Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Object of Power Upgrades/Demonica (Shin Megami Tensei)

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Demonica (Shin Megami Tensei)

Cost: 30 SP

Required: COMP (Shin Megami Tensei)

The Demonica, short for "DEMOuntable Next Integrated Capability Armor," is an adaptive suit of armor (and attached gun) with the abilities of a COMP, with the added benefit that it uses magic to become more powerful (by extension making the user more powerful) the more combat data it's fed. This has no logical upper limit; the ones used in the Schwarzwelt Incident eventually adapted to be able to fight Shekinah, that universes' avatar of God and the creator of that universe.

It also includes an improved scanner suite that can detect hidden doors, traps, and invisible beings.

This starts at the level of the game's opening, a run of the mill fictional power armor.