Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Objects of Power/The Purple Crown - To Think No Evil (COTL)

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The Purple Crown - To Think No Evil (COTL)

Cost: 10 SP

The Purple Crown, a formidable artifact of divine power, bestows upon its bearer absolute dominion over war and conquest. It embodies authority over the realm of conflict, symbolizing supremacy, strategic wisdom, and the unyielding spirit of battle. With its regal purple hue, the crown exudes an air of mystery and reverence, reflecting the potent influence it grants to its wearer.

As the Purple Crown bonds with its chosen owner, it forges a divine connection, empowering them with unparalleled control over the art of war. Resting upon their brow, the crown enhances their abilities and grants them the strength to command and manipulate the forces of conquest. It merges seamlessly with their being, almost becoming one with their essence.

With the Purple Crown adorning their head, the wearer becomes a vessel of divine authority, exuding an aura of invincibility and strategic brilliance. Their every move is guided by the crown's wisdom, granting them unparalleled tactical insight and an instinctive understanding of warfare. The wearer can rally armies, inspire unwavering loyalty, and shape the course of battles with their mere presence.

Though the Purple Crown does not transform into weapons or tools, its power surges through the bearer's being, infusing them with martial prowess. Their every strike carries the weight of divine dominion, delivering devastating blows and overwhelming their foes with ease. The crown magnifies their presence on the battlefield, imbuing them with an irresistible aura of command.

When fully harnessed, the Purple Crown unveils the wearer's trues divine form—a towering demonic spider with two pairs of cross-like horns protruding from their head. Their body emanates an aura of tyrannical conquest that blends the cruelty of war with elegance and strength, a tyrannical lord over it's dominion, an Eldritch God that embodies War and Conquest.