Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Objects of Power/The Red Crown - To Do No Evil (COTL)

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The Red Crown - To Do No Evil (COTL)

Cost: 15 SP

The Red Crown, a divine artifact of immense power, binds itself to its chosen bearer, bestowing upon them unparalleled dominion over death and the afterlife.

As the Red Crown adorns its wearer, Immortality becomes their gift, ensuring their resurrection if ever faced with demise.

In the hands of its owner, the Red Crown can manifests as a formidable array of weaponry and tools. Transforming into swords, daggers, gauntlets, axes, and hammers, it empowers the wearer with exceptional combat prowess, allowing them to vanquish even the most formidable adversaries.

With the Red Crown's blessings, the wearer gains heightened health and resilience, provided by The One Who Waits. Though not invincible, they possess the unwavering determination to overcome challenges.

While adorned with the Red Crown, the wearer possesses an enigmatic charisma that captivates others, drawing countless followers to their cause. Their persuasive influence allows them to sway hearts and change the minds of dissenters, wielding their divine authority to guide others towards their vision.

In addition, the Red Crown possesses a unique power—the ability to convert the faith of their followers into miracles. Miracles can manifest as profound knowledge of crafting techniques, unveiling the secrets of creating new and wondrous artifacts. It can inspire the revelation of innovative battle tactics and strategies, granting the bearer new powers and techniques to overcome challenges. Miracles may also materialize as the physical manifestation of the bearer's divine mandate, bolstering their abilities and influence. The crown's miracles even extend to the creation of entirely new afterlife realms, shaping the destiny of souls beyond death's embrace. The scope of these miracles knows no bounds, limited only by the strength of the faith gathered.

From The Ruins, A New Heaven Shall Form!

Having acquired the Green Crown, Yellow Crown, Blue Crown, and Purple Crown, the Red Crown has assimilated the domains and divine authorities of all four crowns. Transforming you into a God King, you now stand at the helm of a new pantheon of deities that will form under your guidance. Through this ascension, you possess the power to bestow fragments of your divine essence upon others, elevating them to become new gods who will forever remain loyal to your cause.

As the God King, your authority reaches unprecedented heights. The Red Crown's abilities have been greatly enhanced, particularly its power to convert faith. Now, the conversion of faith yields not only miracles but Divine Authorities—profound manifestations of divine power that far surpass the previous miracles in magnitude and potency. With each act of faith bestowed upon you, you have the ability to shape reality, influence destiny, and bend the fabric of existence itself.

Furthermore, the previous abilities of the Red Crown have been amplified to new levels of mastery. Your immortality is inviolable, ensuring your resurrection even in the face of the most formidable challenges. The crown's transformative capabilities grant you an arsenal of weapons that can shape-shift into even more devastating forms. The captivating charisma you possess becomes unmatched, compelling even your enemies and adversaries to become followers of your cause and bending dissenters to your will.