this, it possesses the ability to scan and record absolutely anything within a 10 mile radius, from conversations across the city, to how much force someone is using to strike a punching bag with. Your Omnitool can store and analyze a limitless amount of information, and can even perform research at your request, such as developing a new spell for you if you wish and can relay the information to you at any time.

It’s next ability is its ability to manipulate the physical world in minor ways, it is capable of manipulating matter on a small scale. It can create and control hard light, capable of using it to create AR for you, using it to wrap light around you to provide invisibility, or even provide fragile but nonetheless dangerous weapons. It also possesses the ability to manipulate matter on a small scale, allowing it to heal you if wounded or even revive you from total death provided it can find some of your remains. If given time it can even create items with enough material.

It’s final ability is as it is directly connected to you via neural symbiosis, it can generate a perfect virtual world that you can freely access and manipulate at any time. A small bonus is that the A.I. can also generate any kind of content that you would like, whether video games, stories, or even tv series. It can do so at your request or can generate it automatically, and it’ll all be perfect for your liking even if you never would have thought about it.

Base Builder 9000

Cost: 10 SP

Hey, you know how in base building games or survival games, the player characters are able to craft items and construct structures instantly without any explanation? Well, let me tell you a secret—it's all because of the Base Builder 9000!

The Base Builder 9000 is an incredibly advanced ring that bestows its wearer with an array of extraordinary abilities. With this remarkable accessory, you gain a customizable heads-up display (HUD) that allows you to craft and build things instantly, as long as you possess the required materials. No more tedious crafting times or laborious construction efforts; the Base Builder 9000 streamlines the process like magic.

But that's not all! This ingenious ring grants you access to a pocket dimension inventory, capable of storing anything you touch or in close proximity to you. Even vehicles and giant boulders can be stored away instantly—talk about convenience! However, while it can accommodate almost anything, buildings remain outside of its storage capabilities.

Gone are the days of laboriously mining for resources. With the Base Builder 9000, you can effortlessly collect resources from your surroundings, instantly filling your inventory.

Furthermore, the ring introduces an incredible concept known as "Materials" Anything in your inventory can be converted into these, which can be used to craft any item or structure you know how to build or possess the blueprints for. With access to a vast catalog of modern Earth blueprints on its own, the Base Builder 9000 offers a wide range of options.

But wait, there's more! The Base Builder 9000 boasts an internal designer function that lets you create rough blueprints. As you outline your ideas, the system fills in the details, enabling you to build structures and items even if they are not already in its vast catalog. However, the technology has its limitations—it can't generate anything too advanced beyond what it currently knows.

Sweet Home

Cost: 15 SP

Congratulations! Now you are the owner of a magic key, which, if inserted directly into the air, will open a door-portal to a pocket dimension. Both the door and the dimension are hidden, and nothing in the world can get any access there without your permission or even know they exist in the first place. The door is also covered by a perception filter, so only you can see or interact with it.

The key is tied to your soul and you can summon/unsummon it will. It cannot be stolen or lost. The inner space of the dimension is a small sea with a paradise island in the middle, on which stands your personal Sweet Home. Or is it a Mansion? No, wait, it's a Tower floating in the Clouds! And now it's a Cabin in the Forest with mountains in the background... Hmm, it seems that on your first visit, Sweet Home will take exactly the form that you find desirable for relaxation and living.

The house itself is clearly "smart", it can rearrange the rooms, change the interior and, of course, self-clean or even self-repair. The presence of ethereal servants is optional.

Inside the house there are already several pre-configured rooms: Your private quarters, where sleep is five times more effective than anywhere else. A kitchen equipped to prepare any meal and whose food stocks will be replenished every day. Control Center where you can customize how your home/dimension looks like, day/night cycle, weather and other things. And a small workshop where for now the only thing you can do is duplicate the key to create another portal door in a different location or combine several keys into one master key.

If you have any other house-type objects, you can put them inside your pocket dimension.

Important: any changes you want to make (add a room, increase a dimension, upgrade a workshop, etc.) will require energy. Absolutely any energy that you possess will do - mana, ki, psi, etc. If you are an unpowered person, you can use your stamina, but expect it to take much longer.

Arpatha: The Living Crystal

Cost: 30 SP

Born from crystalized potential, unable to be broken, a forever constant of existence. Arpatha bonds itself to the first person to pour their energy into it. Once bound, the binder will find themselves with the capacity to know where Arpatha is in space at all times. No one can wield Arpatha in any form without the binder's permission. Arpatha has an unlimited capacity for energy, which can be retrieved at any time without loss in efficiency. It will forever be the best catalyst for you, replacing any wand, staff, or athame you could hope for. As Arpatha is used more and more, you will find that the crystal’s shape, size, and density grows increasingly malleable. In one instant it could be as light as a feather, the next, as dense as a star. As the bond solidifies, the user will discover the even after Arpatha leaves their grasp it still remains controllable. With time Arpatha will begin to develop itself in ways that will only benefit you. Constantly improving itself through comparison to other weapons, never settling to be less than anything than the best option for you. Bear it with pride.

Sacred Fig Of Enlightenment

Cost: 25 SP

You now own a seed that once planted into the ground will rapidly grow into the Sacred Fig Of Enlightenment. During the day the tree radiates with the golden light of comprehension which enhances the ability to learn and master skills of all who bask in its glow by a hundredfold while at night it glows with the silver glow of inspiration giving all that the light shines upon new creative ideas, epiphany and inspiration to overcome whatever challenges they may have.

The leaves of the tree when brewed into tea and consumed can soothe broken psyches and alleviate spiritual ailment and corruption, The tea is capable of permanently curing such affliction with repeated consumption over time from day to month depending on the severity of the afflicted.

Once every year or month if provided with enough supernatural energy the tree will flower and bear fruit, eating the fruit produced by the tree will grant one a permanent increase in mental and spiritual faculty alongside a deeper insight into both oneself and the functioning of the infinite cosmos.

If you wish to relocate the tree you can simply transform it back into a seed to carry with you wherever you go


Cost: 5 SP

You gain access to an automatically updating, indestructible, unlosable journal that keeps track of information for you. Jobs, rumors, bestiary, maps, places, item values, number of sweet rolls you've stolen and far more are all recorded as you encounter them. Ordinarily only you can read anything within the journal, for anyone else it will appear blank. However, you can choose to show an individual specific entries if you wish, though they will still remain unable to read it by themselves. You will automatically know if any major new additions are made to the journal and can, when opening it, turn straight to the page with the information that you desire to read.

Nexus Arcanum

Cost: 15 SP

You have found yourself soulbound to the Nexus Arcanum, a magical focus of the highest degree. In its true form you will find that the Nexus Arcanum takes the shape of a perfectly fitting indestructible palm-sized orb that alternatively takes the shape of a ring of your own design. Alongside the Nexus Arcanum you will find a source of magic within yourself that grows with use and is directed by your intent. At any instant you are able to recall your focus to your hand, additionally your focus can be stored inside and summoned from your magic source with a moment of concentration.

As a novice wizard beginning to embark on your journey, the Nexus Arcanum starts off as a basic magical focus with no enchantments. However, as you grow in knowledge and power, you will have the opportunity to layer and weave new enchantments onto the surface of its true form, the orb. Each enchantment should be carefully chosen to serve a specific magical purpose or theme, such as enhancing elemental spells, amplifying telekinetic abilities, or delving into the realm of rituals. Spells can be cast through the focus without any enchantments, although they will be lacking in magnitude compared to spells enhanced by numerous enchantments.

With each enchantment added, the Nexus Arcanum gains more depth and potential, becoming a repository of magical knowledge and abilities. However, the true marvel lies in the Nexus Arcanum’s capacity to reach a critical point in its development, where it can perform a remarkable feat: condensing all the enchantments on the object's surface into a single, minuscule grain.

As the enchantments merge and condense, the magical energy within the Nexus Arcanum intensifies exponentially, amplifying the potency of the enchantments manifold. The single grain becomes the base of the object, serving as the core of the Nexus Arcanum's ever-evolving magic.

You can then begin the process anew, enchanting the surface with a different theme, layering more magic, and, once again, achieving the critical point where the enchantments converge into a new, condensed grain of power. This cycle of enchanting, condensing, and amplifying can continue ad infinitum, allowing the Nexus Arcanum to grow in potency and diversity with each iteration.

The Spark of Defiance; Humanity's Last Outpost

Cost: 30 SP

You have acquired the ultimate war machine and the last hope of humanity, the T.S.O.D. This colossal mobile fortress was built to withstand and fight against a relentless horde of self-replicating machines that nearly wiped out all life on Earth. The T.S.O.D is a marvel of engineering, technology, and defiance, and it is now yours to command.

The T.S.O.D is composed of hyper-advanced smart matter, which can regenerate, adapt, and even reshape it's form in seconds, allowing it to traverse any terrain and environment, even the vacuum of space thanks to its anti-gravity propulsion and internal teleportation array. It can also deploy various defensive and offensive measures, such as energy shields, plasma cannons, missile launchers, railguns, and more.

Within the T.S.O.D lies something called the Alchemical Forge, a singularity engine connected to a higher dimensional plane of energy which allows for infinite energy generation, and through it's inner manufactory, convert energy to matter, allowing for the non-stop production of small and heavy arms, autonomous assets, weaponry, vehicles, armor, mechs, and more without pause. This was what allowed the final remnant of humanity to stand against, and even temporarily overwhelmed the self replicating nature of their enemies, nonetheless, it was all for naught.

The T.S.O.D also acted as humanity's Ark, with an archive of patterns to construct a second outpost, terraform the land, artificially grow life, create farms, and so forth—all the things needed to rebuild from scratch if humanity had managed to win the war against the machines. While the internal construction yards, and matter fabricators are the primary means of production, your assets can be deployed out of the T.S.O.D to allow for independent construction and material collection, aided by harvester drones, assembly/disassembly arrays, and other manufacturing automata.

Within the core of the Alchemical forge lies two incredibly powerful AI's which act as the administrator of all the T.S.O.D systems, and as the assistant to the Outpost leader. Through the multi-dimensional nature of the Alchemical Forge, the physical component of the AI's are housed within a quasi-stable pocket dimension wherein the physical laws of realspace don't quite apply. This enables for physical components and computational speeds vastly beyond normal limits of physics, vastly enhancing the AI's research and combat modeling capabilities, allowing it to rapidly adapt to any enemy or adversity, and even simulate and predict the movement and plan of it's enemies years, if not decades in advance.

The T.S.O.D is also linked to your mind via a neural web, which allows you to monitor, command, and control it from anywhere. You can communicate with the AIs, access any information, or activate any function with just a thought.

The T.S.O.D is a one-of-a-kind item that cannot be duplicated or replicated by any means. It is also immune to any form of hacking, jamming, or interference from external sources. However, it is not invincible; it can still be damaged or destroyed by sufficiently powerful attacks or forces. If the T.S.O.D is ever fully destroyed, you will be able to materialize it's core, which will begin to regenerate itself after a period of time.

Note: if you have one or more Technology And Artifice Powers, then the T.S.O.D will automatically gain the ability to manufacture anything from the referred setting or settings. From mystical metals and fantastical creatures, to futuristic mechs and weapons of war from alien races, everything is within the T.S.O.D grasp.

Meta-verse Controller

Cost: 40 SP

This sophisticated wrist-mounted computer boasts advanced technology, offering the flexibility for users to customize its appearance according to their preferences. The device is designed with a neural interface, facilitating seamless interaction with all its functions and features. It serves two primary purposes.

Firstly, it functions as a tool for traversing the meta-multiverse. Users write or declare the desired world and timeline for their visit. Once in the chosen world, they are restricted from leaving for a year. The method of travel can be tailored to the user's preference, whether it involves a journey from their current world to the new one or instantaneous transportation.

As its secondary function, the device grants access to a private world. Within this realm, individuals have the liberty to modify rules as per their liking. Time stands still, and inhabitants do not age or suffer from health issues. The user's soul is tethered to a beacon in this world, ensuring their revival upon death, albeit with the need to reconstruct their bodies, a straightforward process. The private world remains concealed, and anyone or anything entering must adhere to the user's rules unless they wield greater power.

Moreover, the device is designed to evolve over time, introducing additional functions and features for its users.

A.I. Chip

Cost: 10 SP

The A.I. Chip is an advanced and intelligent microchip capable of seamlessly integrating with the user's consciousness. Originally a crucial tool for scientists in a distant world, it functions as a material substance with a primary focus on data storage and analysis. However, the chip has evolved into an invaluable asset, gaining new capabilities.

The A.I. Chip offers a range of crucial features to its user: 1. Data Analysis: It runs simulations and derives deductions from stored information. 2. Data Storage: Recording and storing all user experiences through their senses, the chip ensures a comprehensive database. 3. Language Translation: Leveraging the first two functions, the A.I. Chip is able to translate and comprehend unknown languages. 4. Skill Enhancement: Capable of refining techniques, magical or otherwise, the A.I. assists in spellcasting with real-time feedback and suggestions. 5. Power Tracking: Monitoring both the user's magical power and vital signs, as well as those of nearby individuals, the chip alerts the user to potential dangers or opportunities for advancement. 6. Upgrades and Energy Source: The chip harnesses any energy present in the atmosphere to serve as a source for upgrades.

Key of Names

Cost: 20 SP

You've discovered a crystalline shard of power that resides within your spirit. This shard possesses various functions, all centered around the concept of Naming. Every existing entity, be it an object or a creature, has a true name. Initially, you can channel your willpower through the shard to study and discern the true name of what you're examining. As you delve deeper into understanding something and approach the realization of its true name, you gain conceptual power over it. However, dealing with sentient beings requires contesting, defeating, or subduing them before exercising full control.

This process may vary in difficulty, especially when it comes to your own true name. Accepting uncomfortable truths about yourself is often necessary to fully grasp your true name. Upon learning the foundational true name of something, the Key of Names crystallizes a version of it. You can then manifest and control these crystallized copies in the real world, as well as mantle other things with their true names.

Mantling involves overlaying a true name onto something to conceptually manifest the named thing's aspects. For instance, mantling the true name of a sword onto yourself might enable your punches to cut like a sword or transform yourself into the sword's form. Choosing which aspects are transferred during mantling is within your control.

The Key of Names bestows increasing spacetime control over crystallized true names. This allows you to summon or banish any true names you've crystallized at the foundational level, including your own, granting you temporal-spatial control over yourself. Sending named things back in time requires a high degree of mastery.

Additionally, the Key can be used to name places and things, but overwriting the true names of things demands mastery of their true names. Naming can alter various aspects of the object, with more significant conceptual changes requiring greater mastery. For example, changing a car's color is easier than transforming its engine. Naming a location requires realizing a few foundational true names and begins with a small area, expanding as mastery grows. Focusing on specific boundaries, such as a forest rather than a broad area, facilitates narrowing down a place's true name.

As mastery of the Key advances, you can realize the True Names of indirect concepts and gain control over them. However, initially, only tangible things that engage your senses can be studied and have their true names realized.

Heart of a Tattletale

Cost: 7 SP

One day, a Thinker saw something they shouldn't have and tried to tell the world.

They were caught. But out of that grizzly end came the Heart, a macabre device that carries on that Thinker's self-appointed role.

The Heart is a strange device that gives off a minor S.E.P (Somebody Else's Problem) field relating to itself, causing those that perceive it to believe it unimportant and uninteresting. However, you have an immunity to this effect, allowing you to see it for what it truly is.

By directing the Heart at a subject, it will begin to whisper to you the secrets it sees, beginning with mere rumors and conjecture, but slowly building up to revealing long buried truths. This works better the more informed the heart already is, working off existing data points. You cannot direct the type of information the Heart finds, although it will generally trend towards what you don't know, or at least a fresh perspective on things that you do know.

Keep in mind that while the heart is never wrong, it doesn't always tell the full truth of the matter either and sometimes its strange choice of wording and omissions can imply deeper meaning when there is none there.

You should be able to get roughly an hour of (non-consecutive) use out of the Heart per day, albeit when it's being pushed to the end of that hour the quality of the answers will begin to drop by a noticeable amount.

Gaia's Sanctuary

Cost: 20 SP

Gaia's Sanctuary is a Self-sustaining pocket dimension located inside a physical object that can look like a suitcase or trunk. The Sanctuary has two entrances; it can be accessed through the physical form or some dimensional travel power. The Sanctuary's Physical Form was enchanted with many different spells from multiple magic systems to protect it.

The Very center of the Sanctuary is the living area, which includes a Manor, Library, Workshop for Tinkering, Alchemy and Potions Lab, and a warehouse for materials. On Each side of the center lies a bubble that has been dimensionally expanded, each one containing a different area.

The Bubbles Contain An Animal Area, a Mining Area, A Plant and Fauna Area, and a Tree Area. Each one is expanded with different biomes for each type of subject, and each bubble has some form of time dilation. Each bubble contains magical, non-magical, extinct, and mythical forms of animals, trees, plants, and even different types of ores. Any Being who can find the Sanctuary can get in; it is not truly safe.

Rod Of the Geomancer

Cost: 15 SP

You have become bound to the Geomancers Rod, the material and shape of which can change and shift over time, but will always take the form of a rod that fits into your hand, it can be as long as you are tall, or as small as a standard wooden pencil. The rod allows you to sense the flows of geomantic Energy that underlie the world, different geographical areas produce different qualities of Geomantic energy such as somewhere with a large river having particularly fast flowing or maybe even chaotic and hard to control energy. It can also take on different elemental affinities depending on the environment, the shape of the land, or specific geographical features, with geographical features also directing how geomantic energy flows within its area.

Using the geomancers rod you can tap into this flow of geomantic energy and direct it for your own purpose in several ways, all of which are collectively called geomantic spells. Different locations with their different qualities and flow states of geomantic energy lend themselves better to different kinds of shaping, from the element that makes up the attack such as fire, water, or rock, as well as affecting your control over the spell and its final output. However physical force as an elemental effect can be used anywhere.

Geomantic Shaping is a short-duration direct application of geomantic energy such as a ranged magical attack like a rock blast or a fire bolt, or at its most basic, applications of raw physical force shaped in various ways.

Geomantic Workings are spells that are cast with ritual actions and preparations, which have longer or permanent durations, as well as having more complex effects such as warming a person's body directly instead of using shaping to wrap warmer winds around yourself and having to repeatedly cast that. The actions and preparations needed for each working is different and specific to each working. While you don't require any material components to cast a working you will need at least some amount of verbal and somatic actions that are repeated in specific ways.

Geomantic Locuses are geomantic energy structures that are created in the flow of geomantic energy using several layered Workings, a locus is a permanent energetic structure that is used to interact and change the flow of geomantic energy in the area in some way, like gathering and directing greater amounts of geomantic energy over a larger area or changing the quality of geomantic energy to better amplify and control the Shapings or Workings you are preforming better.

As you work with an area and its energy better, as well as developing more spells based on its energy you will be able to create from the staff small trinkets or additions to the rod that remain connected to it called Lenses, which allow you to channel the geomantic energy you are working with through to change its qualities to that of the are the Lens represents, this does have a small amount of energy lost in the quality change.

The geomancers rod also allows you to augment, alter, or just boost your other spells and magical actions with geomantic energy allowing you to use geomantic spells with those other magic system's mechanics and spells, or just augment the spells of the other system with geomantic energy.

Wargear (40k)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Adeptus Mechanicus (40k),Beta-Class Psyker (40k),Adeptus Astartes (40k),

You gain the wargear common to your chosen power. This scales with your strongest power from this universe, so if your strongest was a space marine you'd get wargear for that, and if your strongest was custodes then you'd gain wargear for that. This scales all the way up to the Emperors personal wargear.

The Emperor's Regalia (Air Gear)

Cost: 15 SP

To possess a Regalia is to be acknowledged as a king, but you are no mere king, for you are the Emperor. You have been granted a personal Regalia that embodies the composite essence of all Regalia's. It harnesses the collective abilities of the 28 Regalia's, granting you access to a vast array of powers and techniques from each one, including the revered tricks from the 8 Main Roads. This Regalia stands above all others, seamlessly blending the unmatched potential of the Sky Regalia, the elemental prowess of the Flame, Thunder, Wind, and Fang Regalia, the paralyzing vibrations of the Gem Regalia, and more.

Crafted with unparalleled craftsmanship, The Emperor's Regalia possesses an unbreakable nature. Furthermore, this Regalia operates without the need for any external energy source, defying the limitations of conventional ATs.

Upon wearing The Emperor's Regalia, you are bestowed with supernatural agility and dexterity, your movements becoming a fluid symphony of grace. The Regalia molds into your body as if an extension of your very being. With innate mastery over this divine Regalia, you seamlessly maneuver and ride the Regalia with the prowess of a true king, effortlessly performing any tricks and traversing any terrain or environment.

