Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Objects of Power/Three-Thirds Umbilical Cords

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Three-Thirds Umbilical Cords

Cost: 30 SP

Required: Hunter (Bloodborne)

Eldritch do not die naturally unless they are slain by even greater forces of power, they cannot give birth themselves even though they long for true children, these facts are immutable for the horrors of the Cosmos. So they use humans as incubation chambers for their young, those even these young are almost never true godlings. Humans have long sought ascension and you my friend have found the way ahead. Every purchase of this will give you one-third of an umbilical cord. Each third, when consumed, will grant you incredible insight into the workings of the universe and when all three are consumed you will ascend to Eldritch Godhood. Though this method bypasses many stages and so it have quite a few drawbacks, most prominent being that you will basically need to be nurtured and cared for like a normal baby by someone you trust for around 25 years and even then you will still not be as strong as even the Moon Presence for another 175 years. It will take you 10,000 years to become as strong as Nascent Eldritch in the CYOA starts at though admittedly by that point almost nothing will be able to challenge you anyway and those years will merely be a blip on your infinite lifespan.