Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Objects of Power/Exotic Arsenal (Destiny)

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Exotic Arsenal (Destiny)

Cost: 5 SP

The Guardians of the Last City are known for their wholehearted embrace of dangerous and unusual weapons and armor. With each purchase, you may acquire one exotic or legendary piece of armor or weapon of your choice. No matter what you choose, you are guaranteed to be immune to any harmful or corruptive effects possessed by these items.

Firing anything from miniature black holes to exploding worm larvae, the weapons on offer are as varied as they are effective. While some of their more unusual effects may not function in the hands of an ordinary person, all of them are expertly made weapons that can channel their wielder’s paracausal power to enhance their damage.

Beyond simply providing excellent protection on the battlefield, many of the armors offered here can have additional useful effects on their wearer. As with the weapons, many of these items are designed explicitly with Lightbearers in mind—being powered entirely by the Light of their wearer. Even so, they may still prove useful to those seeking high tech protection.