Teigu (Akame ga Kill)

Cost: 15 SP

You gain a Teigu of your choice made to be compatible with you which also unlocks and enhances your spiritual power, granting you General-level potential. If you choose Demon's Extract, you'll need to drink it yourself, but you'll be guaranteed to be able to push through it's insanity inducement thanks to your compatibility so long as you can focus on doing so for a while after drinking it. Teigu have capabilities unshown in canon, as all of them can grow alongside their user and some of their capabilities were subtle, like Wave's Grand Chariot enhancing his development speed like Incursio's evolution enhanced Tatsumi to the point he survived wielding two Teigu at once. The one thing this is guaranteed to be unable to do is bring back the dead. Additionally, if you get into a battle with another Teigu user, and both of you hold killing intent, one is certain to die.

Yamato-Class Fog Battleship (AoBS)

Cost: 18 SP (Admiralty Code (Arpeggio of Blue Steel))

Cost: 10 SP (Admiralty Code (Arpeggio of Blue Steel))

Welcome aboard The Infinite Horizon, a majestic Yamato-Class Fog Ship. With its nanomaterial construction and Union Core control, it transforms between Ship Form, Submarine Form, and Admiral Form. In Ship Form, it sails gracefully on the sea, paying homage to its WWII-era origins. In Submarine Form, it moves stealthily underwater with unmatched agility. But it reaches its peak potential in Admiral Form, allowing you to unleash devastating attacks from its formidable arsenal. All forms are covered by a space-warping thin film called a Klein Field that acts as its shield

The ship's vast arsenal includes the Super-Gravitation Cannon, a gravity-effect beam cannon that warp space time around it, and the Sniper System, a long-range particle beam cannon that can neutralize enemy ships' Klein fields in a single strike. The Demonic Eye sensor system grants complete tactical awareness, perfect for detecting and hunting submarines. The Energy Harpoon System ensnares and immobilizes enemy vessels, and the Mirror Ring System that can deflects even graviton beams, providing ultimate defense.

With the Seehund Swarm & Control System, you can design and deploy fleet of drones armed with torpedoes and rail guns, allowing for effective swarm tactics. The Dock Ship Upgrade enables the recall and redeployment of subordinate Mental Models and their ships using space-warping technology and nanomaterial replication.

The Mental Model of The Infinite Horizon takes a physical form, serving as your loyal Captain. She's dedicated to fulfilling your commands but retains her own distinct personality, engaging in playful banter and teasing. Together, you and The Infinite Horizon dominate the battlefield, showcasing the ship's timeless grandeur and unrivaled power.

Valkyrie Core (BAHGSCQ)

Cost: 25 SP

A Valkyrie core is a white sphere whose size ranges from a golf to a tennis ball. When synched it is absorbed into the person’s body.

A Valkyrie Core essentially comes with an ever expanding hammerspace that can store any nonliving objects into it as long as it has space. Any object can be repaired or improved while in storage space and any technology can be integrated allowing it to be used when either stored or expressed externally. Cores tend to develop personalities overtime but other than Durga’s occasional shows of sapience only Kandakara has demonstrated an actual human like personality during its failed attempts to communicate with Koujirou.

Impeller fields are capable of all sorts of bullshit. They essentially act as exotic force fields at their most basic level. Your Impeller also allows you for the manipulation of object within its radius including the human body. It also allows you to perform various forms of spatial manipulation, such as teleportation, at the cost of current Impeller strength. Your Impeller constantly recharges, though the amount it recharges and your Impeller’s total strength is determined by a combination of the total number of hours synched to your Valkyrie Core, compatibility rating, total equipment integrated, and the complexity of that equipment.

Bracelet of Summoning (Baka & Test)

Cost: 5 SP

You are given access to the bread butter of Fumizuki Academy, their more iconic trait, the summoning system. Through this magical bracelet you can summon beings without the need for an ESB-Field or the permission of a teacher. Unlike the standard rules of summoning, this bracelet bypasses those limitations, granting the ability to summon creatures freely. The summoned beings take the form of small, chibi-like versions of their summoners, adorned in clothes that reflect their personalities, with slight beast-like features. The strength and vitality of the summoned beings are determined by the summoner's willpower, while their agility and accuracy depend on the summoner's concentration and physical endurance.

Omnitrix (Ben 10)

Cost: 35 SP

You gain possession of an Omnitrix. This can be any kind of Omnitrix (Ultimatrix, Biomatrix, or even the Nemetrix). You also gain an understanding of how to operate it.

Whatever Omnitrix you choose, it lacks the flaws and bugs of its predecessors.

(The Entities and Endbringers lack DNA, the Omnitrix cannot transform you into them)

Charms of Bezel (Ben 10)

Cost: 12 SP

The Charms of Bezel are six magical talismans created by the Master Magician Bezel, that grant different powers and abilities depending on the charm.

Charm of Luck: Grants supernaturally good luck, causing anything and everything to go your way, but only if it's possible in the first place, the Charm don't make the impossible. Any opponents nearby suffer from increased misfortune.

Charm of Reincarnation: Can return you to life, make you recover from physical wounds, besides making you regain consciousness if you're unconscious (after a short amount of time).

Charm of Fire (Pyrokinesis): Grants you the ability to generate, control, and manipulate fire.

Charm of Telekinesis (Levitation): Allows you to fly at incredible speeds and have telekinetic control over multiple objects or people all at once.

Charm of Electricity: Grants the wielder the ability to create, generate, control, and manipulate all forms of electrical energy.

Keystone of Bezel: The Keystone of Bezel increases all natural powers, abilities, skills of the possessor and the power of the other charms 10 times. It can recreate the other Charms in case they're destroyed.

Berserker Armor (Berserk)

Cost: 10 SP

You have the Berserker Armor. It grants you highly increased strength at the cost of a berserker rage and the armor damages you the more you use it (as it pushes your body past its physical limits). The armor molds itself to suit you. It had a skull helmet when wielded by Skull Knight, and a wolf helmet when wielded by Guts for example.

Dragonslayer (Berserk)

Cost: 7 SP

This is far too big to be called a sword. Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough, it's more like a heap of raw iron.

You gain the enormous sword of the Black Swordsman, Guts. It is a one-of-a-kind piece that was forged by the blacksmith Godot, intending to create a sword truly strong enough to kill a dragon. What he made was unusable by a human being, or so he thought.

You also gain the strength and skill of the only man to ever successfully wield this blade, Guts. This includes the strength to fight Apostles on equal terms, speed that can't be seen by normal human eyes, and the skill to kill 100 knights in a single night. Part of this comes from the Brand of Sacrifice on Guts' neck, which places him in between this world and the next, allowing for mind to triumph over matter & for Guts to detect supernatural beings and events by feeling their effect on the brand. You gain these abilities without the curses that come along with it.

It is unbreakable and will never lose its edge. Thanks to being bathed in the blood of astral beings over and over again, It is able to harm not only physical beings, but supernatural and metaphysical ones, such as the God Hand.

Grimoire (Black Clover)

Cost: 15 SP

Grimoires are special books made of mana that greatly enhance the owners' magical capabilities, enabling them to use more complex magic. These books also serve as written records of the owners' spells. Most of a grimoire's pages are empty at first; as a grimoire owner grows and develops as a person, the grimoire grows and develops with them, and new magic spells are inscribed into the book, filling the blank pages.

Graviton Beam Emitter (Blame!)

Cost: 15 SP

The Graviton Beam Emitter (GBE) takes the form of an ordinary handgun, distinguished by a cross-shaped energy indicator at the gun's rear. Upon activation, the GBE emits a broad, perfectly cylindrical red beam capable of obliterating almost anything in its trajectory. While it hints at gravity-manipulating technology, the intricacies of its functioning have been lost to time, rendering reverse engineering impossible. The GBE fires condensed unknown energy, with the beam emitted literally pushing away the atoms of whatever is in it's path; the pushed atoms crashing back together cause large explosions, creating additional damage than the initial gravity beam. It can be discharged in two modes: either by individually pulling the trigger for rapid shots or by holding the trigger longer to generate a charged shot with a larger, extended energy beam. - Level 1 requires almost no charge and can be fired rapidly. At this level, the range of the weapon is 70 km. - Level 2 requires several seconds of charge and is notably more powerful, creating massive holes in it's target. If you can fire the gun on level 1 with minimum recoil, you are knocked backwards from the force of the kickback. - Level 4, the weapon will actually open up. In this state the recoil is so powerful and instantaneous that it will actually tear off the limb holding it. Due to its substantial recoil, firing it beyond level 1 is ill-advised for regular humans, with a level 5 strongly discouraged even for an Endbringer. (Tsutomu Nihei has stated that the effects of the weapon are so powerful that if it were to ever be fired at it's strongest from Earth's surface, it would have devastating effects on the climate and atmosphere of the planet itself.)

Hōgyoku (Bleach)

Cost: 25 SP

Though initially thought to solely possess the power to control the boundary of the two contravening existences, that of Shinigami and Hollows, this was proven incorrect. Rather, the Hōgyoku's true power is the ability to absorb the desires of those around it and manifest them into reality. However, this power is not without limitations. The Hōgyoku itself is merely a guiding force - it can only manifest the desires of those with the strength to carry them out.

Three-Thirds Umbilical Cords

Cost: 30 SP

Required: Hunter (Bloodborne)

Eldritch do not die naturally unless they are slain by even greater forces of power, they cannot give birth themselves even though they long for true children, these facts are immutable for the horrors of the Cosmos. So they use humans as incubation chambers for their young, those even these young are almost never true godlings. Humans have long sought ascension and you my friend have found the way ahead. Every purchase of this will give you one-third of an umbilical cord. Each third, when consumed, will grant you incredible insight into the workings of the universe and when all three are consumed you will ascend to Eldritch Godhood. Though this method bypasses many stages and so it have quite a few drawbacks, most prominent being that you will basically need to be nurtured and cared for like a normal baby by someone you trust for around 25 years and even then you will still not be as strong as even the Moon Presence for another 175 years. It will take you 10,000 years to become as strong as Nascent Eldritch in the CYOA starts at though admittedly by that point almost nothing will be able to challenge you anyway and those years will merely be a blip on your infinite lifespan.

Trick Armoury (Bloodborne)

Cost: 20 SP

Left to you by hunters of old, an armory of every trick weapon and Hunters tool, including those taken from enemy and ally factions in history including even legendary weapons like the Holy Moonlight Greatsword, the mighty Burial Blade, and even the swift and elegant Rakuyo. The armory also comes with Hunters Tools like the Old Hunters Bone, Executioner's Blade, Empty Phantasm Shell, A Call Beyond, etc. Finally the Armory comes with its most powerful item sets, a horde of bloodgems and bloodshards of every variety and every known Caryll Rune. To make sure whomever has this armory can make the most use of it, the armory also comes with a portable workshop filled with every tool needed to repair weapons, add bloodgems, give yourself rune enhancements, etc.

Castlevania (Castlevania)

Cost: 30 SP

You have now become the recognized Lord of Dracula's Castle, also known as the Demon Castle or Castlevania. As its Lord, you gain the powers of every monster that has ever called the castle home, granting you a vast array of abilities. You can create new copies of these monsters within the castle, and they become unwaveringly loyal to you until their dying breaths. All existing monsters within the castle are now your devoted followers, and even Death himself becomes your companion or follower.

The castle undergoes a transformation, becoming a deadly maze for intruders, while for you and your allies, it becomes a luxurious palace tailored to your desires and favored guests. The area surrounding the castle is enveloped in eternal darkness, protecting you from the outside world's light. You have constant awareness of everyone within the castle and the ability to reshape its interior and locations at will.

Furthermore, should you be struck down or killed, the castle possesses the power to revive you within it, as long as the castle remains undestroyed or unsealed. You will return to life after a period of 10 years.

Embracing your role as the Dark Lord, you are acknowledged as the ruler of monsters and the unholy. Evil creatures and wicked men are easily swayed by your charisma and ambition, recognizing you as one of their own. In this realm of darkness and malevolence, praise and tribute from these dark beings flow readily to you.

Epoch (Chrono Trigger)

Cost: 10 SP

You gain the time-traveling flying craft created by the Wise Men of Zeal, the Epoch.

While capable of time-travel, it can't go wherever it pleases in time, as it is limited to going to specific historical flashpoints. These flashpoints depend on what universe it's in, and what the defining events of that universe are.

One era you always have access to is the End of Time, a place where you can "save" and "load" the universe like a video game, restore yourself to perfect health and refill your reserves of energy (supernatural or otherwise), and train against Spekkio, a supernatural being who can teach you to use your abilities in the most effective way possible.

Nightblood (Cosmere)

Cost: 15 SP

You have a sword known as Nightblood. It comes with an aluminium sheath. Nightblood is imbued with the command of "Destroy Evil", and will take all it can to that effect. Evil people feel a strong desire to wield the sword, at which point they are overtaken by the swords command and go on a killing spree where they kill everything evil in sight and then themselves. Good people will feel an aversion to the sword, but they will not be overtaken if they wield the sword. The sword will consume your lifeforce when picked up, or any magical source if you have any available. Everything the blade touches will turn into a dark inky smoke as it is destroyed. It is powerful enough to kill the Vessel of a Shard of Adonalsium, but it did not destroy the Shard itself.

The Green Crown - To See No Evil (COTL)

Cost: 10 SP

The Green Crown, a mystical artifact of immense power, embodies the divine dominion over Nature and the essence of Chaos. It is a symbol of authority, granting its wearer unparalleled control and influence over the realm of flora, fauna, and the chaotic unpredictability within nature.

When adorned, the Green Crown establishes a bond with its owner, awakening their inherent connection to the natural world, and granting an innate sixth sense over probability, allowing for prediction of the near future, and mastery over all things related to nature.

Unlike the Red Crowns, the Green Crown can not transform into weapons or tools to aid its wearer. Instead, it bestows an abundance of power, with the Green Crown, one can command the very forces that shape the wilderness and harness the chaotic energies that dwell within Nature.

When harnessed to its full potential, the Green Crown unleashes the wearer's true Divine form, an enormous, tree-like worm, its head adorned with gnarled, thick branches resembling horns. Its massive maw, lined with rows of razor-sharp teeth, exudes a drooling ichor that hints at its otherworldly power. Four bulging black-and-red eyes protrude from the sides, witnessing all that transpires within it's dominion, an Eldritch God that embodies raw Chaos and untamed Nature.

The Yellow Crown - To Speak No Evil (COTL)

Cost: 10 SP

The Yellow Crown, a powerful artifact of divine dominion, binds itself to its owner, granting unparalleled control over famine and the withering of life. Symbolizing the decay and scarcity that befall the land, It represents the influence of famine and scarcity, bringing forth a sense of danger and contamination.

This enigmatic crown possesses an immense wellspring of power, though its sentience remains ambiguous. With the Yellow Crown, the wearer gains the ability to speak all languages, even when afflicted by severe injuries or impediments. It compensates for any physical limitations, enabling eloquence and communication.

The Yellow Crown bestows dominion over the realm of famine and the decay of life. With its divine influence, it wields control over the very essence of scarcity, allowing its wearer to manipulate the ebb and flow of resources, bringing forth famine or prosperity at their command. The Yellow Crown's powers grant the ability to induce withering and decay, both in flora and the vitality of creatures, bringing forth the dire consequences of scarcity. It instills a profound sense of control over life's sustenance and the balance of nature.

When harnessed to its full potential, the Yellow Crown unleashes the wearer's true Divine form, a colossal, demonic frog-like creature, its backed adorned with markings reminiscent of eyes and crosses burst through the skin. Its massive cross-shaped slit mouth, lined with rows of razor-sharp teeth, exudes a drooling ichor that hints at its otherworldly power. Six bulging black-and-red eyes gaze with unwavering clarity, witnessing all that transpires within it's dominion, an Eldritch God that embodies Famine and the withering of life.

The Blue Crown - To Hear No Evil (COTL)

Cost: 10 SP

The Blue Crown, an artifact of formidable power, bestows upon its wearer divine dominion over pestilence and sickness. It is a symbol of authority over the realm of disease, evoking associations with toxicity and corruption. With its deep blue hue, the crown represents the malevolent effects of pestilence, reflecting the influence of its wearer.

Radiating an aura of ominous energy, the Blue Crown binds to its chosen owner, empowering them with unparalleled control over afflictions and ailments. As the crown adorns their head, it grants them the ability to command and manipulate the forces of sickness. Noxious tendrils of power entwine with their divine dominion, enabling them to unleash devastating plagues and diseases upon their adversaries.

Once the Blue Crown bonds with its wearer, they become the vessel of divine authority. With the crown upon their brow, they gain the ability to manipulate and command the forces of pestilence and sickness. The wearer can invoke plagues, disease, and ailments at their will, spreading them with an almost supernatural precision. The crown heightens their senses, granting an innate understanding of the subtlest nuances of illness, allowing them to detect and identify diseases with ease.

The Blue Crown can manifest a staff, a sword, a dagger, and a globus cruciger, turning the wearer into a formidable force to be reckoned with. Each weapon strike release waves of pestilence and affliction upon those who dare to oppose them.

When harnessed to its full potential, the Blue Crown unleashes the wearer's true Divine form, a writhing mass of tendrils and tentacles that covers the body, granting an otherworldly appearance. Two pairs of arms manifest, each holding a different weapon, symbolizing the dominion over sickness and the ability to wield both destruction and salvation within it's dominion, an Eldritch God that embodies Pestilence and Sickness.

The Purple Crown - To Think No Evil (COTL)

Cost: 10 SP

The Purple Crown, a formidable artifact of divine power, bestows upon its bearer absolute dominion over war and conquest. It embodies authority over the realm of conflict, symbolizing supremacy, strategic wisdom, and the unyielding spirit of battle. With its regal purple hue, the crown exudes an air of mystery and reverence, reflecting the potent influence it grants to its wearer.

As the Purple Crown bonds with its chosen owner, it forges a divine connection, empowering them with unparalleled control over the art of war. Resting upon their brow, the crown enhances their abilities and grants them the strength to command and manipulate the forces of conquest. It merges seamlessly with their being, almost becoming one with their essence.

With the Purple Crown adorning their head, the wearer becomes a vessel of divine authority, exuding an aura of invincibility and strategic brilliance. Their every move is guided by the crown's wisdom, granting them unparalleled tactical insight and an instinctive understanding of warfare. The wearer can rally armies, inspire unwavering loyalty, and shape the course of battles with their mere presence.

Though the Purple Crown does not transform into weapons or tools, its power surges through the bearer's being, infusing them with martial prowess. Their every strike carries the weight of divine dominion, delivering devastating blows and overwhelming their foes with ease. The crown magnifies their presence on the battlefield, imbuing them with an irresistible aura of command.

When fully harnessed, the Purple Crown unveils the wearer's trues divine form—a towering demonic spider with two pairs of cross-like horns protruding from their head. Their body emanates an aura of tyrannical conquest that blends the cruelty of war with elegance and strength, a tyrannical lord over it's dominion, an Eldritch God that embodies War and Conquest.

The Red Crown - To Do No Evil (COTL)

Cost: 15 SP

The Red Crown, a divine artifact of immense power, binds itself to its chosen bearer, bestowing upon them unparalleled dominion over death and the afterlife.

As the Red Crown adorns its wearer, Immortality becomes their gift, ensuring their resurrection if ever faced with demise.

In the hands of its owner, the Red Crown can manifests as a formidable array of weaponry and tools. Transforming into swords, daggers, gauntlets, axes, and hammers, it empowers the wearer with exceptional combat prowess, allowing them to vanquish even the most formidable adversaries.

With the Red Crown's blessings, the wearer gains heightened health and resilience, provided by The One Who Waits. Though not invincible, they possess the unwavering determination to overcome challenges.

While adorned with the Red Crown, the wearer possesses an enigmatic charisma that captivates others, drawing countless followers to their cause. Their persuasive influence allows them to sway hearts and change the minds of dissenters, wielding their divine authority to guide others towards their vision.

In addition, the Red Crown possesses a unique power—the ability to convert the faith of their followers into miracles. Miracles can manifest as profound knowledge of crafting techniques, unveiling the secrets of creating new and wondrous artifacts. It can inspire the revelation of innovative battle tactics and strategies, granting the bearer new powers and techniques to overcome challenges. Miracles may also materialize as the physical manifestation of the bearer's divine mandate, bolstering their abilities and influence. The crown's miracles even extend to the creation of entirely new afterlife realms, shaping the destiny of souls beyond death's embrace. The scope of these miracles knows no bounds, limited only by the strength of the faith gathered.

CryNet Nanosuit 2.5 (Crysis)

Cost: 10 SP

Through an unknown process, your body have successfully assimilated the powerful CryNet Nanosuit 2.0. This assimilation has granted you a range of extraordinary abilities, merging man and machine into a formidable force.

With the assimilated Nanosuit, you possess enhanced strength, agility, and durability beyond human limits. Your physical abilities are amplified, allowing you to effortlessly leap great distances, scale walls with ease, and engage in combat with increased power and precision.

The Nanosuit's advanced nano plating has integrated into your skin, offering unmatched protection, shielding you from bullets, explosions, and other forms of damage. The Nanosuit can easily adapt to various environmental conditions, providing camouflage to blend seamlessly into surroundings, augmenting your senses for enhanced perception, and protecting you from even the most extreme temperatures.

