Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Objects of Power/Great Holocron (Star Wars)

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Great Holocron (Star Wars)

Cost: 15 SP

"Every Holocron is unique, based on the teachings held inside. You have to hear what it's trying to tell you before it will open." ―Luke Skywalker

Holocrons are devices used to store information by force users that could fit in the palm of someone's hand and fit a decade's worth of information inside. Over the years, many Jedi have made thousands of Holocrons. However, one Holocron has more information about the Jedi than any other The oldest Holocron that has been passed from Jedi Master to Jedi Master is the Great Holocron. Inside, this Holocron contains everything a Jedi would need to become a master, from lightsaber training to obscure uses of the force. The Holocron has various masters that can help guide you to becoming a better Jedi, including but not limited to Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Dooku, Mace Windu, and Qui-Gon Jinn, to name a few. Once you become more skilled in the force, more is unlocked in the Holocron as it teaches you more about the Light Side of the force.