Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Objects of Power/Ancient City-Ship (Stargate)

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Ancient City-Ship (Stargate)

Cost: 40 SP

Several million years ago, The Ancients built hundreds of City-Ships to act as floating cities that could transport people across galaxies and act as a settlement on the surface of any planet. City Ships were the largest vessels that the ancients ever developed. Each city ship housed enough space to equal Manhattan Island. As the name implied, the Ship had a city that could accommodate thousands of passengers and more than a million tons of storage capacity. Each City-Ship provided the perfect habitat for the ancients, allowing them to live on and study the planets that they went to. The design of the ship resembles a giant snowflake that has a city built over it.

The Ship is powered by three zero-point modules (each one holds the power of a miniature universe that generates power from the energy of zero-point energy). The shields could withstand constant bombardment from dozens of spaceships meant for war for days, even with just one ZPM, and keep water from crushing the city when submerged in an ocean. The original purpose was for the ship to have a stable atmosphere during interstellar flight through space. For defense and offense, despite not being a ship of war, each Ship held large amounts of drone weapons that could easily destroy Ha’tak vessels and phase through shields.

Each ship held various rooms, such as a room that held a stargate, a room that controlled every aspect of the ship as well as a backup, and a room that housed a chair that could be used to mentally command the ship if manual controls were not enough. Laboratories that allowed for research while aboard the ship and houses massively advanced computers and equipment made by the Lanteans, such as a nanite lab, labs to research society, biology, and more, The ship possessed living quarters for the crew that were nice compared to other ships. A room that contained Puddle Jumpers, Stasis pods, Transportation elevators that could transport you across the ship, a prison, and a room that holds the knowledge of the ancients. This ship possesses sensors vastly more powerful than the ones available to a Ha’tak that could detect things lightyears away and minute things within the ship itself. The hyperdrive was capable of traveling across galaxies in seconds.