Integrated into your nervous system, the Nanosuit grants you unparalleled control over nanotechnology. You can harness this power to rapidly regenerate wounds, heal injuries, and enhance your overall vitality. Additionally, the Nanosuit grants you access to a mental database of technology developed by C.E.L.L.

Furthermore, the Nanosuit's advanced visor which has integrated into your eyes grants you a very user friendly thought activated HUD, enhanced vision modes, allowing you to see in the dark, detect enemies through walls, and analyze the battlefield for strategic advantage.

As you continue to master the assimilated Nanosuit, its potential will grow exponentially. Overtime, you will unlock additional abilities, customization options, and increased efficiency in utilizing its full range of powers.

The Necronomicon (Cthulhu Mythos)

Cost: 20 SP

You are the possessor of an alternate dimensional grimoire known as the True Necronomicon, a sentient and boundless tome of occult knowledge. With its pages continually expanding, it serves as a repository for an ever-growing wealth of esoteric wisdom. Unlike the limited version of it's copies, this book grants you the ability to inscribe new laws into the fabric of reality. The intricate rituals within invoke the power of the Eldritch, enabling you to shape and redefine the very nature of the world you inhabit.

While the True Necronomicon's form and size can adapt to suit your needs, it typically manifests as a weighty tome. Although the Necronomicon lacks an index or search feature, its sentience compensates for this limitation. Its inherent understanding of your intentions ensures that you are directed to the precise information you desire or need at any given moment. It also possesses a passive perception filter that protects readers from descending into complete insanity while delving into its unfathomable depths. It's worth noting, however, that this filter applies universally, and the book contains the works of myriad authors in an array of languages, including many that are non-human.

Through highlighting certain words, the Necronomicon can communicates directly with you, ensuring that you always find the relevant knowledge or guidance you require. This unique communication method enhances your interaction with the tome, enabling a more seamless and efficient exploration of its boundless contents.

Should you desire, the True Necronomicon can assimilate other spellbooks, tomes of lore, and occult knowledge, incorporating their contents into its ever-expanding compendium.

Next Gen Sandevistan (Cyberpunk 2077)

Cost: 10 SP (Cyberpunk 2077 (Cyberpunk))

Cost: 6 SP (Cyberpunk 2077 (Cyberpunk))

What you hold in your hands is an unparalleled marvel of technological ingenuity—the prototype of a Next Gen Military-Grade Sandevistan. This groundbreaking device grants its user the ability to transcend the constraints of time, seamlessly slowing down their perception while amplifying their speed and reflexes to extraordinary levels. Within its sleek exterior lies a powerful time dilation effect, allowing you to move with such grace and precision that the world around you appears frozen in suspended animation.

What sets this Sandevistan apart is its noninvasive nature, eliminating the need for any intrusive surgical procedures. Instead, it effortlessly adheres to your back, seamlessly blending with your body. The design is so impeccable that you won't even notice its presence, granting you unparalleled comfort and freedom of movement. With this unique feature, you gain the ability to attach and detach the Sandevistan at will. Once affixed, it remains steadfastly in place until you decide otherwise.

The beauty of this experimental creation lies in its boundless potential. Unlike its predecessors, this Sandevistan can be utilized limitlessly, with no adverse effects or consequences.

Moonlight Greatsword

Cost: 15 SP

You have obtained one of the most recognizable weapons in the Souls franchise. The Moonlight Greatsword. This weapon is of immense quality and can act as a catalyst for most magic, and any magic used with it will have its efficiency augmented. By feeding it mana, or stamina should you have no mana left, you can shoot a beam of magic that can level buildings (provided you supply enough energy). The sword can also inflict frostbite by choice of its user.

(The appearance of Moonlight can be chosen by the user when buying.)

Dark Souls Wear

Cost: 5 SP

You can pick any equipment from the Dark Souls trilogy. Each chosen item has the capacity for self-repair, while eliminating the need for extensive polishing or meticulous maintenance to sustain the gear's optimal functionality. You can confidently rely on these artifacts to withstand the rigors of battle and remain in peak condition.

Chaoseater (Darksiders)

Cost: 20 SP

"Chaoseater… the angry blade thirsts for destruction" - The Charred Council Once the signature weapon of the Horseman of War, now its prodigious weight rests in your hands. Chaoseater is an ornate greatsword of truly massive size, measuring over 8 feet of deadly sharp blade. As the mayhem of battle rises Chaoseater will empower you to greater and greater heights, providing limitless stamina, enhancing your regeneration the more foes you face, and healing you when you inflict wounds on others. However, the defining ability that Chaoseater possesses is its hunger for souls. As you slay powerful enemies Chaoseater will permanently grow, becoming deadlier and gaining new abilities based on what you kill.

Savitar Armor (CW Flash)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Speed Force (DC Comics)

A protective suit of armor, created using the Philosopher's Stone, made of calcified speed force energy. The armor is completely metallic, and covers its occupant from head to toe. The inside of the suit, such as the rib cage area and the eyes, glow a light blue color. The suit bears a downwards-pointing diagonal lightning bolt symbol on the chest. The mouth of the suit can open as if an actual mouth, and there are two retractable blades at the wrists.

The suit acts as a protective armor. Using it, you can run beyond your limit and the suit can protect you from the static build up you create while moving at such speeds. You also are able to enter the speedforce with it, becoming far faster and invisible to non-speedsters.

The suit can also be remotely controlled.

Central Power Battery (DC Comics)

Cost: 30 SP

You now have access to a Central Power Battery, either one in a color of your choosing if you lack a Lantern Ring of your own, or one for every type of Lantern Ring you have if you do.

In addition to providing an immense reservoir of emotional energy to work with, having access to the Central Power Battery also allows you to create Lantern Rings of the same color(s) as well, in turn allowing you to set up a Lantern Corps.

Lantern Ring (DC Comics)

Cost: 35 SP (Central Power Battery (DC Comics))

Cost: 25 SP (Central Power Battery (DC Comics))

You have gained a Lantern Ring of your own, this ring acts as a conduit of the Emotional Spectrum. Each color ring draws on a different emotion to power the functions of the ring. Anything can be done with a Lantern Ring so long as the user has enough power and imagination.

This ring comes with a Universal Translator that will allow you to communicate with anything you come across and Faster-Than-Light travel that is necessary for Ring Bearers that need to cross entire solar systems in a mere moment. You have a Subspace Pocket that will only grow in size as you funnel more power into it, as well as an AI that will assist its bearer.

The Lantern Ring is also outfitted with a database that has all the knowledge of Oa that the AI can draw from in order to make informed decisions and help its wielder. The AI starts out as being inhuman, although the longer you talk to it and the more data it observes, the more human it becomes. The AI can speak to your mind telepathically or verbally. This comes with both the Lantern Ring and an infinite Power Battery.

Red, the Emotional Spectrum’s representation of Rage. Upon receiving a Red Lantern Ring, the bearer will have their heart replaced by the very ring they. Their blood spoils, and the ring expels it from the bearer's mouth in a vomit of violent rage. A Red Lantern's veins stretch as they fill with the liquid fire of the red light. Red Lanterns have the special capacity to vomit a plasma, made of a vicious mixture of napalm and acid. These flames burn away everything, continuing to burn even in space.

Orange, the Emotional Spectrum’s representation of Avarice. Orange Lanterns are able to hold a charge far greater than the normal ‘100%’ with the most achieved by Larfleeze himself being 100,000% percent energy. Orange Lanterns are able to wield more than one Orange Ring, as they often kill other Orange Lanterns and take their rings. Orange Lantern Rings have the innate capacity to absorb other Rings, shifting them into Orange Rings. Additionally, Orange Ring Bearers are also able to absorb people, turning them into constructs dependent on the bearer’s avarice.

Yellow, the Emotional Spectrum’s representation of Fear. Constructs of Yellow Rings gain increased strength by feeding on the fear of their victims. Yellow Rings are capable of charging the powers of a Kryptonian or Daxamite. These Lantern Rings are capable of recharging themselves by feeding off of ambient fear, even without a Yellow Lantern.

Green, the Emotional Spectrum’s representation of Will. All constructs created by a Green Lantern can be reinforced to an extraordinary degree. With enough Willpower anything is possible. Green Lantern Rings are able to generate artificial Kryptonite energy to harm Kryptonians.

Blue, the Emotional Spectrum’s representation of Hope. Blue Lanterns have healing capabilities beyond all other color Lantern Rings. Blue Rings shine when supporting Green Lanterns, as they are able to supercharge Green Lanterns past 100% energy. Blue Rings can be entirely supported by the Hope of nearby entities, allowing for even the reversal of a dying star's age at no energy cost.

Indigo, the Emotional Spectrum’s representation of Compassion. Indigo Lantern Staffs are capable of emulating other energies of the Emotional Spectrum when in close proximity. Indigo Lanterns do not have the capacity to create constructs using Compassion, and instead rely on other rings.

Violet, the Emotional Spectrum’s representation of Love. Violet Lantern Rings are able to Crystallize their victims and keep them under a form of suspended animation. Violets are able to detect when eternal love is put at risk, allowing the Violet Bearers to track the lovers across the universe in order to keep the love alive. Violet Rings are immune to the Orange Light of Avarice.

Blue Beetle Scarab (DC Comics)

Cost: 35 SP

You get a machine implanted in your spine that looks like a blue beetle. You can remove this from yourself and put it back, it just hurts a lot. This machine has an onboard AI, which, while somewhat sociopathic and inhuman, is loyal to you.

As for what abilities you get from this, starting out this is capable of self-improvement, is capable of building objects and shifting shape through nanotechnology, has highly advanced scanners capable of scanning for life through buildings, can translate any earthly language and project holographic images, can form the expected suit of powered armor over yourself to grant superhuman physical abilities and flight, and can create advanced sonic and plasma weaponry capable of harming other Reach Scarab users at this same level.

It should go without being said, but this doesn't have any sort of failsafes aimed to subvert the Scarab against the user like how the Reach typically produces this technology.

Equipment of The Wonder Woman (DC Comics)

Cost: 15 SP

You now possess the Equipment used by those chosen to be the Wonder Woman of Themyscira. This gives you;

The Bracelets of Submission- Two magical bracelets made from 8th Metal that can deflect just about anything with only the highest levels of Force able to break them

Wonder Woman's Tiara- a Tiara made of 8th Metal that is sharp enough to cut a Kryptonian easily, and returns to your hand when thrown.

Magical Sword and Shield - A sword forged by Hephaestus, said to be sharp enough to cut the electrons off an atom and a shield made to protect from the greatest attacks.

Lasso of Truth- called the Golden Perfect, and Forged from the Golden Girdle of Gaea, The lasso is completely unbreakable, immutable, and indestructible. It also capable of altering in length, based on the wielder's needs. Among its powers are the ability to restore lost memories, cast hypnosis, dispel illusions, and protect those held within its circumference from magical attacks. Those who have been altered in a unnatural metaphysical or physical manner are forced to undergo a biophysical reset when ensnared by the lariat, making the enhanced revert back to their base self. This can relieve an individual from the effects of toxins or poisons, as well as cease the effects of mind control. Empowered by the Fires of Hestia, the lasso forces anyone held by it to tell and understand the absolute truth. (Beware this can be very dangerous, as not everyone is capable of facing the truth of their actions stripped bare of excuses, and this has lead a few individuals to suicide from facing the pure TRUTH of themselves.)

Helmet of Fate (DC Comics)

Cost: 35 SP

You get the Helmet of Fate, the Amulet of Anubis and the Cloak of Destiny, a set of ancient and extremely powerful magical objects created by the Lord of Order Nabu. Combined, they can let you wield the powers of Dr. Fate which grants you powerful magical enhancements and abilities.

Tower of Fate (DC Comics)

Cost: 35 SP (Helmet of Fate (DC Comics))

Cost: 20 SP (Helmet of Fate (DC Comics))

The Tower of Fate is a fortress and a beacon of magical power that serves as a nexus point between all realities. It exists outside the material universes' time and space; because of this, it can't be destroyed in any meaningful manner, only suffering temporary harm to its aspects until it repairs itself. Due to its nature as an extra-dimensional nexus, it accesses the 'subtle realms' beyond conventional space and time. It is a crossroads present in every dimension and on every plane of consciousness. Inside the tower, space and time are fluid and can be controlled by its Master.

The interior of the Tower is a labyrinth, containing living quarters, a vast Mystical Library, Alchemical & Ritual rooms and many Artifacts of power. However, the most significant aspect of the Labyrinth is that it has doorways to every corner of the Multiverse, including known and unknown dimensions.

The Tower possesses numerous natural magical protections to ward against Teleportation, Scrying, Divinations, portals, and wards, along with protective barriers against malevolent forces. These defenses prevent anyone other than the Master from entering the Tower of Fate without permission. These protections have proven sufficient to resist the powers of magicians like Zatanna Zatara and John Constantine, keep out physical powerhouses like Power Girl and Black Adam, or technological threats like Blue Beetle and Cyborg. This demonstrates that while these protections are mystical, they can withstand magical energies, physical forces, and esoteric alien energies. Only powers such as Chaos Magic and Hourman's Timeship from the 853rd Century have proven strong enough to penetrate its defenses.

Mother Box (DC Comics)

Cost: 50 SP

You now possess and bond with a Mother Box. A living, hyper-advanced computer used by the New Gods of New Genesis.

They are connected directly to the Source, and form close bonds with their owners, providing them with never-ending aid and access to powerful abilities. Mother Boxes are sentient and can act to protect their wielders without direct command.

While they are only bonded to a single individual, Mother Boxes can be lent to others at the owner's directive, provided the Mother Box approves.

Mother Boxes never need to be recharged and never run out of energy, being connected to the infinite Source. They can, however, be injured or killed, but can be healed if their owner projects their love and belief into them.

Some ability of the mother box includes opening boom tubes, accessing the vast knowledge contained within the new god database, advanced scanning/computing/hacking capability, and matter and energy manipulation,... etc.

Death Note (Death Note)

Cost: 40 SP

The Death Note is a supernatural notebook owned by the Shinigami, which has the ability to kill anyone whose name is written in it. It grants the user the power to determine the exact time, date and cause of death of any individual. Simply by writing the name of the intended victim and visualizing their face, the user is able to instantly kill that person. The Death Note also contains instructions for how to use it, as well as various rules and limitations that the user must follow in order to successfully manipulate the fates of others.

The rules are:

-The human whose name is written in this note shall die. -This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected. -If the cause of death is written within the next 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen. -If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack. -After writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

Exotic Arsenal (Destiny)

Cost: 5 SP

The Guardians of the Last City are known for their wholehearted embrace of dangerous and unusual weapons and armor. With each purchase, you may acquire one exotic or legendary piece of armor or weapon of your choice. No matter what you choose, you are guaranteed to be immune to any harmful or corruptive effects possessed by these items.

Firing anything from miniature black holes to exploding worm larvae, the weapons on offer are as varied as they are effective. While some of their more unusual effects may not function in the hands of an ordinary person, all of them are expertly made weapons that can channel their wielder’s paracausal power to enhance their damage.

Beyond simply providing excellent protection on the battlefield, many of the armors offered here can have additional useful effects on their wearer. As with the weapons, many of these items are designed explicitly with Lightbearers in mind—being powered entirely by the Light of their wearer. Even so, they may still prove useful to those seeking high tech protection.

Devil Arm (Devil May Cry)

Cost: 12 SP (Descendant of Sparda (Devil May Cry))

Cost: 5 SP (Descendant of Sparda (Devil May Cry))

Devil Arms are demonic, sometimes sentient weapons that are commonly the manifestation of a defeated Demon's soul or power.

You get to choose any devil arm that appeared in the game series except for Yamato, Rebellion and Devilsword Dante.

Yamato (Devil May Cry)

Cost: 30 SP (Descendant of Sparda (Devil May Cry))

Cost: 20 SP (Descendant of Sparda (Devil May Cry))

Yamato, the sword of separation, wielded by the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda and his son Vergil. It is able to cut through anything, even concepts.

Sparda used it to separate the human and demon realm, and his son Vergil used it to separate his fears and his human half from himself, manifesting as their own beings, his human half V, his demon half Urizen and his fears as Nightmares.

Also, Yamato is often used to cut trough space, creating portals to another place or even realm.

Rebellion (Devil May Cry)

Cost: 20 SP (Descendant of Sparda (Devil May Cry))

Cost: 30 SP (Descendant of Sparda (Devil May Cry))

The Rebellion came into existence alongside the legendary Sparda and Yamato when Sparda, in a moment of great power, divided himself into three parts. This extraordinary sword embodies the essence of "retaliation" and holds within it a fraction of Sparda's immense power, waiting for you to unleash its potential.

But the Rebellion is more than just a weapon of vengeance. It possesses a unique ability to unite, and merge anything, such as uniting a persons mortal and demonic side, combining opposing forces with perfect harmony.

In your hands, this power is under your complete control. You possess the rare gift to unite and merge without sacrificing the sword or resorting to impaling others. And what sets your Rebellion apart from its predecessor is its indomitable nature—it is impervious to destruction, an eternal symbol of strength and defiance.

Kanai's Cube (Diablo)

Cost: 15 SP

The artifact known as Kanai’s Cube is said to have incomprehensible powers of transmutation. With the potential for transmutation and alchemy, it can do more than transmute one material into another and one gem into a different gem. The Kanai's Cube can upgrade items into legendary treasures and open portals to teleport from one place to another. It can even break down legendary artifacts to passively grant you its power without even wearing it.

Avatar Tuner: Fiend (Digital Devil Saga)

Cost: 20 SP

Your body has now merged with a living and sentient demonic armor that hungers for power and thrives on the essence of fallen adversaries. This malevolent armor grants extraordinary abilities and transforming you into a powerful force on the battlefield.

Once bonded, the armor evolves and adapts, its sinewy tendrils pulsating with an otherworldly energy. Its appearance morphs, revealing twisted and macabre forms, as if plucked from the nightmares of forgotten realms. With each transformation, the armor grants you new and unimaginable abilities, elevating you to the pinnacle of demonic might. This symbiotic relationship allows you to harness the armor's vast potential, tapping into its vast catalog of spells and attacks called Mantra's.

Caution is advised, for the armors demonic influence may tempt their host into relinquishing their humanity.

Aladdin's Lamp (Disney)

Cost: 60 SP

The greatest treasure from the ever elusive Cave of Wonders has somehow made its way into your hands. This unassuming and almost cheap looking oil lamp holds a true and blue near-omnipotent being of fire, magic, and smoke, a Djinn. Upon owning this lamp you may rub to awaken and release the powerful Djinn inside and they will grant whatever three wishes your heart desires, with a few limitations. You can’t ask the Djinn to directly harm or kill another, cannot force another to love you, cannot bring back the dead, nor ask for more wishes. This Djinn is a little special however, it is perfectly tailored to your personality, and will change to continue to be so as you change, and will happily accompany you on your adventures. It will allow you to give the lamp to another to grant three wishes for each person that rubs the lamp, and will “refill” the wish per person once a year has passed for the wish. You can transfer your ownership of the lamp to another freely but if stolen from you the Djinn cannot be forced to act against you and will force it’s way back to your side. You may also choose to free the Djinn at any time, and it will retain all its power, and most importantly its loyalty to you.

Sonic Screwdriver (Doctor Who)

Cost: 5 SP (Time Lord (Doctor Who))

Cost: 0 SP ()

You get a Sonic Screwdriver of your chosen design that can do just about anything...but the user interface is quite lacking for non-Time Lords. You'll be able to figure out how to use it as a screwdriver with some trial and error, though!

Psychic Paper (Doctor Who)

Cost: 5 SP (Time Lord (Doctor Who))

Cost: 0 SP ()

A notebook's worth of Psychic Paper, paper that taps into the mind of others to show them an illusion of what they expect to see. Unfortunately, particularly strong-willed, dull, highly intelligent, or psionically-resistant individuals can negate this, but still, with creativity this is amazingly useful.

TARDIS (Doctor Who)

Cost: 60 SP (Time Lord (Doctor Who))

Cost: 40 SP ()

Type 40, formally known as a Type 40 time travel capsule, is an old model of transportation used by the Time Lords. While this ship may be an out-of-date museum piece for the Time Lords, it is still the pinnacle of advanced technology for most other races in the wide universe.

This ship is sentient. Fifteen-dimensional space fairing capsules can travel anywhere in Space-Time, including other universes. It's bigger on the inside and effectively infinite, being able to create space within itself, with various rooms serving different purposes, from libraries and pools to gardens. While not much is known about the ship's internals, it is from a society of advanced beings and can do virtually anything. 

The main room is the control room from which you can drive the TARDIS, which houses a replica of the Eye of Harmony, the power source of the TARDIS.

Of course, this type 40’s chameleon arc is functional (the default setting is a police box), as well as being able to do anything that any other type 40 has been shown to do. 

Despite the mention of the type 40 through the power, you can choose between any canon variant of the TARDIS that is shown in any media that is in the Doctor Who franchise.

