Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Objects of Power/Equipment of The Wonder Woman (DC Comics)

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Equipment of The Wonder Woman (DC Comics)

Cost: 15 SP

You now possess the Equipment used by those chosen to be the Wonder Woman of Themyscira. This gives you;

The Bracelets of Submission- Two magical bracelets made from 8th Metal that can deflect just about anything with only the highest levels of Force able to break them

Wonder Woman's Tiara- a Tiara made of 8th Metal that is sharp enough to cut a Kryptonian easily, and returns to your hand when thrown.

Magical Sword and Shield - A sword forged by Hephaestus, said to be sharp enough to cut the electrons off an atom and a shield made to protect from the greatest attacks.

Lasso of Truth- called the Golden Perfect, and Forged from the Golden Girdle of Gaea, The lasso is completely unbreakable, immutable, and indestructible. It also capable of altering in length, based on the wielder's needs. Among its powers are the ability to restore lost memories, cast hypnosis, dispel illusions, and protect those held within its circumference from magical attacks. Those who have been altered in a unnatural metaphysical or physical manner are forced to undergo a biophysical reset when ensnared by the lariat, making the enhanced revert back to their base self. This can relieve an individual from the effects of toxins or poisons, as well as cease the effects of mind control. Empowered by the Fires of Hestia, the lasso forces anyone held by it to tell and understand the absolute truth. (Beware this can be very dangerous, as not everyone is capable of facing the truth of their actions stripped bare of excuses, and this has lead a few individuals to suicide from facing the pure TRUTH of themselves.)