Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Power Upgrades/Upper Moon (Demon Slayer)

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Revision as of 21:36, 28 February 2024 by Ltouroumov (talk | contribs)
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Upper Moon (Demon Slayer)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Demon (Demon Slayer)

Your Demon blood has increased and your strength has reached incredible heights, you are absolutely unparalleled in strength when compared to even the strongest of lower moon demons. Your hunger for humans is still insatiable and like before you will never truly be full however the craving is much easier to resist and it will continue to weaken as you grow in strength. You are now so fast your movement looks like teleportation to most humans and lower moons. Your strength would now allow you to destroy multiple city blocks at once and your blood demon art is now strong enough to destroy an entire district to small village. Your healing is now so fast that non-weakness imposed wounds, such as a normal katana or a gunshot, close as they are formed, a slash's start point would be closed by the time the slash finished and entire limbs will regrow in around 5-10 minutes. Your senses cover even greater distances with even greater accuracy and acuteness. You are still weak to everything you were as a lower moon but these weaknesses will decrease in effectiveness as you grow in strength, though the weakness to both the sun and decapitation with a sun powered weapon will never vanish, through training and/or eating humans. Due to your increase in demon blood you can now create lesser demons, these demon's potential will scale with your own but the limit is always 6 tiers below you. Upper 6 could create demons upto the strength of Lower 6, Upper 5 to Lower 5, etc.