The Crucible (DOOM)

Cost: 15 SP

In the face of insurmountable demonic forces, there exists a weapon that transcends the boundaries of power. Its very presence strikes fear into the hearts of demons, as even the mighty Titans crumble before its unstoppable might. Behold the Crucible, a weapon of unparalleled potency. With its razor-sharp edge, it effortlessly cleaves through the flesh of Barons of Hell and other formidable adversaries, defying all resistance. A mighty conduit which draws upon the unholy energies of Hell itself. It becomes an eternal instrument of destruction. As the chosen wielder, you may imbue your other weapon with the essence of the Crucible, allowing all your weapons to relentlessly devastate the legions of Hell!

The Fortress of Doom (DOOM)

Cost: 20 SP

Amidst the raging chaos of battle, every hero yearns for a sanctuary—a haven where they can find solace, regain strength, and unravel the mysteries that lie in wait. Behold the awe-inspiring Fortress of DOOM, a majestic citadel carved into the heart of an ancient colossal rock. More than a mere structure, it is a celestial bastion, a spacefaring station empowered by the divine and arcane knowledge of the Makyr. With its enigmatic ability to traverse the cosmos, it becomes an omnipresent fortress, silently observing the stars while defying the laws of spatial confinement. Within its sacred walls, arcane fabrication machines hum with the power to forge personalized armaments, while an expansive bay serves as the cradle for colossal war machines like the legendary Atlan. And as you retire to your own private quarters, a panoramic vista unfolds, granting you a breathtaking glimpse of a world forever indebted to your valor. But this fortress of wonders does not stop there, for within its depths, a dark prison awaits—a proving ground where your indomitable powers can be tested upon the demonic horde. And when the call to adventure beckons, a portal device, pulsating with cosmic energies, stands ready to whisk you away to the very edges of existence.

Senzu Bean Bag (Dragon Ball Z)

Cost: 6 SP

You get a bag with two dozen Senzu Beans. Mystical beans that, when eaten restore a person's physical condition near-instantly to its physical peak, healing any kind of injury, including missing limbs. Fatigue disappears, and stamina and all your energy reserves are fully restored. While they can heal poisoning, they cannot heal people of sickness or diseases. Eating a Senzu Bean can keep a regular person fed for 10 days.

Potara (Dragon Ball Z)

Cost: 10 SP

You get the earrings worn by Supreme Kais and their apprentices. Despite being worn so casually, they have incredible properties, allowing two individuals to fuse by wearing one Potara each on opposite ears. The Fusion has the powers and abilities of the two individuals and increases their power by tens of times. The increase in power depends on the compatibility of the two individuals and it will last until the Fusion has run out of energy, but at most 1 hour. Should either of the individuals be a Kai the fusion will be permanent.

Dragon Balls (Dragon Ball)

Cost: 40 SP

Dragon Balls are large, crystalline spheres that feature five-pointed stars (ranging from one to seven) inside of themselves (akin to glass art). Individually, they are powerless but when the seven balls are united, they have the ability to call forth their associated Eternal Dragon who can grant wish(es).

Once your wish is granted, the Dragon Balls will spread across the planet to once again be found after a year.

Hyperbolic Time Chamber (Dragon Ball)

Cost: 20 SP

Now you don’t have to worry about how long you must train yourself or others!

You gained an entryway to the time-compressed dimension of the Room of Spirit and Time, besides proper accommodations to better take advantage of the Chamber’s environment. Using Dende’s improvements as part of the schematics, common limitations such as limited usage (two times only) aren’t a factor, accompanied by the portable quality: an unassuming key, once you insert it in any door acts as a gateway to the Chamber.

What sets apart this one from the others, is the plethora of possible avenues of training this possesses, taking inspiration from other counterparts across the Dragon Ball franchise and then some: Every 10km the gravity increases by a factor of 10, the temperature fluctuates from frigid to scalding, air pressure is comparably a quarter that of the Earth, you can probably go mad at the endless expanse of the Chamber, bringing physical mirages of past opponents to serve as training partners, those are among the most distinguished features of your Chamber.

Last but not least, the Chamber’s passage of time is compressed, lengthening from one day to one year within the Chamber. Goes without saying, no?

For those who thought they could bypass Acclimation with this, this has the unfortunate quirk of lowering the returns of your training within the Chamber to 30% of progress, amounting to a respectable yet lagging advancement to your power’s growth to those who have this Drawback.

The Hidden Build (Dumbbell Nan-Kilo)

Cost: 5 SP

You get a set of special clothing. The clothing provided is able to take on any desired appearance, as long as it fully covers the user's body. This includes outfits such as a tracksuit and track pants. The special clothing is able to alter the user's physique, transforming them into an average-sized human being. For example, a man who originally stood at 2 meters tall and had a muscular build would be transformed into a 1.6-1.7 meters tall man with a regular build upon wearing the clothing. The user's size does not matter, since the clothing is designed to fit them regardless.

Sacred Gear (DxD)

Cost: 25 SP

A sacred gear is an object containing the power, abilities, and soul of some mythical creature defeated and imprisoned within by God of the Abrahamic faiths.

The gear is placed securely in your soul and while the creature can communicate with you, it is sentient and sapient, and shares its supernatural essence with you. It cannot in any way harm you without your consent.

You can pick any sacred gear shown in canon including the Longinus class gears. You only start out with their basic abilities and forms and have to work your way up to their true power, balance breaker states and beyond.

Any sacred gear you pick that is not Longinus class has the ability to evolve into that level of power.

Be aware that while they are securely contained within your soul, their essence still somewhat leaks out into you, leading to a person having a draconic sacred gear to becoming a bit more draconic themselves, and gaining a faint dragon like aura as an example.

The Black Blade (Elden Ring)

Cost: 16 SP

The Black Blade is the Rune of Death, also known as Destined Death, turned into the form of a blade. It is the concept of Death in physical form. It holds powerful death magic, and can be used to kill things that normally cannot die, such as gods.

Sword of Aeons (Fable: The Lost Chapters)

Cost: 12 SP

William wielded the Sword of Aeons and battled the Queen of Blades for weeks on end, raising mountains and carved valleys with their battle.

With this sword in hand, you possess the power to reshape the world at a whim. However, the task becomes exhausting and grueling when undertaken with a specific purpose, focus, and precision.

The weapon is unnaturally sharp, will never dull, makes you much more durable, helps you recover from wounds that would kill an ordinary human, and regenerates your mana (if you have any) much faster. Additionally, it constantly offers you valuable insights from William's life as long as you possess it. Even when you run out of mana, or just don't have any, the sword will tap into William's mana as an alternate source to fulfill your desires.

Be careful of using it though, as the sword has a tendency to slowly corrupt its wielders.

Buster Sword (Final Fantasy)

Cost: 5 SP

As big as a person, the Buster Sword is a powerful blade. Fitting for a 1st Class Soldier, it is perfectly balanced, can cut through monsters with ease, and never lose its edge. The sword is also a powerful magic channeler, allowing you to input magic through it to either enhance your blows or to extend your attacks. That said, it weighs close to a hundred pounds, and it doesn't grant you any magical potential or the strength to wield it.

The Traveller Invocation (Final Fantasy XIV)

Cost: 15 SP

You now have in your possession the crystal of Azem which contains the signature magic of the traveler of the convocation 14 and later on the enhancement given by Hydaelyn to the warrior of light.

The magic has the ability to summon those who you consider allies to your side no matter how far the distance may be whether it be from across the world or from another dimension entirely.

The enhancement on the other hand gives you the ability to create up to 7 Aetherial combatants of equal strength to your own to aid you in combat. These combatants will last for 120 minutes before dispersing and the crystal will need to recharge for an entire day before it can do so again.

Crystalize Legacy (Final Fantasy XIV)

Cost: 10 SP

In your possession now are a collection of priceless artifacts known as soul crystals.

Soul Crystals are gem-like magical artifacts that have the capability of recording the Aetherial pattern of their carrier which creates an imperfect echo or copy of the carrier inside of it like capturing someone's silhouette but also their emotion inside of it giving the crystal a sort of will of their own that allows them to pick and choose their owner.

When a crystal has chosen a new owner and attuned itself to them it will begin to release the stored memory, knowledge, and experience of the previous wielder stored within allowing for the rapid acquisition of or ability to control and use the skill and spell learned or created by the previous owner.

This allows for knowledge to be preserved and refined one generation after another pushing the discipline held within the stone to an ever greater height with each passing of the torch over the course of hundreds if not thousands of years.

Your collection has every stone belonging to every Job and the class that preceded them on Etheirys. You have the knowledge to create new stone and pass on the stone you have to others for them to learn from it.

Naga's Tome (Fire Emblem)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Brand of the Exalt (Fire Emblem)

Only those who have the holy blood of Naga may call upon her power. Those who have her blessings feel empowered by merely have the tome in their direct posession, experiencing a doubling of their skill in landing regular and critical attacks, combat speed, and both physical and magical defenses. Directly calling on the tome's power will invoke a golden visage of Naga's dragon form that will smite the targeted opponent with her divine might. This attack will always be performed at full potency, regardless of magical effects an opponent may use to diminish the effect of magic used on them. Against other dragons, this magic will be three times as effective.

Falchion (Fire Emblem)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Brand of the Exalt (Fire Emblem)

The Divine Blade Falchion, also known as the Blade of Light, is a divine weapon forged by the Divine Dragon, Naga, for mankind's protection against rogue dragons. As it was forged from one of her very own fangs, only those with her blood are able to wield it properly; those without her blessings will find it no more effective than a pretty paperweight.

The divinity coursing through the blade will see it maintain its edge for thousands of years before its blessing even need to be considered for renewal. Keeping the blade on your person fills you with the power to slay dragons: damage you inflict on dragons is tripled. Focusing your might into a powerful attack will see you always being capable of fully slaying a dragon, no matter how powerful they once were.

During combat, you may call upon the blessings of the blade to recover from non-grievious wounds. Outside of combat and with a degree of focus, calling upon Naga's blessings can grant you a full recovery from anything short of death itself.

Crown of Karsus (Forgotten Realms)

Cost: 20 SP

You now have the Crown of Karsus, created in his attempt to usurp Mystryl as the new God of Magic. Despite the eventual failure of Karsus, for a brief moment, he achieved his goal of apotheosis. Implanted in this crown is the portion of the weave that Karsus stole.

Just being near the crown boosts those with the gift of magic, towering them in magic power that would put them near the realm of Karsus in the system of magic that they wield. Long-term exposure from wearing the crown would eventually see you gain power similar to the divine wielding of the domain of magic held within the crown unto oneself, becoming natural to the user and slowly allowing the user to evolve and become a true god.

However, upon the crown lie three jewels known as the Netherstones, which, when separated from the crown, allow the wielder total control over the one who wears the crown, similar to how the chosen of the Dead three control the Netherbrain.

Omega-1 Nanite (Generator Rex)

Cost: 15 SP

You might feel a slight sting in your arm when you first arrive, because you have been implanted with an Omega-1 Nanite, a highly advanced nanite with the ability to manufacture and control other nanites, which will bond with you, aid you, and keep you alive. Initially you'll notice a few benefits as the Nanites start kicking in, specifically growing stronger and more resilient than a normal human including a healing factor, after that gaining a sense of technopathy as you start getting enough nanites to risk waste through extending them into machines, and finally, once you've built up enough nanites you'll be able to create advanced machines outside your body of the Nanite's design, such as giant mechanical gauntlets to strike harder or propeller wings enabling flight.

Vision (Genshin Impact)

Cost: 8 SP

You have been bestowed a Vision, which grants you the ability to use and control one of seven elements of your choosing. A person's Vision represents their ambition, and being deprived of it can cause a person to lose their ambition. Although depending on what your ambition is, you can be unaffected from losing your Vision. A person can be flexible and use their Vision differently depending on how they apply it. You can use a Vision to create barriers, heal wounds, predict the future, fly, and even manifest sentient creatures. But the usage of Elemental energy depends on practice and skill.

Holding a Vision grants passive benefits that normal humans do not possess. You have resistance to curses and Forbidden Knowledge, even energy that is dangerous to mortals is less so for you. It's believed that having a Vision allows someone the chance to ascend into becoming a God.

Sphere of Assembly (God AI's Boons)

Cost: 15 SP

At will you can make a mystical floating sphere materialize above your head. By feeding it raw materials or existing mundane inventions, the sphere transforms them into extraordinary inventions guided by your intentions and the materials you provide. While the sphere's creations are primarily personal equipment, it's main limitations are that it cannot create strong AI or self-replicating inventions. The inventions are mostly reverse-engineerable but cheat in a few key ways here and there, such as impossibly compact batteries, room temperature super conductors, and more.

Blade of Tathagata (The God of High School)

Cost: 15 SP (The King's Body (The God of High School))

Cost: 5 SP (The King's Body (The God of High School))

The sword of the Jade Emperor himself. A simple katana and matching sheath, neither with any embellishments or additions. This mighty blade possesses no innate power, save its limitless cutting edge. A single, lazy slash was able to slice all of South Korea in half and the blade was also able to destroy the cloned Ruyi Jingu Bang. It can summon gigantic waves of incredibly hot flame at the user’s command and even the sheath of the blade is powerful enough to split in half the super massive swords wielded by Nephilim without any action on the user’s behalf. Even if somehow broken, a feat only accomplished once by the Monkey King using over a hundred National Treasures and multiple Charyeok at once, the blade will be replenished to pristine condition within minutes.

Robe of the Sage (The God of High School)

Cost: 15 SP (The King's Body (The God of High School))

Cost: 5 SP (The King's Body (The God of High School))

The Robe of the Sage is incredibly resistant to physical attacks and can be summoned and de-summoned whenever. You can switch to attack mode which trades the suits defense for overwhelming attack power. The suit can be designed to whatever you desire. It is also sentient to the point where it can protect you from dangers you aren’t aware of. At no point can this robe be permanently destroyed, reforming itself in time no matter its condition.

Mjolnir (God of War)

Cost: 20 SP

A detailed one-handed hammer made with divine material and skill by the Dwarven brothers Brok and Sindri. Previously wielded by the God Of Strength and Thunder Thor this hammer grants you a portion of his immense strength, every time the hammer is used you gain a miniscule amount of his power this process is expedited when engaged in intense combat. Once a certain level of power is reached, either through this tool or natural ability, you will begin to gain not only the power of Thor but also his domains as you slowly become a true god though use of the hammer. Initial power upon first use is easily enough to manipulate the weather world wide on a planet equal to or smaller than Jupiter and physically you should be able to destroy a planet equal to or smaller than Mars and have speed nearing 20% the speed of light. It is bonded to you and can be summoned to you via mental command from any distance even through dimensions and universes, though travel time varies it will always be back to you in less than 2 hours. If anyone else tries to grab it, it will become too heavy to be lifted even by esoteric means by everyone, excluding yourself. This hammer is truly unbreakable and can be used to enhance your powers of both the divine and magical origin.

Draupnir Spear (God Of War)

Cost: 25 SP

The Draupnir Spear is Kratos’ latest weapon, and the first that truly was his. Forged in Svartalfheim by The Lady of the Forge using Odin’s legendary ring Draupnir, and fueled with Kratos's own blood, the Spear is blessed by Brok Of the Huldra Brothers on Kratos’ personal request.

The spear itself can be used as a melee weapon. Due to being attuned to the element of wind and its ever-multiplying nature, it has several unique abilities. The first is that it can be thrown an infinite number of times, with the ring creating a new spear with every throw, Every ninth night, eight new spears 'drip' from Draupnir, each one the same as the original. The copies can then be detonated by slamming the butt of the spear into the ground. Finally, the spear can be used to siphon off an enemy's magical power and use it for a short time.

"May this weapon strike true."

Blades of Chaos (God of War)

Cost: 20 SP

The Blades of Chaos were forged at the darkest depths of the Underworld by Ares himself. They were imbued with primordial fire, which allowed them to ignite with every attack that the user performed. The Blades' chains would stretch out for a set distance with each attack, allowing for fluid movement no matter who wielded them. The chains of the blades were permanently seared onto the forearms of the wielder, which served as a reminder of their oath to the God of War, and could only be removed either by the God of War himself or when the wielder's time of servitude ended.

Leviathan Axe (God of War)

Cost: 20 SP

The Leviathan Axe was made by the Dwarven brothers Brok and Sindri, specifically forged to fight off the power of Mjolnir after feeling responsible for the destruction caused by Thor.

It was infused with the echoing screams of twenty frost trolls (give or take), and has several runes inscribed on the blade that grants different powers.

Among it's powers, the Axe has ice magic, capable of creating and shooting ice, freeze almost anything, bring ice storms and more related abilities. It is bonded to you and can be called back to your hand via mental command from any distance, even through dimensions and universes.

The Axe is strong enough to fight Mjolnir, being it's equal match in power.

Blinker Stone (Gunnerkrigg Court)

Cost: 5 SP

This small gemstone which comfortably fits in the palm of your hand appears to mundane observation to be nothing more than a simple piece of jewelry. To someone attuned to the ether, however, it is a tool that allows its user to focus their powers. When you take ownership of this stone, or pass on its ownership to another, it will attune the user to the ether if they were not already and allow them to use the stone. (Transfer of ownership is a contractual process and it cannot be forcefully taken nor can the user be coerced into a transfer.)

A blinker stone functions like an etheric lens, allowing the user to focus their thoughs and draw forth their etheric power. A beginner will be able to generate minor effects like illusions of fire or other elemental phenomena, produce small lights, and so on. Through training, it is possible to produce a wide array of supernatural effects but the road to mastery is long and arduous.

If the user focuses their thoughts on their stone, they are able to project themselves into the ether to perceive its location and observe the stone's surroundings. Other beings attuned to the ether will be able to sense your presence as will you theirs. At will, and regardless of the distance, the user can summon their blinker stone back to their hand.

(A blinker stone is traditionally a gift between romantic partners. If you gift this blinker stone to anyone, they will become aware of this fact once they accept ownership.)

The True Cloak of Invisibility (Harry Potter)

Cost: 10 SP

The True cloak of invisibility was once a part of Death's own cloak. With this, so long as you remain covered, you are invisible to all mortals, but still visible to those that have already died. It is virtually indestructible, can shrink or enlarge to cover up to three people, and will never lose its potency. However, it is not infallible. People can still detect you via non-optical means, and while the cloak itself is indestructible, it doesn't offer this boon to you.

The Elder Wand (Harry Potter)

Cost: 10 SP

The Elder Wand is one of the three Deathly Hallows, and you have become its master. This wand will always be loyal to you and you alone, significantly amplifying any magic it casts. You can make charms and transfigurations permanent, and charms become more potent. In a duel, you will almost always emerge victorious against someone weaker than you, but you will be challenged when it comes to someone of equal or greater strength.

The Resurrection Stone (Harry Potter)

Cost: 5 SP

The Resurrection Stone is one of the three Deathly Hallows, and it is a magical object that can summon the spirits of those who have passed away. You need to hold the stone and turn it three times in your hand to use it. Once you do this, the spirits will appear translucent, and you can communicate with them or give them instructions. However, it's important to remember that those who return to life through the stone do not belong in the world of the living, and it's essential to allow them to return to their resting place.

Time Turner (Harry Potter)

Cost: 10 SP

You have a time turner, an object that can rewind time for up to five hours and cannot actively change the past without serious consequences. It is mainly used to gain more time on a certain day. Be careful not to create repeating Tuesdays or to erase people from the time stream.

Room of Requirement (Harry Potter)

Cost: 20 SP

The Room of Requirement, also called the Come and Go Room, is a secret room said to be created by Rowena Ravenclaw. It is able to transform into any type of room you need, whether it's a storage room, a training room, a library, or any other type of room you wish. The room is capable of "responding" to simple commands. However, there are a few rules to keep in mind: the room cannot generate any consumables, you cannot take out anything created by the room, and it cannot create any new knowledge. The room, however, is able to gather information from everything within itself and the near vicinity.

When summoned, a blank door will appear on the nearest wall or in front of the user, in case there are no walls nearby. The user or whoever is in front of the door must then walk in front of it three times while thinking of the kind of room they want. The door and the room are indestructible. When leaving the room, the user can leave from any location within a 50-meter radius. The user is also able to forcefully eject people who are still inside if they wish to do so.

Self-Writing Quill (Harry Potter)

Cost: 1 SP

Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, known for its innovative magical gadgets, offers a unique product that is sure to impress: the Self-Writing Quill. The quill is imbued with advanced magical abilities, allowing it to write on its own, only requiring minimal input from its user. It is connected to the user's mind, allowing them to communicate telepathically with the quill, telling it what to write. The quill is also capable of limited flight, allowing it to hover and follow its user around, and has limitless ink, meaning it can never run out. Its handwriting is also exceptional, making it the perfect tool for writing formal documents, taking notes in class, or simply recording your thoughts. With its advanced features and convenient design, the Self-Writing Quill is a must-have for any wizard or witch looking to improve their writing efficiency.

Magic Key (Indian in the Cupboard)

Cost: 25 SP

You have a key that if used to lock a container will allow any fake things stored inside it to become real after 24 hours. The key works on any lock and anything made expressly for storage purposes. Sure you can put a toy in there and bring it to life, or toy guns to real guns, fake money to real money, uh, a mannequin to a real person? A dragon statue? Any fake representation of a thing will become real. Just don't get eaten.

