Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Objects of Power/Constitution-Class Starship (Star Trek)

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Constitution-Class Starship (Star Trek)

Cost: 15 SP

For those who like boldly going where no one has gone before.

Constitution-Class Starships are vintage ships by modern Starfleet standards, which means they're only capable of destroying an entire planet's civilization.

Your standard Constitution-Class Starship is 288.6 meters long and has a width of 127.1 meters, able to go fractions of light speed comfortably without even using the warp drive, and speeds equivalent to 1960's era jet fighters in the atmosphere. Each ship was outfitted with navigational and combat shielding, two forward torpedo launchers and one aft, 6 total phaser banks covering slightly more than 180 degrees, 6 transporter pads, an almost unbelievable sensor suite, a landing bay with 4 shuttles, and many other amenities and functions.

While this Object of Power uses the TOS era Enterprise as a base, you can opt to acquire any equivalent variant, configuration, or refit (read: you can choose whether or not it looks like a real spaceship or a crappy 60's TV set.)