Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Objects of Power/Epoch (Chrono Trigger)

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Epoch (Chrono Trigger)

Cost: 10 SP

You gain the time-traveling flying craft created by the Wise Men of Zeal, the Epoch.

While capable of time-travel, it can't go wherever it pleases in time, as it is limited to going to specific historical flashpoints. These flashpoints depend on what universe it's in, and what the defining events of that universe are.

One era you always have access to is the End of Time, a place where you can "save" and "load" the universe like a video game, restore yourself to perfect health and refill your reserves of energy (supernatural or otherwise), and train against Spekkio, a supernatural being who can teach you to use your abilities in the most effective way possible.