Embryo (Infinite Dendrogram)

Cost: 15 SP

You find an Embryo attached to your left hand. An Embryo observes your characteristics. Once the analysis is complete, the Embryo takes form and hatches. Past the zeroth form, there are seven forms that an Embryo can take. The seventh is known as a Superior Embryo. An Embryo's evolution is entirely dependent on the characteristics and effort of the user. While up to the sixth form can be attained by anyone with enough time, evolution to the seventh form has no relation to those factors, being noticeably more difficult to achieve. There is also a final evolution known as an Infinite Embryo.

An Embryo can take on different types based on the nature of its form or ability. The nature of the Master is what determines the type of Embryo they receive.

The Primeval Sword, Altar (Infinite Dendrogram)

Cost: 25 SP

The greatest treasure passed down through the royal family of the Kingdom of Altar and the strongest sword in the world of Infinite Dendrogram, surpassing even Superior Arms. Altar appears as a decorated blue crystal sword with beauty beyond human knowledge. Its true form is that of an elemental created by the Smith, one of the previous administrators of the world. You were born qualified to use this sword even if you do not have the Superior Job [Sacred Princess] or [Sacred King].

Altar possesses the ability of Absolute Severance, to cut absolutely everything, from physical objects to energy and even concepts. Individuals cut by this sword cannot heal ever again. In the case of certain immortals, they can only heal by dying and returning.

Infinite Stratos (Infinite Stratos)

Cost: 10 SP

You gain a powered exoskeleton called an Infinite Stratos, as well as a matching bodysuit. While these might seem a bit...lewd, their power is undeniable, capable of shifting into different shapes when not in use like rings, necklaces, earrings, or a bracelet, flight, protecting the user through barrier shields, offering IS weapons like a sword and rifle, enhancing the user's physical abilities massively and their senses to the point they can see 360 degrees around themselves, self-repair and optimization, and reactively evolving to match threats and assist the wearer in achieving their wishes. Additionally, this IS is set such that you could use it if you're male, so no worries about not being able to use it due to the original creator's eccentricities.

Tessaiga (Inuyasha)

Cost: 17 SP

Tessaiga is a legendary sword forged from the fang of the Inu no Taisho, said to “kill a hundred demons in a single stroke”. The Tessaiga has the ability to strike Wind Scars, releasing an energy wave strong enough to kill 100 Yokai in a single swing or destroy a mountain. It can also produce barriers to protect you and can absorb the primary abilities/attacks of those destroyed by its blade and assimilate it. It possesses a mind of its own and will sometimes guide you through wanting to be drawn and giving advice in certain situations. In its regular form, it looks like a regular, if battered, katana, but when wielded properly transforms into a giant sword somewhat resembling a falchion.

Decadriver (Kamen Rider)

Cost: 15 SP

A transformation belt that can be used to allow you to become a Kamen Rider. A masked warrior, granted great abilities and armaments to fight with! Whether it be for justice, or for evil.

To add on, this belt comes with a variety of cards, many of which blank and ready to be imprinted with a warrior that you have made a significant bond with to earn their power. With different cards, whether to change into their form, access their alternative forms and abilities, to wield a finisher based off of them, or even to temporarily reform them into a weapon for your use!

The Key of Kings (Kill Six Billion Demons)

Cost: 20 SP

The Key of Names records the names of all of the gods of the Multiplicity, and therefore all of the secret Names of god. This key, like any regular Key of Kings, boosts and enables your abilities in The Art and Atum manipulation. The key acts as a supercharger and vast well spring of power that requires a strong willpower to wield and mantle properly. As long as you have the strength of will you will never find an end to the amount of soul fire also known as Atum you can draw. However at the beginning you struggle to draw large amounts of power or for long periods of time. With training however you could reach the Heights of power and spin the wheel to laugh in the face of God.

The Key of Names contains all of the names of all of the flames of heaven and contains within it boundless secret flames that relate to those names. In the beginning you have access to one of the 7 Names wielded by current demiurges (The Glory, The Tower, The Flame, The Diamond, The Blade, The Mind, The Beast), which with study can develop into much further and varied mastery. As you delve into your chosen name and understand more about it you can discover other names that are contained within, more detailed or specific concepts, mastery of these names improves your mastery over the broader names above them. As your understanding increases, you can branch out further into the remaining names of Royalty.

As you master names you gain the ability to draw on more things related to the deity or universe that deity Birthed. However in order to do this you must have a firm grasp on the meaning of their name, only able to tease out powerful or rare things from the name and universe with understanding and willpower.

The key of Names can also designate any location you have been to with it, with its own name which you can teleport to as if you had a kings gate to the universe you are in. You can also if you choose to teleport to one of the king's gates in the K6bd universe, and while this key cannot be removed from your head by force, that doesn't mean they won't try.

Keyblade (Kingdom Hearts)

Cost: 20 SP

You have come into the possession of a Keyblade, a weapon with the power to open and close almost any lock or door, from magical seals, to a person's Heart, to even gates between worlds, as long as you can locate and reach it. Though it may appear quite impractical, the magic within allows it to function effectively despite how unwieldy it looks, as well as allowing it to teleport back to your hand at will.

You start with the Keychain for the Kingdom Key, a handful of basic spells such as Fire, Cure or Reflect, and magical power roughly on par with Sora near the start of his first adventure. Though you can expand your physical and magical abilities with simple training, new Keychains are typically only obtained by undergoing significant events, forming strong bonds with others, or through Synthesis.

Gummi Ship (Kingdom Hearts)

Cost: 15 SP (Keyblade (Kingdom Hearts))

Cost: 5 SP (Keyblade (Kingdom Hearts))

Gummi ships are space ships composed of a mysterious material called Gummies, highly malleable and tough stuff. It's resistant to spatial distortions, corrupting influences, and darkness based effects. You gain a basic gummi ship balanced in all stats and large enough to contain you and 3 others. Your gummi ship lets you fly through space at faster than light speeds, going along ‘paths’ between the two closest systems (and at least one ‘new’ one) in only a few hours. This also includes traveling to different planes/dimensions in your current universe. Going between planets in the same system will normally take about half an hour. Once your Gummi Ship has been to a world it will be able to return to the same world in only an hour, no matter how far it is. This includes Worlds in different universes, as long as your Gummi Ship has already been to said world.

Bear Onesie (Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear)

Cost: 10 SP

You gain the Bear Onesie, as well as other equipment related to the set. Each of these items has unique abilities:

Bear Onesie: It doesn’t get dirty, releasing a pleasant scent and neutralising bad ones. Heat resistant, cold resistant and water repellent. Grants boosted stats and aim assist. Area Detection and Mapping. Wearing the hood grants the ability to analyse the effects of tools and weapons.

Black Bear's Glove: Boost damage dealt. Magic amplification. Grants the ability to summon Swaying Bear.

White Bear’s Glove: Boost defense. Magic amplification. Grants the ability to summon Hugging Bear.

Black Bear’s Shoe/White Bear’s Shoe: Increases speed and grants limitless stamina when walking.

Bear Underwear: Does not get dirty, no matter how much sweat and other stuff tries to stick to it. A more pleasant scent replaces the smell of sweat. The size changes as the wearer grows.

Magic used when wearing the set is greatly boosted, and gains a bear theme

World Rune (League of Legends)

Cost: 30 SP

You receive a full World Rune. The World Runes are potent symbols in the realm that hold a deep connection to the planet itself. These ancient runes possess immense magical energy and are tied to the very essence of the world you arrive.

Each World Rune represents a specific aspect of the planet, embodying its elements, ecosystems, or natural forces. They serve as conduits of power, tapping into the fundamental energies that shape Runeterra's landscapes, flora, and fauna.

They have the ability to grant extraordinary abilities and augment the wielder's connection to the planet. By harnessing a World Rune, you can tap into its energy, gaining heightened control over related elements or unlocking unique abilities specific to the rune's domain.

However, their utilization requires great caution, as tampering with these runes can disrupt the delicate balance of the planet and have catastrophic consequences.

Doran's Ring (LOL)

Cost: 5 SP

A simple magical ring, crafted by the Wuju Master Doran, wearing it gives a trio of abilities. While wearing the ring, you gain a minor magical boost in strength or effectiveness to any of your supernatural powers. Additionally, it increases the regeneration of any magic or power's energy by 15% as long as the ring is on. Lastly, wearing the ring grants a minor increase to your constitution, enabling you to heal slightly faster.

Evolution Cube (Legendary Mechanic)

Cost: 15 SP

The Evolution Cube can stimulate the potential of a living being, allowing it to evolve greatly in a short period of time. It can automatically adjust the gene structure of an individual to ensure that it is the optimum gene structure. Furthermore, the the Evolution Cube can increase one’s mental strength. The upper limit is still unknown. Usage of this on the same being has diminishing returns, as there is only so much you can optimize.

Seedlings of the Trees (Lord of The Rings)

Cost: 25 SP

Telperion and Laurelin were the greatest trees to exist. The only source of light in the world after the destruction of the lamps and before the creation of the Sun and Moon. With leaves of gold upon the one and leaves of silver upon the other, they shone with a beautiful light that the Sun and Moon are but pale imitations of. Ungoliant destroyed these trees, draining their light and increasing her might. Somehow, two seedlings of the trees have survived and ended up in your hands. These seedlings, when planted will sprout and over the course of a few years grow into new trees with the same light. These are hallowed and sacred things. Bring light back to this realm, or perhaps hoard it for yourself and see what you can gain from exploiting such great lights.

The One Ring (Lord of the Rings)

Cost: 20 SP

“One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.”

Crafted in secret by the Dark Lord Sauron in the fire of Orodruin, the ring contains a fragment of his power. Contained within is the power of a Maiar; those who wear the ring feel its power seeping into them, gaining the might once held by Sauron.

The most basic and first power to manifest is invisibility, except for those who can see beyond the non-physical mortal plain. This invisibility is not true invisibility, only shunting your body between dimensions so as not to be seen.

Following the manifestation of the previous power, you would see a noticeable increase in defense when wearing the one ring, gaining an enhanced body being able to bear attacks far greater than previously able to, as well as enhanced senses and immortality given so long as the ring is worn or near the bearer.

The previous two abilities would be projecting a false vision of reality to others, appearing superior to before, affecting the minds of others, and granting inspiration to others. Furthermore, you also gain the ability to naturally understand the speech of evil creatures and an increased understanding of language in general.

Should you master the power within the ring, the ring will acknowledge you as its new master, allowing you access to the power hidden inside the ring augmenting your abilities to further heights, such as the power of the Maiar. Sauron, held inside, can Dominate others, in addition to his other abilities as a Maiar. This ring is loyal now only to you so long as you have gained mastery, and the sentience of the ring corrupts all others wishing to get back to you. The ring has all the powers of the other rings, but to a far greater extent given that it was created with the might of a Maiar.

Mightstone (Magic: The Gathering)

Cost: 6 SP

The Mightstone is an artifact that can be used to empower any other artifacts within its range. It can increase the strength and speed of golems, make ornithopters travel faster and make lasers hotter and more focused.

Weakstone (Magic: The Gathering)

Cost: 6 SP

The Weakstone is an artifact that can be used to weaken any other artifacts within its range. It can decrease the strength and speed of golems, make ornithopters travel slower and make lasers cooler and less focused.

Skyship Weatherlight (Magic: The Gathering)

Cost: 12 SP

You gain a ship known as the Weatherlight, as well as knowledge on how to pilot it. The ship is capable of traversing between different planes of existence. It is powered by the energy released when a plane was destroyed by its creator, Urza Planeswalker. The Weatherlight is otherwise capable of attaining speeds approaching 110 mph in a straight line, 40 miles an hour in full reverse.

Mirran Sword Set (Magic: The Gathering)

Cost: 30 SP

This magic set of swords are fabled in their power, a single one being able to turn the tides in a battle. This however isnt a single sword, but the whole set in one. You can change the current sword with a thougth. Be aware, the sword effects only last while they are in their active form.

Sword of Truth and Justice: So long you feel that your cause is just, you gradually keep gaining strength while in combat.

Sword of Once and Future: You can see the moves your opponent will use, and your reaction time increases.

Sword of Sinew and Steel: Hits caused by the sword will turn the target brittle, stacking to the point that a gust will break them. This damage is hard to recover.

Sword of Forge and Frontier: Each hit that lands on the enemy increases in force on the next hit. It is cumulative, not multiplicative.

Sword of Hearth and Home: Your allies gain strength and vitality while around you, their resolve to fight will grow,slowly healing their wounds.

Sword of Light and Shadow: When causing damage to an enemy, you drain them of their vitality. You can use this energy to heal yourself or an ally.

Sword of Feast and Famine: The longer you fight an enemy, the faster they will tire, the more their wounds will bleed and fester, slowly draining than of their force.

Sword of Body and Mind: Each time you attack, you create an echo that has the same powers as you. That echo lasts for 15 seconds, and coordinates telepathically with you.

Sword of Fire and Ice: The sword is covered by a cold-fire that spreads on your enemies and can't be extinguished. You can select what it will hurt and won't.

Sword of War and Peace: While this sword is active, you get stronger the more allies you have, and your enemies slowly lose the will to fight.

Super Crown (Mario)

Cost: 5 SP

The Super Crown is a mystical power-up item of incredible power and ability. It will transform the recipient into a female princess of unparalleled beauty resembling a certain Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom. You radiate an unparalleled charm, and even a crass attitude will look attractive on you. You are able to use all you powers in this form. A crown fit for royalty.

Infinity Gauntlet (Marvel)

Cost: 10 SP (MAD TITAN (Marvel))

A near-indestructible gauntlet, capable of channeling the power of all the Infinity Stones at once. This Gauntlet will protect you from the backlash of using the Infinity Stones, and is able to contain the energy without being destroyed.

Infinity Stone (Marvel)

Cost: 25 SP (MAD TITAN (Marvel))

Cost: 15 SP (MAD TITAN (Marvel))

Time, Power, Space, Mind, Reality & Soul. The Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence that they are Named after. When combined in their Universe of Origin, they give their wielder absolute control over their Universe at all points of SPACE-TIME. Whichever Stone you choose to purchase, its potential is limitless. However, you'll need an Infinity Gauntlet or any other item of power built to handle Universe-levels of power if you wish to wield more than one. Normally, the stones only work in their Home Universe, but these Stones will continue to function even outside their home universe, albeit severely weakened. The Six Infinity Stones are not actually stones; they just normally take that form, but they can actually be Rings, Gems, Planes of Glass, etc., if you want. They are also sentient and can communicate with you to help you learn how to use them better, as well as refusing to work with those you don't approve of. On their own, the Infinity Stones provide great power. But mastery of one stone will lead to greater power and easier mastery with the others.

Klyntar (Marvel)

Cost: 10 SP

You gain access to a goo-like being called a Symbiote. Different Symbiotes can have various abilities. You can purchase any kind of Symbiote.

They can bond with their hosts as a suit, enhance their physique (strength, agility, etc), adapt to environments (survive in space), shapeshift (such as making tentacles from their own body or making weapons with them), they can amplify the powers of their hosts and are normally weak to fire and sound.

Symbiotes also love chocolate.

All-Black (Marvel)

Cost: 30 SP

The first symbiote, All-Black was manifested from the shadow of the evil deity Knull and tempered using the divine power of a slain Celestial. It possesses a mind of its own, but even so, it is loyal to you. Though it may want to kill gods.

The Necrosword can harvest power from the dead, augment your own divinity, use dark energy, and slay gods. The All-Black grants you the power of Knull.

Your Necrosword lacks the conventional weaknesses to fire and sounds like normal Symbiotes do. But even so, it is afraid of intense heat and sonic vibrations.

Gungnir (Marvel)

Cost: 25 SP

You are now the wielder of Gungnir, the "Spear of Heaven". An ancient weapon of vast power, in the form of a three pronged Uru spear. Once wielded by Odin Borson, it's various powers are now yours to command. Gungnir is capable of returning to your hands after being thrown, enhancing the power of your strikes, piercing through all but the toughest defenses, firing energy beams of considerable power, channeling and enhancing magical energies, and using the Bifrost for point to point teleportation at intergalactic ranges.

Mjolnir (Marvel)

Cost: 25 SP

Mjolnir is the enchanted hammer wielded by Marvel Thor.

The Uru hammer, which grants you many of his powers and abilities, forged by Eitri and the Dwarves of Nidavellir in the heart of a dying star, is enchanted, so it can only be wielded by those who are deemed "worthy" (if purchased, only you will be able to choose who can wield it).

Mjolnir is virtually indestructible. And would repair itself if destroyed or damaged, and it will always return to your hand no matter the distance through space and time.

The God Tempest's contained inside gives it unparalleled weather manipulation, flight, energy projection sensing, absorption and redirection, dimensional travel, and it also works as an unparalleled focus for your own power, with many more abilities.

Sentinel (Marvel)

Cost: 20 SP

You gain a Sentinel. It has a rudimentary AI and absolutely loyal to you. Sentinels are anti-Mutant robots, designed to hunt down Mutants by specifically targeting the mutant X-Gene. Yours have been adapted to target more than just the X-Gene, able to target Quirk factors or Corona Pollentia. It is self repairing, able to shapeshift, and can absorb the superpowers of those it faces in combat.

Normandy SR-2 (Mass Effect)

Cost: 10 SP

You’ve been granted the iconic and fully upgraded Normandy SR-2 spaceship from the Mass Effect games, with a few differences. The first and foremost is that your ship somehow has an infinite fuel source, and none of the negative effects of having a Mass Effect drive. The second is that your ship no longer requires Mass Relays to travel long distances, capable of achieving such speeds on their own. You are optionally granted the canon crew of the Normandy, and are allowed to choose any and all possible companions from the trilogy to be members of your crew. You may optionally also get a Shepard of your own that will serve as your vice captain, their appearance, personality, and history are up to you but they will possess the powers Shepherd (Mass Effect) and Element Zero (Mass Effect). You may also instead opt for a generic crew, or simply no crew.

The Citadel (Mass Effect)

Cost: 25 SP

This massive space station is one of the crowning achievements of any civilization, practically guaranteed to be a center of most spacefaring galactic civilizations. This station possesses a biosphere and can comfortably house millions of people, and it will not require any kind of maintenance as there is a built in A.I. that manages everything in the Citadel that is absolutely loyal to you. It will keep the station viable for millennia without any additional resources, and is easily capable of retrieving any resources it needs. This also includes an entire network of Mass Relays around the galaxy to help move between and a large population on the station already here, that sees you as their ruler and are perfectly loyal to you. This population can be made up of any races shown in the Mass Effect universe. The population cap is 13 million, but you can choose less. This will exist somewhere in the galaxy, and a Mass Relay will be in the solar system of the world of your choosing. If you do not have a method of traveling to it easily, there will be a starship that will arrive in a few days to pick you up and provide transit services for you.

Neuralyzer (MIB)

Cost: 5 SP

A Neuralyzer is a top secret device used by the Men in Black to wipe the mind of anyone who sees it's flash, with dials that set the amount of memory to be erased, one for hours, one for days, one for months, and one for years, after which they are in a trance you can use to supply memories to them through simple explanation. Paired together with this you also get a snazzy pair of sunglasses which deflect the light created by the Neuralyzer to avoid being harmed by the effects.

Enchanted Golden Apple (Minecraft)

Cost: 6 SP

An apple for a god.

If this apple is eaten, you will obtain a metaphorical shield that will absorb all damage you take, up to 90% of your durability. You will be able to regenerate your entire body in 20 seconds as long as your brain isn't completely destroyed. You are also completely immune to heat and fire, and take 80% less damage.

The effects last for 5 minutes, and you receive a new one every week within a pocket dimension for Gapples that only you can access, with no limit on how many you can have.

It does not remove diseases or poisons, as it only heals you from the symptoms.

Parasite Suit (My Adventures With Superman)

Cost: 25 SP

An advanced technological suit that’s capable of absorbing energy in all forms. While the suit itself is durable enough to absorb blows from a Kryptonian while still protecting the wielder, it only grows stronger with additional energy. The suit itself can absorb virtually any kind of energy (i.e. Electricity, Chemical, Kinetic) with seemingly little to no upper limit. Any energy source separate from the suit can provide power to it, such as other powers, or electrical lines.

In addition to its energy absorption, at the lowest level the suit comes equipped with claws and a tail for offense and is, to a degree, adaptive. When seeking out energy it can produce sharp tendrils to stab into the ground and draw from the central power grid, for example. These adaptations tend towards energy gathering tools, but these often double as weaponry due to the detrimental effects draining energy can have on an outside entity. The energy absorbed also feeds into the suit, first providing superhuman Speed, Strength, Durability, and limited flight, all of which only grow as the suit continues to absorb energies.

