Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Esoteric and Abstract Powers/Code Unknowns (Mondaiji)

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Code Unknowns (Mondaiji)

Cost: 40 SP

Your body has received the an injection of three different nanomachines, each of these nanites are able to harness perpetual energy through three distinct functions. Dispersed throughout your being, these nanites enable you to manipulate energy and overcome physical limitations.

First, you possess the ability to generate boundless energy from nothingness. Comparable to the output of a nuclear power plant, you effortlessly produce vast amounts of energy without external sources or fuel. This limitless reserve grants you unmatched physical attributes and near-inexhaustible vitality.

The second facet of your power revolves around thermal energy mastery. As heat enters your body, the nanites convert it into usable energy with utmost efficiency and zero loss. Your capability to convert heat on a grand scale rivals volcanic eruptions, granting you the ability to harness and utilize immense thermal power.

The third aspect manifests as a localized field of friction manipulation. Within a 20-meter radius, you can reduce friction to absolute zero. This ability nullifies resistance for objects within the field, allowing effortless movement. Additionally, you can selectively apply this frictionless state to a chosen object for up to 2 minutes. This manipulation empowers you to navigate challenging environments with ease and create temporary frictionless surfaces.

Harnessing the potential of these nanites, you possess extraordinary mastery over all types of energy, defying the laws of physics and surpassing conventional limitations.