The children of the gods, a narcissistic title that the Goa’uld gave themselves, are an aquatic species of parasites or symbiotes (depending on who you ask) that originally came from a desolate planet of primitive lizard-like species. They took hosts and conquered the galaxy. However, this was not always the case, as the Ancients originally hoped for them to take over as the watchers of the universe for them, took them under their wing, and taught them secrets of the universe that they used to instead take over the universe.
Despite being quite small, they are rather strong as they can burrow through skin and bone, wrapping themselves around the nervous system and taking control of whatever poor fool was unlucky enough to be near them at the time, and as several Goa’uld would say, nothing survives of the host. They had unbelievable control over the host, being able to kill them at will when needed or release a deadly poison that was released when killed or removed from the host. All Goa’uld possess genetic memory, being able to have the accumulated knowledge of every Goa’uld before them with technology that could convince most of the galaxy into thinking that they were gods. All Goa’uld could also enhance their host to superhuman levels, heal them when necessary, and prolong the lifespan of a host to unnatural levels.
Goa’uld also possessed Naquadah within their blood, an unnatural addition to them that allowed them to use the technology that they built. You possess the knowledge of every Goa’uld except for the knowledge that Anubis gained while he was ascended.
Through the Cyoa, your current body or the body you choose to be either Inserted into or Reincarnated into will be transformed into a perfect body for you to inhabit. You can also use your powers through your host.