Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Power Upgrades/Progenitor (Demon Slayer)

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Progenitor (Demon Slayer)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Upper Moon (Demon Slayer)

Your Demon blood and power is now equal to only one other demon is history, Muzan Kibutsuji, the demon king. Much like him you gain pinkish-red catlike eyes and absolutely incredible self-biokinesis, you have intimate knowledge of every cell of your body which allows you to change yourself in any way you need or want, from making new limbs like bone whips and new mouths to completely disguising yourself by changing your size, gender, smell, your heartbeat, breathing pattern, or even your unique eyes. You also have massively increased intelligence and thinking power due to your evolution giving you 5 brains and 7 hearts. Your strength is immense, you can easily destroy a town to small city, and your speed is equally incredible being able to cover vast distances in instants, many many times faster than even the fastest Upper moon. Your senses can cover entire cities at once with ease and when focused can go even farther, these senses are so strong you could differentiate people by their heartbeats from miles away. Finally your regeneration, instant even for total limb destruction unless the injury was imposed by a weakness like a sun fused weapon and even then it would only slow you down unless the power was already stronger than your own. You can make new or use any mentioned blood demon art with experimentation and study and their power scales with your own always being strong enough to be considered an ultimate move. Even the absolute best wisteria poisons would only be enough to slow you down and annoy you until you adapted, sun infused weaponry does little unless it is significantly stronger than you already, and decapitation is completely ineffective. Death will only come to you if you are completely disintegrated or all of your hearts and brains are obliterated by powerful sun weaponry, difficult considering you can move and change them at will and they naturally move around in erratic patterns. The sun itself will still completely kill you, though you at least have a second or 2 to escape it before you die completely. You are still insatiable and will never truly be full but the craving for humans can be easily suppressed and you will never feel real hunger ever again. You can make demons of incredible strength, their max potential still scales with your own and they will never have the strength to challenge you. All demons made are fervently loyal to you and will do anything for you and your goals even die. Optionally you may get all of the 12 Kizuki from Demon Slayer, even Nakime the biwa player and Kaigaku.