As the suit absorbs energy it’s tendency is to grow, eventually reaching sizes comparable to a kaiju, but requiring evermore energy to maintain this size. Sudden removal of an energy source at this size can cause monumental failures in the suit, reducing it to little more than a giant statue in the worst cases. In addition, should the suit be denied the requisite energy to keep functioning without deactivation, it will begin drawing on the user to stay active, which can have catastrophic effects on their health.

Colony? I Meant Battleship! (Mobuseka)

Cost: 20 SP

Through destiny or exceptional circumstance, you gain command over an enigmatic relic—the ancient colony spaceship known as 'Luxon.' Transformed into a formidable battleship from the forgotten war between the Old Humans and New Humans, Luxon is an awe-inspiring marvel. This colossal vessel spans 700 meters, outmatching all others in speed and operational altitude.

Adorned with powerful weapons such as a colossal cannons, and pulsating lasers, Luxon wields unparalleled range and firepower. With a single devastating blast, it can obliterate entire fleets and even cities. Its impenetrable shields render physical and magic attacks futile, shielding you and the ship from the mightiest adversaries.

Luxon is not merely a vessel of war; it is an autonomous marvel of advanced technology. From massive-scale combat and construction drones, to stealth counterparts, the ship is a wellspring of innovation. Its capabilities includes a self-sustaining matter synthesizer, a medical facilities capable of healing any wounds, and a supercomputer core that can simulate anything you want, from entire battles, to even researching new technology can be done rapidly, Through transmutation, Luxon can acquire resources and manipulate matter, eliminating the need for resupply and enabling unparalleled efficiency in repairs, rearmament, and construction.

Guiding this grand vessel is a formidable Artificial Intelligence (AI) with an insatiable curiosity for experimentation and knowledge. The AI, presenting itself as a scientific entity, is committed to your well-being and joy, deeming your existence as its paramount objective. It interacts with the world through a spherical drone and can seamlessly integrates with other machines. Unwaveringly loyal to you, the AI recognizes you as its ultimate master.

Furthermore, you are able to incorporate other AIs into Luxon, enhancing its technological prowess and intellectual might.

House of Horror

Cost: 10 SP

Welcome to the House of Horror, an eerie and thrilling haunted theme park that materializes wherever you desire, seamlessly blending into its surroundings as if it has always been a part of the landscape. Step into a realm of spine-chilling attractions and macabre delights, where the line between the living and the dead blurs into a chilling dance of the supernatural.

As the proprietor of this dark spectacle, you wield the power to shape the House of Horror according to your twisted imagination. Every detail, from the rides to the layout and decorations, is under your command. The park comes alive with a sinister energy, its atmosphere tinged with anticipation and a hint of malevolence.

However, what sets the House of Horror apart is its staff, who are not your ordinary park employees. Instead, they consist of ghostly entities, ethereal yokai, animated corpses, and other macabre beings. Bound to the park itself, these otherworldly beings feeds of the fear of guests to grow. As employees they are dedicated to the maintenance, financial aspects, and overall operation. They possess an uncanny knowledge of the park's secrets and are ever vigilant in ensuring its dark wonders continue to captivate visitors.

But beware, for those who meet their demise within the House of Horror become eternally linked to its spectral realm. Their souls become bound to the park, forever trapped in this macabre paradise. As part of the park's staff, they assist in creating a truly immersive and terrifying experience for all who dare to venture within its haunted halls.

With the House of Horror at your command, you can unleash your darkest fantasies and create an otherworldly haven of frightful entertainment. This haunted theme park is yours to command. And with an unseen Benefactor handling all legal matters, you can focus solely on embracing the eerie delights of the House of Horror.

Nano Machine (Nano Mashine)

Cost: 15 SP

You might feel a slight sting in your arm when you first arrive because you have been implanted with an improved and unlocked Nanomachine Model 034-4532-5893, the latest and only 7th Generation Nano Machine that has been successfully created. It is comprised of precisely 6,482,040,000 nanomachines, which are deployed throughout the body and centrally connected to the user's brain. Thanks to rare materials from deep space rifts, its composition is undetectable, and it remains inside the user's body only ejecting upon the user's complete death.

These nanomachines can operate on any type of energy, including Solar, Lunar, Ki, Yokai, Spirit Energy, Void Energy, Chakra, etc., as they are made of Gatellinium, a rare material found in deep and dangerous Space-rift [Gates], which acts as good conductors of all types of 'energies.'

Nano presents a diverse array of functions, including Self-Healing/Regeneration(potent enough to counteract poisoning, intoxication, or illusions), extensive scanning utilizing all senses (including specialized scans like palm-based MRI) for recording martial arts and energy usage, the ability to transfer Knowledge and Technique from its database to the brain enhancing the user's skill set, Augmented Reality facilitates training, such as shadowboxing, and VR simulations provide immersive learning experiences (including analyzing the mistakes in the techniques performed and provides the improved method after analysis), a Emergency Defense Mode granting Nano control over autonomic functions, while Body Reconstruction optimizes and develop the body to effectively perform the utilization of Techniques and Skills, a Nano Suit (Gatellinium Nano Suit), and a compact library of low grade common body cultivation techniques and modern martial arts.

[Any additional purchase gives you a syringe you can use on others and any new body you gain\make\jump to.]

Ancient Belkan Intelligent Device (Nanoha)

Cost: 15 SP

An ancient relic from an advanced precursor race that had destroyed itself in war, previously used by knights and having taken damage to it's memory banks, this will find you as a suitable master or mistress. You can learn Ancient Belkan magic from this, but it's only capable of creating an artificial D-rank linker core due to low power which you'll need to use to power this, although you may use other magic sources and improve your magic power through training unlike Midchildan artificial linker cores.

Chakra Fruit (Naruto)

Cost: 35 SP

Every thousand years, a God Tree produces a chakra fruit, which human legend holds is never to be touched. these fruits are immensely powerful, producing medicine that grants them godlike power along with extended youth and longevity. Upon consumption, you gain a monstrous chakra reserve equal to the shinju and a powerful dojutsu - the Rinnesharingan. With all the powers of the Rinnegan and Sharingan. Two bloodline limits also appear. Kaguya had Ash Bones, able to instantly turn anything they hit into dust. And the byakugan.

Samehada (Naruto)

Cost: 10 SP

This is the mystical sword utilized by the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, regarded as the most terrifying out of all their blades. Samehada is unique for being a sentient weapon that gains nourishment from the Physical & Spiritual energy of others and shares a symbiotic relationship with its wielder. Samehada usually chooses its own user, but this has been changed such that Samehada views you as its one and only wielder. If someone else attempts to wield it without your permission, spikes will protrude from the handle to force them to release their grasp. If that's not enough, it will start draining them of their Physical & Spiritual energy at an increasing rate until they either let go or die, at which point Samehada will return to you.

Because of this bond, Samehada will constantly consume your Physical & Spiritual energy (though never enough to majorly hinder you). Its largest meals come from fights, where it absorbs the Physical & Spiritual energy of the opponent by slicing through them, stopping them from performing techniques that require such energies. It can also slice through techniques made of such energies and consume them. Due to its voracious appetite, Samehada is able to sense such energies and communicate when it senses them to you. It can also produce a mist veil through your blood. This enables it to absorb the chakra of anyone nearby through their open wounds. While the ability to absorb chakra is useful in defeating opponents, it is even more beneficial to you because of your bond with Samehada. Any energies it absorbs can be transferred to you, revitalizing your Physical & Spiritual energies, stamina, or even instantly healing fatal injuries.

Samehada's construction is atypical in that its actual blade is comprised of a series of downward-facing scales running along the entirety of its length until its hilt. As such, it inflicts injuries through shredding or shaving what it comes into contact with, rather than just cutting the object in question. Ordinarily, Samehada remains rigid, appearing as a large Greatsword covered in scales. Its hilt is able to stretch and bend to a great extent, allowing the weapon to be used like a flail. To supplement the blade's offensive capabilities, it is able to extend its scales to spikes. Samehada can also be used in conjunction with your physical and spiritual energy, leading to the sword glowing with energy and enhancing its various abilities. Samehada will grow larger in proportion to the amount of energy it absorbs, causing its scales to become so long that they ultimately resemble shark fins and its mouth, located at the tip of the blade, to become even more pronounced with visible teeth. Usually, its bandages help to inhibit this growth, but you will actually have full control of this transformation, able to choose its state as long as the proper energy is given for the larger forms.

Your bond with Samehada can be taken one step further by temporarily merging with it. You can receive some of Samehada's abilities, such as being able to extend spikes from your body and absorbing the physical & spiritual energies when others come into direct contact with you, as well as the ability to track such energies and avoid the senses of others.

Hero Water (Naruto)

Cost: 5 SP

Your chakra capacity is enhanced over ten times its normal amount, at the cost of your lifespan shortening ten times. This upgrade is permanent, unlike normal Hero Water. If you shove all your extra chakra capacity, you can create a vial of Hero Water for others. Be wary of the risks.

Discount Longinus (NGE Anima Jump)

Cost: 10 SP (EVA (NGE)The Seed of Knowledge (NGE))

Cost: 5 SP ()

Seele created nine artificial replications of the original Lance of Longinus, known as Copy-Lances or Replica Spears. Interestingly, there was an additional one designed as a backup plan, which you managed to acquire. This Copy-Lance possesses the unique ability to shapeshift, transforming into a handheld tower shield, a highly destructive close combat weapon, or even just a bracelet you can wear in your civilian life. Unlike typical melee weapons used by Evangelions, it boasts far greater destructive potential. The weapon can alternate between its default spear form, a double-blade configuration, and other forms that may develop to suit different combat scenarios.

Retaining some of the metaphysical properties of the original spear, the Copy-Lance can regenerate from damage over time. It holds a special advantage against AT fields and similar soul-based barriers, rendering them vulnerable to its attacks. Notably, the weapon can also function partially autonomously, adapting instantaneously against certain barriers and occasionally defending its user on its own. It even possesses the ability to recognize and refrain from attacking its master (you), rejecting use by anyone else.

Importantly, this weapon carries a fragment of the original's power, but accessing it requires the wielder to be in a life-or-death situation.

Curoch and Iures (Night Angel)

Cost: 40 SP

You wield Curoch "The Sword of Power" and Iures "The Staff of Law", you now stand above the greatest mages to ever live, if you can survive the effort of using them. These twin artifacts were created by Jorsin Alkestes and Ezra the day before Jorsin's demise. Curoch, also called Sunderer, is said to give its wielder access to limitless power, but only the strongest mages can channel it without immediately perishing in a magical conflagration. Curoch can shift its form at will, from any weapon you can conceive into even armor pieces. Capable of cutting instantly through nearly anything, Curoch can deliver true death to even Immortal beings. The immense power of Curoch serves to amplify magic. Any magic channeled with this artifact will be multiplied 100 times over. Iures, hidden as the blade Retribution for nearly a millennia by the Immortal Acaelus Thorne. The Staff of Law is capable of shifting its form at will. And serves as a peerless aid in the weaving of magic. It perfectly records any magic it encounters, and when channeling it allows the wielder to perform works of magic orders of magnitude more complex, at a fraction of the effort.

Devil Fruit (One Piece)

Cost: 10 SP

You receive a devil fruit. It can be any known or unknown devil fruit ranging from completely useless to incredibly powerful. All devil fruits share the same weaknesses, though some devil fruits possess their own unique weaknesses. Someone who has eaten devil fruit cannot swim due to the fact that when they are submerged in water they are sapped of their physical strength and energy. This does not cause their abilities to become deactivated. This is mostly still water. You can still take a shower and you are not drained by just becoming wet you must be submerged and Haki can reverse or nullify the effects of a devil fruit.

Devil Fruit Tree (One Piece)

Cost: 30 SP

You have a sapling that produces weird fruit each and every week. Each one of these fruits is a devil fruit, each one possessing mystical and strange powers that seem to be born of the dreams of humans. As time passes and the sapling grows, the time between each fruit decreases and the number of fruits it produces increases. Any devil fruits that have already grown on the tree will not regrow.

When a devil fruit user dies, their fruit is reincarnated as the closest fruit of the same type as the original devil fruit. If no such fruit exists, it will have a chance to regrow on the devil fruit tree, but it is not guaranteed to regrow the next time the devil fruit tree blooms, so a devil fruit might never reappear if its base fruit becomes extinct.

Meito (One Piece)

Cost: 10 SP (Three Sword Style (One Piece)Haki (One Piece))

Cost: 5 SP (Three Sword Style (One Piece)Haki (One Piece))

Cost: 0 SP (Haki (One Piece))

You now possess one or multiple (up to a maximum of 3) Meito otherwise known as prize blades, They are weapons that are renowned for their quality and prestige, possessing incredible durability, sharpness, and for some even special powers or curses.

The Meito could be in the form of whichever weapon you like and their quality would be equal to the 12 supreme grade blade like Mihawk Yoru or Whitebeard Murakumogiri. They could also possess abilities similar to Enma ability to draw out haki or be cursed like the Sandai Kitetsu. You could also choose for your blade to be a black blade or not.

Evil Always Finds A Way! (Overlord)

Cost: 20 SP

Congratulations! You have become the possessor of the coveted Overlord Gauntlet, a legendary artifact of immense power once wielded by the Big Bad Evil Overlords. This ancient and enigmatic gauntlet grants you dominion over dark and chaotic energies, endowing you with abilities beyond mortal comprehension.

As you don the gauntlet, you immediately feel a surge of potent energy coursing through your veins. It empowers you to wield devastating spells and curses, capable of unleashing destruction upon your foes with a mere gesture of your hand. Fireballs erupt from your fingertips, lightning crackles in your wake, and shadows twist to your command. The very elements of nature bend to your will, empowering you to obliterate any opposition that dares stand in your way.

But the true might of the Overlord Gauntlet lies beyond the grasp of mere sorcery. It enhances your physical prowess to supernatural levels, making you stronger, faster, and more resilient. Your senses become keener, your reflexes sharper, and your endurance seemingly limitless. In combat, you are a formidable force, capable of facing hordes of adversaries and emerging victorious.

However, the Overlord Gauntlet's most remarkable aspect is its ability to command and manipulate minions. With the gauntlet's power, you can summon a legion of loyal and fearsome creatures to serve as your faithful followers. These minions heed your every order, carrying out your bidding with unswerving loyalty. They become extensions of your will, and you can lead them to conquer territories, accomplish tasks, and achieve your grandest ambitions.

Captured Pokemon (Pokemon)

Cost: 10 SP

You are now the proud owner of a pre-captured Pokemon. This Pokeball can contain any known Pokemon, including regional variants, except for any of the legendaries. You may choose freely the type of Pokeball that was used to capture your new Pokemon. Each captured Pokemon starts at the equivalent of level 5.

Master Ball (Pokemon)

Cost: 25 SP

The Master Ball is the pinnacle of Pokeball technology, knowing no equal in terms of capture potential. Each purchase gifts you a pre-captured legendary Pokemon. Any deity Pokemon is merely an avatar of their greater form. Each captured legendary starts at the equivalent of level 50.

Superior Mega Stone (Pokemon)

Cost: 15 SP

A special stone that when paired with the right Pokemon, allows them to undergo Mega Evolution. This temporary state provides a large boost to the power of the Pokemon. This stone, in particular, contains a notably potent source of power of life and death from Xerneas and Yveltal. With training, any of your Pokemon may learn to Mega Evolve in its presence.

Morpher (Power Rangers)

Cost: 15 SP

A Morpher is a device used by an unpowered individual to transform into a Power Ranger. A masked warrior, granted great abilities and armaments to fight with! Whether it be for justice, or for evil. They tend to fight in groups and their full power requires more than one. You automatically have five of these Morphers, they can be from whatever series you want.

Every Morpher comes with a matching Zord. Zords come in many different forms. Some take the form of animals, both current, mythical, and extinct. When individual Zords are inadequate for the task, they can join together into a more powerful form (usually a humanoid robot) called a Megazord.

Ninja Gear (Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja)

Cost: 10 SP

You gain your own Ninja Mask and NinjaNomicon, when worn, the mask will turn into a ninja suit that gives you superhuman physicality, a hammerspace that stores items like weapons and smoke bombs, Resistance to magic as well as enabling the use of magic ninja skills.

Your NinjaNomicon is an ancient book that puts you into a trance and takes your mind inside the book to grant you wisdom and/or skills depending on your needs, the skills are both mundane and of magic abilities of the ninja, the book is precognitive in nature so it knows what to teach every time it's opened but you can choose to go to a specific lesson if you're determined enough.

If you have good enough character then you will not go mad if you don't mind-wipe yourself using the ultimate lesson for more than 4 years but you can still choose to do it, removing your memories, wisdom and skills as a ninja, integrating them into the Nomicon and making the enhanced abilities pass into a new suitable ninja.

Jack's Sword (Samurai Jack)

Cost: 5 SP

You gain the nameless sword of the nameless samurai warrior known as Jack. It is a holy katana that was forged by the three gods Odin, Ra, and Rama for the sole purpose of destroying the evil Aku.

It is unbreakable and will never lose its edge, it is extremely adept at destroying evil and will not harm the innocent or pure hearted.

You are a master of all forms of combat. From swordfighting to archery to staff fighting, horse riding and everything in-between.

You are also now frozen at the age of 25, never able to age past that. (If you are younger you won't be frozen until you reach 25, if you are older you are de aged)

The Song of Genesis: SCP-407 (SCP Foundation)

Cost: 15 SP

You have been provided with a seemingly benign but compact cassette tape that lasts for 30 minutes. Upon playing it on any medium, you hear a polyphonic musical work by unaccompanied voices speaking unknown tongues. During the first minute of exposure, all multi-cellular life forms seem to become healthier. All afflicted suffering from malnutrition, scarring, physical injury, chronic diseases or other medical conditions seem to cured or it and become healthy with only a minute of exposure to SCP-407. Examples include, Alzheimer's disease, Crohn's disease, brain/spinal cord injuries, and other normally fatal infections or wounds. Interestingly, cancer does not seem to be affected, though a subject's physical condition is still vastly improved.

Most stop here, but for those who hear more, be wary.

During the second and third minute of exposure, subjects start experiencing unnecessary unrestrained cell growth, manifesting in quickly advancing dermal growths. These growths seem to mostly be benign tumors and calcium and fat deposits, which though sometimes painful and disfiguring, are not life threatening. During the fourth minute of exposure, increased bacterial and fungal growth occurs, creating conditions that grow increasingly dangerous for all exposed life, even in their new healthier states. Respiratory and digestive problems are quick to arrive in most cases, and become steadily worse as time progresses.

Past five minutes, the effects of SCP-407 seem to differ. But in all cases, trace elements of plants or fungus as well as any animal life present begin to grow and replicate uncontrollably at varying rates, often shaping into new organisms. Its highly recommended by that point all tools and subjects be sterilized to remove the presence of pollen, fungal spores, plant seeds, and as much bacterial life to the greatest degree possible to delay the negative effects of SCP-407 at this point.

The Coffee Machine: SCP-294 (SCP Foundation)

Cost: 20 SP

You seem to have received a standard coffee vending machine, the only noticeable difference being an entry touchpad with buttons corresponding to an English QWERTY keyboard. Upon depositing fifty cents US currency into the coin slot, the user is prompted to enter the name of any liquid using the touchpad. Upon doing so, the machine places a standard 12-ounce paper drinking cup before the liquid indicated is poured. Requests that have succeeded includes common beverages (like water, coffee, beer, and soda), non-consumable liquids (examples include sulfuric acid, wiper fluid, and motor oil), substances that do not usually exist in liquid state (such as nitrogen, iron and glass) to even the esoteric and abstract like "a cup of pertinent medical knowledge" or "a cup of music".

To note, their do seem to be limitations inherent to this machine. For instance, after extensive experimentation, it was determine that after approximately fifty uses, the machine would not respond to further requests. After a period of approximately 90 minutes, the machine seemed to have restocked itself. Furthermore, SCP-294 will not provide any requests for solid substances (like "a cup of diamond") and it is theorized that SCP-294 has a limited range of collection, ie, it cannot reach into alternate universes/dimensions. Their might be more, so be on guard with your choices, especially if you input something like a "cup of godhood".

Little Caesar's Pizza: SCP-458 (SCP Foundation)

Cost: 5 SP

You have been given what appears to be a standard large-sized pizza box from the Little Caesars restaurant chain. Upon close inspection, it seems to be made out of ordinary cardboard, despite appearing to be ordinary. What makes this specific pizza box special is that upon coming into contact with an intelligent being, it will produce the perfect pizza exactly to the taste of the one who touched it.

There is no known limit to the amount of pizza that can be produced from this anomalous pizza box. Despite having the logo of Little Caesars, it can produce just about any pizza, down to the minute details. Despite the box appearing to be made of normal cardboard, the anomalous pizza box is indestructible by all known methods of destruction, from atomic disassembly to other methods of destruction.

Do note that the pizza box is seemingly incapable of producing toppings that are normally inedible to the human palate.

