Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Power Upgrades/Silver Age Kryptonian (DC Comics)

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Silver Age Kryptonian (DC Comics)

Cost: 85 SP

Required: (Wo)Man of Steel (DC Comics)

Sent away from a doomed planet by loving planet Jor-El and Lara to Earth, it was predicted that Kal-El would gain extraordinary powers based on the power of Earth’s sun. However, it is unclear if in that moment Jor-El truly understood that Kal would effectively become a god of the material universe in all but name.

It is not simply that Kryptonians of this strength have such incredible physical prowess that it would take armies of metahumans led by multiple Post-Crisis Kryptonians to even have a hope of pinning one down without exploiting their weaknesses. Their physical feats don’t make sense, and treat kinetic force as more of an artistic medium than anything. Towing entire systems of planets around on a giant chain? Child’s play. Gathering millions of meteors from across the universe to fuse into artificial planets for the homeless? Easy. Clapping lightning into existence, squeezing diamonds into coal, accurately throwing a jewel around the world back to its original position, and viewing events happening in the far corners of the universe? Just another day in the life of the Man of Steel. Try going back and forth in time, taking anything you can carry with you for something approaching a challenge-and even then mainly because of the risk of accidentally going to a parallel universe and endangering it with time paradoxes.

Kryptonian powers of this era are also oddly modular and responsive to external stimuli; by catching a cold, Superman’s heat vision briefly became cold vision, after touching an alien spacecraft he gained the power to create a miniature version of himself with his powers and through sheer anger and prolonged violence Superboy Prime could retcon the past of targets he punched. It is no exaggeration to say that with enough sunlight to sustain your powers, even truly fundamental beings such as the Anti-Monitor could be beaten to death by your fists