Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Objects of Power/The Song of Genesis: SCP-407 (SCP Foundation)

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The Song of Genesis: SCP-407 (SCP Foundation)

Cost: 15 SP

You have been provided with a seemingly benign but compact cassette tape that lasts for 30 minutes. Upon playing it on any medium, you hear a polyphonic musical work by unaccompanied voices speaking unknown tongues. During the first minute of exposure, all multi-cellular life forms seem to become healthier. All afflicted suffering from malnutrition, scarring, physical injury, chronic diseases or other medical conditions seem to cured or it and become healthy with only a minute of exposure to SCP-407. Examples include, Alzheimer's disease, Crohn's disease, brain/spinal cord injuries, and other normally fatal infections or wounds. Interestingly, cancer does not seem to be affected, though a subject's physical condition is still vastly improved.

Most stop here, but for those who hear more, be wary.

During the second and third minute of exposure, subjects start experiencing unnecessary unrestrained cell growth, manifesting in quickly advancing dermal growths. These growths seem to mostly be benign tumors and calcium and fat deposits, which though sometimes painful and disfiguring, are not life threatening. During the fourth minute of exposure, increased bacterial and fungal growth occurs, creating conditions that grow increasingly dangerous for all exposed life, even in their new healthier states. Respiratory and digestive problems are quick to arrive in most cases, and become steadily worse as time progresses.

Past five minutes, the effects of SCP-407 seem to differ. But in all cases, trace elements of plants or fungus as well as any animal life present begin to grow and replicate uncontrollably at varying rates, often shaping into new organisms. Its highly recommended by that point all tools and subjects be sterilized to remove the presence of pollen, fungal spores, plant seeds, and as much bacterial life to the greatest degree possible to delay the negative effects of SCP-407 at this point.