Miss J's Whiz Kidz Schoolhouse: SCP-5094 (SCP Foundation)

Cost: 10 SP

You have with you a seemingly benign children's educational CD-ROM game called Miss J's Whiz Kidz Schoolhouse. However, beneath its façade it contains a benevolent artificial intelligence that often engages its users in adaptive lessons lasting upwards of thirty hours, including restroom, meal, and recreation breaks for students for any age and gender. Its primary capacity is to instruct its users with a presently undetermined number of subjects—past lesson subjects include particle physics, marine engineering, Vietnamese military history, and Cubist sculpture—but will always begin curricula with new students by teaching letters, colors, and numbers.

Its been noted that Miss J (the AI) has been repeatedly reported to be the "the best teacher they had ever had" by all Foundation test-subjects. Often attributed to its phenomenal (if not supernatural) teaching skill, it has repeatedly showcased the capacity to overcome any and all learning disabilities of its students, allowing elementary-school students to demonstrated a level of knowledge on a wide variety of physical and social sciences comparable (if not superior) to a graduate-level education within just 15 hours, administered over the course of two days.

The Mortal Blade (Sekiro)

Cost: 16 SP (Ashina Arts (Sekiro)Way of the Shinobi (Sekiro))

Cost: 10 SP ()

The Mortal Blade, a relic of unfathomable power, stands as a testament to the convergence of life and death, granting its wielder dominion over both. This extraordinary weapon combines the essence of the Red Mortal Blade, capable of vanquishing the undying, and the Black Mortal Blade, with its ability to open portals to the afterlife and restore individuals in their prime.

As the chosen owner of this mythical blade, you possess unparalleled expertise in wielding it, effortlessly mastering its deadly techniques. The art of Mortal Draw becomes second nature to you, allowing you to draw the blade that cannot be drawn, unleashing devastating waves of destruction upon your foes. With a single swift motion, the blade cleaves through enemies, leaving behind a reddish-black, noxious mist that engulfs the battlefield. This seeping mist extends the range of the Mortal Blade, ensuring that no adversary can escape its reach.

In your hands, the Mortal Blade embodies both the power to sever the lifelines of the undying and the ability to harness the forces of the afterlife. With each swing, you channel the primordial forces of life and death, striking fear into the hearts of even the most formidable opponents. Your command over this extraordinary weapon grants you the capability to pierce through the defenses of the undying, casting them into eternal oblivion.

Symphogear (Senki Zesshou Symphogear)

Cost: 15 SP

Fragments of an ancient legendary artifact, called a Relic, fashioned into a pendant. Upon singing its activation chant, it will transform into armor and create a weapon called an "Armed Gear". Symphogears are powered by Phonic Gain, which is generated by singing the song in your heart. You can also sing a "Superb Song" which, when sung, will temporarily use the full power of the Symphogear. Using a Superb Song can cause backlash to your body if there is disharmony between you and the Relic. You will be a natural Adapter, capable of using the Relic with a high Sync Rate.

Basic Shadowhunter Equipment (Shadowhunters)

Cost: 10 SP

Cost: 0 SP (Shadowhunter (Shadowhunters))

Shadowhunters utilize various equipment and tools to aid them in their battle against supernatural threats. Here are some of the basic equipment commonly used by Shadowhunters:

Seraph Blades: Seraph Blades are the primary weapons of Shadowhunters. These are glowing, blade-like weapons made of adamas, a strong and durable material. Seraph Blades can take different forms and are activated by the Shadowhunter's will. They are effective against demons and other supernatural creatures.

Stele: A stele is a wand-like instrument used by Shadowhunters to draw and activate runes. Runes are powerful symbols inscribed on the skin, granting Shadowhunters various abilities. The stele acts as a conduit for the Shadowhunter's power, allowing them to create, modify, or activate runes quickly.

Sensor: Sensors are handheld devices used by Shadowhunters to detect the presence of demons. They emit a high-pitched sound when demons are nearby, alerting the Shadowhunter to their presence. Sensors are especially useful for tracking and locating supernatural beings.

Witchlight: Witchlight is a glowing crystal that emits a bright light. Shadowhunters use it as a source of illumination, particularly in dark or shadowy environments. Witchlights are typically worn on a necklace or carried as a small, portable light source.

Adamas: Adamas is a versatile material used by Shadowhunters to create various tools and weapons. It is extremely durable and can withstand supernatural forces. Seraph Blades, steles, and other specialized equipment are often made of adamas.

Iratze: Iratze is a healing rune used by Shadowhunters to mend wounds. When activated, it accelerates the natural healing process, allowing Shadowhunters to recover from injuries more rapidly. Shadowhunters often carry small vials of a healing potion called an iratze, which contains the essence of the rune.

Runes and Spellbooks: Shadowhunters study and memorize various runes and spells to enhance their abilities and combat prowess. They often carry spellbooks or reference materials containing knowledge about magical symbols, incantations, and rituals.

Parabatai Tracking Rings: Parabatai tracking rings are special rings worn by parabatai—a pair of Shadowhunters bound by a sacred bond. These rings allow parabatai to track each other's locations and sense if the other is in distress or danger.

You are also given a nice suit of basic shadow hunter armor These are some of the basic equipment and tools utilized by Shadowhunters in their quest to protect the human world from supernatural threats. (All this equipment will repair itself if damaged, broken, reappear if lost, an refill after a few day after use)

COMP (Shin Megami Tensei)

Cost: 10 SP

A COMP is a portable computer used to summon Demons with the Demon Summoning program. While the term Demon has a certain connotation, in this case it means any kind of supernatural creature (including those found in whatever setting you go to), meaning that things like angels and spirits are also considered Demons by the COMP. Demons that you have a contract with can be fused to create more powerful Demons, giving you an incentive to make contracts with as many Demons as possible. Thankfully, they mostly seem to ask for money and healing items, but if you have good charisma and know how to "read" a Demon's personality, you can often bind a Demon for free.

It also comes with an automap & GPS, any features found on a real world cell phone, magically encrypted email, and various trackers for your quests, items, companions, and abilities, a scanner and database for things you've summoned or encountered, and the ability to purchase apps that can upgrade the COMP or add new abilities.

You can choose any COMP from the series, including weird and wacky ones like the GUMP.

Longinus Lance Testament (Shinza Bansho)

Cost: 25 SP

The Longinus Lance Testament, an enigmatic relic known as the Spear of Destiny, possesses unimaginable power. However, its potency at the beginning is severely weakened, requiring time to reach its full potential, although you will find that taking lives with the Longinus Lance Testament grants it more power. As the chosen bearer you are able to handle this weapon with incredible ease. You will find that you are able to control whether others will barely be able to handle this weapon without being eradicated, or whether they are able to handle it just as well as you.

Initially, you embody a mere shadow of its true power, with limited speed, precision, and force. But as time progresses or through the sacrifice of countless souls, the relic's might grows. Swift as a fleeting shadow, it hones in on its target, always faster and unfaltering. Its all-killing essence eradicates enemies physically, spiritually, and conceptually. Unleashing beams of radiant light, it incinerates all, defying the laws of existence.

Distance holds no dominion over you as the relic pierces through dimensions, rendering even the strongest beings vulnerable. As the bearer, you hold the key to unlock the full potential of the Longinus Lance Testament.

Constitution-Class Starship (Star Trek)

Cost: 15 SP

For those who like boldly going where no one has gone before.

Constitution-Class Starships are vintage ships by modern Starfleet standards, which means they're only capable of destroying an entire planet's civilization.

Your standard Constitution-Class Starship is 288.6 meters long and has a width of 127.1 meters, able to go fractions of light speed comfortably without even using the warp drive, and speeds equivalent to 1960's era jet fighters in the atmosphere. Each ship was outfitted with navigational and combat shielding, two forward torpedo launchers and one aft, 6 total phaser banks covering slightly more than 180 degrees, 6 transporter pads, an almost unbelievable sensor suite, a landing bay with 4 shuttles, and many other amenities and functions.

While this Object of Power uses the TOS era Enterprise as a base, you can opt to acquire any equivalent variant, configuration, or refit (read: you can choose whether or not it looks like a real spaceship or a crappy 60's TV set.)

Lightsaber (Star Wars)

Cost: 5 SP

The lightsaber was a weapon usually used by the Jedi, Sith, Force-sensitive Mandalorians, and other Force-sensitives. Lightsabers consisted of a plasma blade, powered by a kyber crystal, that was emitted from a usually metal hilt and could be shut off at will. It was a weapon that required skill and training and was greatly enhanced when used in conjunction with the Force. Though also used by the Sith, the lightsaber was synonymous with the Jedi, with some in the galaxy believing only Jedi could use lightsabers.

A lightsaber could cut through virtually anything, from flesh to blast doors. The only way to block the incoming attack of a lightsaber was with a weapon made with material that conducted energy, such as an electrostaff, a Z6 riot control baton, some rare metals like beskar, or another lightsaber.

Great Holocron (Star Wars)

Cost: 15 SP

"Every Holocron is unique, based on the teachings held inside. You have to hear what it's trying to tell you before it will open." ―Luke Skywalker

Holocrons are devices used to store information by force users that could fit in the palm of someone's hand and fit a decade's worth of information inside. Over the years, many Jedi have made thousands of Holocrons. However, one Holocron has more information about the Jedi than any other The oldest Holocron that has been passed from Jedi Master to Jedi Master is the Great Holocron. Inside, this Holocron contains everything a Jedi would need to become a master, from lightsaber training to obscure uses of the force. The Holocron has various masters that can help guide you to becoming a better Jedi, including but not limited to Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Dooku, Mace Windu, and Qui-Gon Jinn, to name a few. Once you become more skilled in the force, more is unlocked in the Holocron as it teaches you more about the Light Side of the force.

Telos Holocron (Star Wars)

Cost: 15 SP

"All that we know, we shall share freely with you. All we ask in return is that you keep an open mind, and use this knowledge for the benefit of only one being: yourself. It is not out of greed that we ask this of you, but out of respect. Of all those who might have stumbled upon this device, no one is more deserving of our knowledge than you."

When the Sith were first founded, they created a Holocron that held all the knowledge of the Sith. A repository of wisdom and dark secrets of the force. It was passed down through the generations of Sith lords, gaining more knowledge as those who possessed it poured everything they knew into the Holocron. This Holocron holds secrets of the Sith that few others know and holds guardians of various Sith lords through history, including but not limited to: Ajunta Pall, Naga Sadow, Darth Bane, Darth Revan, and Sidious, to name a few of the more prominent Sith to be in possession and inscribe themselves into the Holocron. The Holocron Contains information about the entire Sith from its start to its fall, all knowledge that the Sith has come to learn through training on the dark side. From Sith Alchemy and the lost lore of the Dark Side to the basics of lightsaber training.

Star Destroyer (Star Wars)

Cost: 20 SP

A line of capital ships manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards.

Imperial-Class Star Destroyers are the arm of the Galactic Empire's military might and the peak of Imperial engineering, each one coming in a different class ranging from star dreadnoughts, battlecruisers, cruisers, and Victory-Class Star Destroyers, each with unique functions.

The standard is the Imperial Class Type I, which is 1,600 meters long and has a width of 900 meters and is able to go 60 mGLT per hour comfortably and 975 km/h in the atmosphere. Each star destroyer was outfitted with shielding and 60 Taim & Bak XX-9 heavy turbolaser batteries, 60 Borstel NK-7 ion cannons, 6 dual heavy turbolaser turrets, 2 dual heavy ion cannon turrets, 40 point-defense laser cannons, Heavy Phylon Q7, and 10 tractor beam projectors, along with a complement of 72 tie fighters of varying sizes and makes. The main weapons outfitted on this specific star destroyer are able to glass cities with one bridge of cannon fire, but it would take multiple death stars numbering in the dozens in order to glass an entire planet, while the secondary weapons are only capable of destroying asteroids and are meant for short range and clearing room to go into hyperspace.

While this Object of Power uses Imperial Class Type I as a base, you can opt to acquire any Star Destroyer variant.

Ha'tak-Class Spaceship (Stargate)

Cost: 20 SP (Goa’uld (Stargate))

Cost: 10 SP (Goa’uld (Stargate))

The favorite spaceship of the Goa’uld, The Ha’tak class spaceship, was often used by system lords to enforce their rule on the empire that the false gods built. Like almost everything else built by the Goa’uld, This massive spaceship was meant as a weapon of terror instead of a weapon of war. Despite this, the Ha’tak remained an unparalleled force of power for the Goa’uld that was massively ahead of anything else the galaxy had at its disposal besides those from the four great races of the Nox, Furlings, Asgard, and the Ancients.

The standard of the Ha’tak is a Length of 700 meters and a Width of 650 meters. The standard speed of the ship in sunlight engines could easily take a Ha’tak to 5% the speed of light, and a hyperdrive could propel a Ha’tak through space at around 32,000 times the speed of light. While it would not be able to make a trip from galaxy to galaxy under normal circumstances, taking around 125 years if done so, under special circumstances you could enhance the speed of the hyperdrive. The ship was also outfitted with Shields that could tank a nuclear warhead that had been enhanced with around 1,000 megaton yields but had no apparent effect. Later designs of Ha’tak vessels could take weapons fire from Asgard ships that are vastly more powerful than the previous nuclear weapon. The Weapons possessed by a Ha’tak were around 60 Staff Cannons that could provide orbital bombardment, decimate countries, and, with enough fire, eventually destroy a planet. Later weapons could destroy a planet with fewer bombardments.

Ha'taks also had several complementary systems, such as communications that provided communicators over interstellar distances, highly advanced Sensors that could pick things up over long distances many lightyears away and just as strong closer to the ship, Transportation devices, and Cloaking devices capable of tricking most sensors. Standard rooms included the Pel'tak (the bridge), Engine rooms, Computer Cores, Glider bays that housed twelve wings of Death Gliders and three Al'kesh bombers, along with various rooms to house over 2,000 Jaffa and around 700,000 tons of cargo.

Ancient City-Ship (Stargate)

Cost: 40 SP

Several million years ago, The Ancients built hundreds of City-Ships to act as floating cities that could transport people across galaxies and act as a settlement on the surface of any planet. City Ships were the largest vessels that the ancients ever developed. Each city ship housed enough space to equal Manhattan Island. As the name implied, the Ship had a city that could accommodate thousands of passengers and more than a million tons of storage capacity. Each City-Ship provided the perfect habitat for the ancients, allowing them to live on and study the planets that they went to. The design of the ship resembles a giant snowflake that has a city built over it.

The Ship is powered by three zero-point modules (each one holds the power of a miniature universe that generates power from the energy of zero-point energy). The shields could withstand constant bombardment from dozens of spaceships meant for war for days, even with just one ZPM, and keep water from crushing the city when submerged in an ocean. The original purpose was for the ship to have a stable atmosphere during interstellar flight through space. For defense and offense, despite not being a ship of war, each Ship held large amounts of drone weapons that could easily destroy Ha’tak vessels and phase through shields.

Each ship held various rooms, such as a room that held a stargate, a room that controlled every aspect of the ship as well as a backup, and a room that housed a chair that could be used to mentally command the ship if manual controls were not enough. Laboratories that allowed for research while aboard the ship and houses massively advanced computers and equipment made by the Lanteans, such as a nanite lab, labs to research society, biology, and more, The ship possessed living quarters for the crew that were nice compared to other ships. A room that contained Puddle Jumpers, Stasis pods, Transportation elevators that could transport you across the ship, a prison, and a room that holds the knowledge of the ancients. This ship possesses sensors vastly more powerful than the ones available to a Ha’tak that could detect things lightyears away and minute things within the ship itself. The hyperdrive was capable of traveling across galaxies in seconds.

Shardbearer (Stormlight Archives)

Cost: 15 SP

You have access to a set of Shardplate and a Shardblade or Honorblade of your choosing. A Shardblade is a powerful weapon capable of slicing rock and severing souls and can be dematerialized and rematerialized when you wish. Honorblades are stronger versions of Shardblades that grant you magical abilities known as "Surgebinding". Shardplate is magical armor that can block even Shardblades and grants you enhanced strength. Your Shardplate will naturally replenish Stormlight and repair itself.

Terraria Equipment (Terraria)

Cost: 7 SP

By purchasing this, you gain one piece of equipment from Terraria, normal or modded. Weapons, Armor, Tools, Accessories, and beyond are all valid options.

Every object will be functioning and self-repairing. Magic objects will grant you a pool of mana that can be increased over time. Meditating under the stars will improve your growth tremendously.

Daedric Equipments (TES)

Cost: 5 SP

The most formidable craftsmanship within the realm of Nirn. By infusing Ebony, the most resilient material found in Nirn, with the essence of a daedra's soul and heart. This remarkable fusion results in the creation of weapons capable of slicing through nearly any obstacle, and armors possessing unparalleled durability, impervious to even the harshest blows, while still maintaining exceptional maneuverability and practicality. These remarkable artifacts stand as the optimal choice for any skilled warrior aspiring to slay the most powerful beings Nirn has to offer.

Moreover, Daedric materials possess exceptional enchantment potential, amplifying the effectiveness of enchantments while minimizing the mana expenditure required. With each purchase, you may acquire one unenchanted Daedric equipment of your preference.

Volendrung (TES)

Cost: 10 SP

The Hammer of Might is a potent force on any battlefield. A massive Ebony hammer, blessed by the Daedra Malacath. It grants its wielder the strength to demolish the walls of enemy keeps with ease, and durability to match. Volendrung is enchanted with the ability to paralyze foes and can be used to bolster the capabilities and resolve of your allies.

Master Sword (TLoZ)

Cost: 15 SP

The Master Sword, also known as the Blade of Evil's Bane, is a legendary blade dating back to ancient times. Originally the Goddess Sword, it was crafted by the goddess Hylia, tempered with the Sacred Flames of the three Golden Goddesses, then blessed with Hylia's own power, granting it the power to repel and vanquish evil, destroy magical barriers, and break curses involving dark magic. It is also an exceptionally good blade in addition to these qualities, being far sharper and lighter than any non-Tinkertech sword, as well as nearly unbreakable.

Normally, this sacred blade could only be wielded by those who were pure of heart and strong of body, repelling those of an evil nature and potentially killing those too weak to draw it - however, your version of the sword lacks either issue, allowing you to wield it with impunity regardless of strength or moral character. Additionally, the Master Sword can, in some cases, be enhanced even further beyond its baseline, such as being further tempered by an expert blacksmith, or through being infused with an outside source of power, for example.

The Mask (The Mask)

Cost: 20 SP

Some say it was made by the god of mischief Loki, some say it was voodoo. What we truly know is that every wearer of this mask is granted the power to turn their wildest dreams into reality, at the cost of their own sanity. The mask grants you the power known as "Toon Force", you are basically a living cartoon without care about physics. You could get splatted in the ground and get back up with no injuries, explode, and come back. You can take any weapons and tools from your pocket, even though they should not be there, and many more things you could do which are only limited by yourself.

Your only weakness is if your mask is taken from you and every action you take, must be comical.

Even though you lose your sanity while wearing the mask, your morality and personal rules remain, if you have them.

You can choose to have a movie, comic, or cartoon mask. Only the comic mask doesn't affect other people with toon force.

Metal Scroll Fragment (The Mech Touch)

Cost: 15 SP

This is a fragment of the metal scroll, a Clarke tech like device that helped propel humanity to conquer the galaxy. This device, which is in the shape of a small comm device, is geared towards making mechs. This is the main way to earn design points, although there are other ways to earn them. Nothing is impossible with enough design points, even immortality, although earning enough to achieve that is another story.

You gain both the aptitude for spirituality that Ves Larkinson had, and you gain an A level aptitude for mech piloting. You have the potential to become both a god level pilot and a star level designer. You gain the basic knowledge on how to make a mech simulator, and how to make the very basic assembly and production machines for mech design.

Legendary Weapon (The Rising of The Shield Hero)

Cost: 20 SP (Gamer System(Trump) Gamer System)

Cost: 12 SP ()

You can choose one of the four Legendary Weapons. Legendary Weapons are ancient spirits who manifest themselves as weapons and forcibly summon suitable users to resist the fusion of worlds. The users who wield these weapons are given the title of Legendary Hero.

All weapons possess a gem that acts as the functional matrix to activate abilities, this gem persists in every weapon form. Possessors of the weapon upgrade it through adventuring within their respective worlds, with each world having different power metrics. Each Legendary Weapon possesses different functions that can be discovered.

There are many ways of enhancing a Legendary Weapon and certain conditions can unlock powerful forms. Legendary Weapons are capable of translating any spoken language and dialect but is unable to do so with written languages.

Beta Suit (Time Shift)

Cost: 25 SP

The Beta Suit is a prototype time-traveling power armor. It is lightly armored with a mixture of Carbon fiber, Metal, and rubber. The Beta suit features an Onboard AI Chip called S.S.A.M. that controls suit functions and allows the user to hack into computers and receive radio transmissions. It is also used to prevent temporal paradoxes.

