Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Objects of Power/Ea (Type-Moon)

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Ea (Type-Moon)

Cost: 50 SP (Gates of Babylon (Type-Moon))

Cost: 25 SP (Gates of Babylon (Type-Moon))

Before the Earth was born, before weapons were conceived by mankind, there was Ea, the Sword of Rupture. It is the oldest and most destructive, existing only to end the world and expose the truth. It does not need an edge to inflict devastating damage. It can obliterate anything it touches, even in the hands of a novice. It can also release a powerful blast of energy that targets only what the wielder wants, multiplying the force of each strike.

But that is not all it can do. When the user channels their energy into the sword, it starts to spin faster and faster, gathering more power. The sword then unleashes an attack that surpasses everything else. It is a recreation of the genesis miracle, a reset of all creation. Its red wind erases everything in its path, leaving only the original reality before it was shaped and then ripping that apart too. Nothing can survive its true power, unless it escapes to a world beyond the sixth dimension. Even a slight use of this power can tear apart time, space, and reality itself. The sword can also destroy smaller worlds, pocket realities, and dimensions, forcing them back to the main reality. And if enough energy is used, there is nothing that Ea cannot destroy