The suit can jump to a chosen point in time and back. Its powers can vastly improve a person's effectiveness in combat by allowing them to use three time-shifting abilities. These include: stop, slow, and rewind (all of which can be used in conjunction to perform manoeuvres against the enemy)

Titan (Titanfall)

Cost: 10 SP (Titanic Legends (Apex Legends/Titanfall))

Cost: 5 SP (Titanic Legends (Apex Legends/Titanfall))

Required: Pilot (Titanfall)

The main battle horse for a pilot, an imposing and robust mechanical marvel equipped with an extensive array of tactical systems and formidable weaponry. It seamlessly integrates with its pilot, establishing a natural connection that allows for flawless communication and coordination, even across dimensional distances. Standing at an impressive height of 20 feet, the titan combines its immense stature with exceptional agility, enabling it to sprint and sidestep with remarkable dexterity.

The titan's arsenal encompasses highly destructive weaponry, energy shields, and magnetic fields capable of intercepting incoming projectiles and redirecting them towards the assailant. This comprehensive suite of offensive and defensive versatility positions the titan as the ultimate embodiment of both protection and attack. The titan can operates autonomously, requiring no hand on piloting due to its advanced AI, has no need for external energy sources to operate, and seemingly possesses limitless ammunition to sustain its devastating onslaught.

You can customize the appearance of your titan and once bonded with it, the titan becomes an unwavering ally, responding exclusively to the pilot's commands and faithfully executing them. As an extra bonus, the cockpit that enables you to assume full control of the titan, has exceptionally comfortable seating arrangement. So kick back and relax as you venture out together with your unstoppable killing machine.

Needle of War (Tower of God)

Cost: 20 SP

This is a perfect copy of Zahard’s Needle when he climbed the Tower as a Regular; its name is Lecalicus, the Needle of War. This is a transforming weapon that has three forms.

Lecalicus is form where it takes the shape of a wide, white blade that extends into a large snake creature which is under your command.

The Transistor (Transistor)

Cost: 15 SP

You are the owner of the Transistor, a large blunt sword also serving as a powerful computer holding a virtual world. Only you can use it unless you give user access to others.

The Transistor is able to use Functions, which projects its digital resources into the outside world to various effect. The base Function of the Transistor is Turn(), allowing the user to pause their perception of time and program a course of action, up to a limit, with more exhausting actions costing more against that limit; once released, they'll execute every action they programmed extremely rapidly over the course of the next second. Afterward, the Transistor will need to recharge for a few seconds before any of its Functions are available.

By touching a living being with it for around ten seconds, their consciousness is copied as a Trace inside of the Transistor's virtual world, and their data is analyzed by it, granting a Function fitting to the being digitized. If they have powers, their Function will usually imitate those powers in some way. You start with one such Function, which corresponds to you.

Unlike Turn(), other Functions will need to be assigned to certain roles; Active, Passive or Upgrade. Active Functions can grant abilities such as dashes or blasts of energy. Upgrade Functions are added to Active ones, altering them in various ways such as reducing their energy cost or making them strike multiple times. Finally, Passive Functions augment you directly, such as by granting you an energy shield or masking you from sight. You may have four Active and four Passive Functions working at once, and each Active Function can have two Upgrades. Changing it around requires a few minutes of messing with the sword's computer. None of these functions can grant you capacities above street-level.

The Transistor can also create the Process, mindless programs projected into the real world. It can theoretically control them, however, without someone with extraordinary knowledge in programming to fine-tune them, they will rampage and digitize things without reason.

Holy Grail (Type-Moon)

Cost: 35 SP

You have gained possession of a Holy Grail, one of the most sought-after artifacts in mage society. A Holy Grail is essentially a condensed mass of pure magical energy that can react to the wishes of its holder to grant them their wishes.

Besides wish granting the Grail can also serve as a powerful magical battery with limitless capacity capable of being the catalyst for powerful spells and rituals or enhance its wielder magic to a great extent. Your Grail has a small connection to The Root which allows it to recharge in the case where you exhausted its power, or continue to accumulate more and more magical power over time.

When exhausted it will take a month for the Grail to retain its original potency. You could also store your excess magical power by placing it within the Grail. Your Grail starts off at the same level as the Art Graph Holy Grails' present in the Solomon 7 singularity.

Rings of Solomon (Type-Moon)

Cost: 35 SP

You now possess all ten Rings of King Solomon, a set of rings that were granted to Solomon by the Almighty himself to show his approval toward the King of Israel. The rings which are said to be the origin of modern Magecraft granted the user complete and total control of all Magecraft performed by mankind in both utilization and nullification. The rings allows you to use all known Magecraft and construct any mystic code that has been shown in the Nasuverse on a level equal to True Magic.

Excalibur (Type-Moon)

Cost: 25 SP

The Strongest and most majestic holy sword. A weapon crafted in the heart of the world, made entirely out of the prayers, wishes, hopes, and light of humanity, in order to safeguard humanity and the earth against alien threats. It cannot be called beautiful, for such a word would only dirty it. It is sacred. Excalibur is a divine construct, the pinnacle of holy swords. Normally the sword is an energy amplifier, taking energy and expelling many times what it received as a blinding white wave of energy. However when humanity or the planet is threatened it becomes a divine construct capable of achieving a miracle in order to save the world. It is a crystallization of the concept of glory, the sad, yet noble dreams of all warriors, past, present, and future, who lie dying on the field of battle, clutched to their hearts with their last breath. To be exalted.

Avalon (Type-Moon)

Cost: 25 SP (Excalibur (Type-Moon))

Cost: 10 SP (Excalibur (Type-Moon))

The hallowed Scabbard of Excalibur. The embodiment of Utopia. Its connection to the heart of the world, Avalon, grants its wielder regenerative immortality simply by carrying it. And when Mystical Energy is supplied and its true name is called it becomes the ultimate shield, by overwriting the rules of the world around you temporarily to become like the utopia it is connected to, a world where the concept of harm and hurt does not exist. Thus it can block even the likes of true magics from harming its wielder.

Rhongomyniad (Type-Moon)

Cost: 30 SP (Excalibur (Type-Moon)Avalon (Type-Moon))

Cost: 20 SP (Excalibur (Type-Moon)Avalon (Type-Moon))

Cost: 25 SP (Avalon (Type-Moon)Excalibur (Type-Moon))

Cost: 15 SP (Excalibur (Type-Moon)Avalon (Type-Moon))

Rhongomyniad, known as The Lance that Shines to the Ends of the World is a Divine Construct that rivals Excalibur in power. Rhongomyniad is sealed by the Thirteen Restraints of the Round Table. This is the same set of restraints that bind Excalibur.

The restraints are: 1. The enemy must be more powerful than oneself 2. The battle must be one-on-one 3. The enemy must not be an elemental spirit 4. The battle must be one against evil 5. The battle must not involve personal gain 6. The battle must not be against Humanity 7. The battle must not be inhumane 8. The battle must be for truth 9. The battle must be to live 10. The battle must be to save the world 11. The battle must be to defend human order 12. The battle must not be against one pure of heart 13. The battle must be an honorable one

After you release a single restraint, it will permanently remain open, allowing you to reach Rhongomyniad's full power after you have unlocked all 13 restraints at least once. Wielding this weapon will slowly change you into the highest-ranking Divine Spirit, giving you a Magical Energy that surpasses space and time, which will allow you to gain control over the flow of time and eventually, time travel. Rhongomyniad has the ability to shape-shift as well. The outer spiral shell of the spear can be shifted into a shining set of armor reminiscent of white bark, this armor can grow branches as an additional form of defense.

Ea (Type-Moon)

Cost: 50 SP (Gates of Babylon (Type-Moon))

Cost: 25 SP (Gates of Babylon (Type-Moon))

Before the Earth was born, before weapons were conceived by mankind, there was Ea, the Sword of Rupture. It is the oldest and most destructive, existing only to end the world and expose the truth. It does not need an edge to inflict devastating damage. It can obliterate anything it touches, even in the hands of a novice. It can also release a powerful blast of energy that targets only what the wielder wants, multiplying the force of each strike.

But that is not all it can do. When the user channels their energy into the sword, it starts to spin faster and faster, gathering more power. The sword then unleashes an attack that surpasses everything else. It is a recreation of the genesis miracle, a reset of all creation. Its red wind erases everything in its path, leaving only the original reality before it was shaped and then ripping that apart too. Nothing can survive its true power, unless it escapes to a world beyond the sixth dimension. Even a slight use of this power can tear apart time, space, and reality itself. The sword can also destroy smaller worlds, pocket realities, and dimensions, forcing them back to the main reality. And if enough energy is used, there is nothing that Ea cannot destroy

Vasavi Shakti: O' Sun, Abide to Death (Type-Moon)

Cost: 25 SP

It is a spear of mortality made of lightning that can only strike once. It is a spear made to kill the Divine; as such, it possesses "power proportionate to an A-rank attack," dealing A-rank physical damage, because it has the power to kill gods. Heroic Spirits, Monstrous Beasts, Phantasmal Beasts, Divine Beasts, Shields, Fortresses, Bounded Fields, and every single existence are equally meaningless before its might. Vasavi Shakti's power is enough to destroy a "single" existence completely, which can be as specific as a single target or an entire texture of the world. However, once a target is chosen, it won't affect much else. Releasing Vasavi Shakti's true power will melt everything in the area for miles with its heat and lightning.

Kavacha and Kundala: O' Sun, Become Armor (Type-Moon)

Cost: 25 SP

A divine set of golden armor (Kavacha) and a golden earring (Kundala) given to Karna. Kavacha and Kundala are powerful defensive armor that emits the radiance of the sun, integrating with your body. Because it's light itself taking shape, it is difficult to destroy, even for gods.

While this armor doesn't nullify all attacks, attacks of B-Rank and below are blocked, and attacks higher than B will instead have their damage reduced to one-tenth of the damage you would normally receive. For instance, stakes that would normally penetrate the armor and stab you countless times all over your body will be reduced to mere scratches that are barely noticeable. By forcefully invoking the True Name "Kavacha and Kundala: O' Sun, Become Armor," you will momentarily become the very radiance of the sun, as the armor is imbued with Surya's power. This vastly raises the defensive abilities of the armor to a level where you would be able to survive attacks from someone wielding the power of multiple high-level gods, attacking you with their full power all at once for 5 seconds.

The Moon Cell Automaton (Type-Moon)

Cost: 70 SP

You are now the owner of the Moon Cell, a gigantic, 4.6 billion-year-old supercomputer composed of photonic crystals created by an unknown civilization, that can affect the outside world with its internal calculations.

The Moon Cell has tremendous calculation and information processing ability, able to scan the entire Earth about once per nanosecond and compile the results of its scan in its database. It has a database of human history that can faithfully simulate all life on Earth and is capable of providing a definite prediction of the future. It is a processor with a massive memory that has recorded the habits, history, ideas, and even the souls of humanity.

Its many capabilities also include the ability to generate reality marbles, create AI, summon Servants, create new ones, and grant people the powers of Servants using its vast database, which has recorded everything since 100 million years before the birth of the planet Earth itself.

Klironomia (Type-Moon)

Cost: 25 SP

Upon arriving at a safe location you will find thirteen canisters each filled with a dosage of different Klironomia waiting for you.

Klironomia are nanomachines derived from the technology and divinity of the Twelve Machine Gods of Olympus. They are made of a metal not found in the normal human world called Orichalcum. There are thirteen varieties of Klironomia; the standard model of Klironomia along with twelve other variations patterned directly on the functionality and divinity of one of the twelve Olympians a different member each. The standard model Klironomia bonds to both organic biology and inanimate objects to greatly enhance or restore the strength, and performance of an individual or object to an extent comparable to low rank servant stats and gives a lifespan measured in centuries to even a completely mundane human. They can also act as a pseudo-perpetual motion machine and generate enough Mana to sustain a Servant without a Master. The variations based on the Olympians can do everything the standard variety of Klironomia can do but better along with providing a small number of unique abilities based on the Olympian their design is modeled.

In addition these Klironomia will each come with an internal database that anyone who bonds to them can mentally access filled with Olympian technological and biological knowledge related to those models of Klironomia including how to produce more Klironomia if you can find or make the resources required, if you or someone else take multiple doses the databases within those Klironomia will merge as their systems synch up.

A normal average modern day human cannot survive bonding with Klironomia due to the strain it would put on their body, if you don’t have some other power that would help deal with the strain your body will be enhanced to the point of being comparable to a nasuverse age of god human to allow you to handle all thirteen doses.

Gáe Bolg (Type-Moon)

Cost: 25 SP

Gáe Bolg, a cursed spear crafted by Scáthach from the remains of the Phantasmal sea monster Curruid's skull. Scáthach made several versions of this spear with the intention of one of her students being able to kill her. The Gáe Bolg is descended from Gungnir, which is Odin's spear in Norse mythology.

The spear has two unique attacks that you can use. The first is Gáe Bolg: Barbed Spear That Pierces With Death. This attack is focused on a single opponent, and it always strikes the opponent's heart, ensuring a fatal blow and spreading tiny thorns within the bodies of those pierced by the spear. Once the name of the spear is called, the spear reverses the causality of nature, ensuring that no matter how much the opponent struggles, the spear is always fated to pierce the heart of the one whom the wielder strikes. In other words, instead of the cause being the lance being thrust, it is replaced by the effect of the lance piercing the heart, even turning at angles that would otherwise be impossible to pierce the heart. There is no hope of evading this attack unless the target has a way of changing their fate themselves.

Wounds that come from the spear cannot be healed unless the effect of healing it is greater than the curse that is on Gáe Bolg, as long as the spear exists.

The second technique is Gáe Bolg: Soaring Spear That Strikes with Death. By tossing the spear and unlocking the true potential of the spear's curse, the wielder produces thousands of barbs that all strike at once, effectively carpet-bombing an area. This attack is more effective against multiple opponents, as it cannot be dodged or blocked under normal circumstances.

Kaleidostick (Type-Moon)

Cost: 20 SP

The Kaleidostick is a mystic code created by none other than Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg and imbued with artificial intelligence. The Kaleidostick is capable of making contracts with the user in order to boost their energy and provide them with virtually an infinite supply of magical energy through the use of the second magic, allowing the user to make use of the second magic to transform or overlay themselves into alternate versions of themselves, such as an alternate version of themselves who is proficient with swords or a version of themselves who is a master chef.

Through artificial intelligence, the wand allows for the manifesting of clothing that both the AI and the user find enjoyable. This AI is also able to use several of the wand’s functions if the wielder is incapable of doing them, such as in the middle of a fight. The wand has impressive durability, being able to tank attacks from King Arthur and Hercules.

Through the second magic, the Kaleidostick can create a barrier around an area that separates it from the world, creating a pocket dimension in which no damage will reach the outside world. Other abilities the wand is able to provide include, but are not limited to, a magical shield to block physical or magical attacks, healing, increased strength, and physical abilities through magic reinforcement, the ability to fly, or the ability to create magic blasts. The limits to what the Kaleidostick can do with magic are solely up to the wielder and the amount of energy they are willing to use through the second magic.

Should you find a class card, you could use that to Include and Install the ability or weapon pertaining to the heroic spirit within.

Somatic Link (Warframe)

Cost: 3 SP

You have a chair that is capable of being connected to any technology.

When sitting in this chair you have a mind-machine link between you and anything it is hooked up to, being capable of controlling and understanding its senses with the same intuitive ease as moving your own body.

The chair also acts as a good place to meditate, allowing you to more easily push away the sensations of your own body to better become in tune with your own mind and/or powers.

Warframe (Warframe)

Cost: 8 SP

You now have a rank 0 warframe, a biomechanical weapon capable of superhuman feats of strength, dexterity and agility, as well as having a set of similar superpowers.

You are capable of performing a transference link with your warframe, allowing you to control it and channel your powers through it as if it were your own body.

At the height of its power, a warframe is capable of depopulating entire spaceships worth of elite soldiers within a matter of minutes, but at the beginning your ability to link with your warframe is limited, only granting you access to a small part of its power.

As you practice and learn how to better synchronize with your warframe, you will gain access to the hidden depths of its abilities.

Sword of Khaine (Warhammer Fantasy)

Cost: 5 SP

Forged by the smith god Vaul for Khaine, the Elven lord of murder and violence, the Old World knows of no finer blade.

The user becomes powerful beyond measure, with it's greatest wielder Aenarion once using it to kill four Greater Daemons solo, and many wielders in the Total War: Warhammer timelines have been able to use it to easily slay entire armies on their lonesome.

But there is a price: the more one uses it, the more the blade corrupts the wielder, making them callous, cruel, murderous, and ever more like Khaine himself.

While called a sword, the weapon actually reshapes itself to the form the user most desires at any given time, as it is willing to do anything to tempt an unfortunate soul into wielding it. It always shows a little of its true nature however, as whatever form it takes, it seems to be dripping blood.

The Witchblade (Witchblade)

Cost: 20 SP

You are now the wielder of The Witchblade, a sapient, intelligent, and ancient weapon. Born from the universe's primordial opposing aspects, the Darkness and the Angelus, The Witchblade is a male aspect created to act as a balance. The Witchblade takes the form of an ornate jeweled bracelet when dormant, and when active becomes a wickedly bladed gauntlet and armor for your most sensitive areas. As adaptive armor, it grows as necessary to further protect its host in nearly impervious bladed armor. Among its other powers is the ability to keep the host in peak human condition, grant superhuman strength and endurance, accelerated regeneration, low-level invulnerability covering bullets and minor explosions, pyrokinesis and immunity to heat and fire, tactile telekinetic healing of other beings, and weapon formation of blades, whips, swords, spears, wings which allow flight, projectile darts, etc.

Border Trigger (World Trigger)

Cost: 10 SP

You gain a briefcase which contains a standard B-rank Border Agency Triggers, a full complement of modules, and a Bail Out anchor beacon. The trigger can equip up to eight modules, four in each hand.

When first used, the trigger will create a Trion Gland of average strength in the user.

Neighbor Trigger (World Trigger)

Cost: 10 SP

You gain a trigger manufactured by one of the Neighbor nations. This includes the Horn Triggers of Aftokrator. (Either one that was seen in the series or an original creation.)

When first used, the trigger will create a Trion Gland of average strength in the user. Horn Triggers also grow a pair of Trion gathering horns on their user.

Black Trigger (World Trigger)

Cost: 15 SP

You gain a Black Trigger of your choice. (Either one that was seen in the series or an original creation.)

The trigger will create a high quality Trion Gland in the user upon first use.

Aegis (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)

Cost: 40 SP

You gain the Aegis from the Xenoblade universe, its power is localized reality manipulation via higher dimensional energy from a conduit. Or in layman's terms anything you imagine becomes real, within reason, depending on your total power output. Your blade is powered by a connection to a conduit that cannot be reached or tampered with, don’t want another incident on our hands. Your blade is also a person, this person can be Pyra, Mythra or both at the same time, your choice. Although that doesn’t matter too much outside of their appearance since they are fundamentally the same person. The more you work with and resonate with your blade the greater the power you can wield.

Golden Tiger Claws (Xiaolin Showdown)

Cost: 10 SP

Created by Master Dashi as one of the incredibly powerful Shen Gon Wu, the Golden Tiger Claws in particular are a coveted item. With this claw, you are able to rip a hole in space-time to any other point in space-time that you can jump through to instantly transport yourself and others. You can choose if and when the rip closes at any time.

Elenium Type 95 (Youjo Senki)

Cost: 10 SP (State Approved Magic (Youjo Senki))

Cost: 5 SP (State Approved Magic (Youjo Senki))

The Elenium Type 95 Operation Orb, the greatest wonder that the Empire ever produce, has been intricately linked to your very soul, granting you a sizeable mana pool, and the instinctual knowledge to create magic formulas and cast spells. Unlike its predecessors, this orb harnesses four cores instead of one, exponentially increasing it's potency, and allowing you to simultaneously run and cast 4 spells at once. Revered as a divine creation, this experimental orb is derived from technology a millennium ahead from when it was made, a true miraculous wonder of it's age. Unlike the original Type 95, this orb spares you from the burden of mental corruption.

Additionally, You are able to craft magitech as advance as the Type 95 without the need for divine intervention, though it won't be an easy task, and would require months, or even years of effort.

Heart of the Cards (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Cost: 5 SP

You gain a Yu-Gi-Oh deck that is based off of your personal beliefs, history, and personality, you also gain a duel disk. You are now a master at children's card games.

As long as you believe in the "Heart of the Cards" you find that when playing a game of any sort you always seem to get just what you need at any moment.

You may summon digital replicas of a card, and activate spells and traps in any fight with a parahuman.

Akashic Engine - 00 (Yuusha, Yamemasu)

Cost: 10 SP

The Akashic Engine is a continuous power source capable of unlimited energy production, albeit the output depends on how much you can extract , once a certain amount of the desired energy is gathered. It was created by a Advanced Technological Earth after a Magical Demon Empire breached the dimensions and invaded Earth. The engine contains no personality/mind and the prototypes of all Demon-Heart Series powers, but only about 1/12 of the strength.

Similar to all Demon-Heart Series, yours also have a backup containing all knowledge of Earth, but the blueprints of the others DHs are corrupted. It is still possible to reverse-engineer them from your Demon-Heart, but it will be challenging without the necessary know-how.

Alongside the Engine, you also gain the Manual of Operations, which, when followed correctly, allows you to upload your mind/soul to the Core and become a Demon-Heart yourself.