Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Power Upgrades/Sekhmet

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Cost: 35 SP

Required: Cheetah

Required: Leopard

Your mastery over your body has reached its limit and refused to stop. Igniting the power of your soul has incinerated the limits that once held you back. You have taken more than a step, or even a leap and a bound, forward into the realm of gods. As the fire within you stabilizes and fills you with its warmth, you open an Eye of Ra, granting you the vengeful power and heat of the sun befitting the warrior goddess that beckons your destiny.

With a mere breath, you can bring forth the fiery might of the sun to bear against your enemies. The heat at your control can burn away and banish the very notion of evil, destroying its vessels and warding against its return. Should you wish it, you can bring your heat against the world itself, giving rise to massive deserts.

Those that bask in your heat will find disease and other ailments fail to progress, allowing them to recover at expedited rates. So long as your heat remains, those in your heat will continue to enjoy an absence of disease in any form. In the unlikely event you shall find yourself defeated, you need only wait no longer than a day as you find yourself fully renewed upon the dawn of a new day. Yet, before you get to that point, you can turn your flames upon yourself and burn away the concept of your injuries to reforge yourself into peak condition.

While your power is a vengeful one, you still hold a mastery over it, and thus can freely choose how your fire and heat interact with the world around you. You can blast an entire nation into a desert of glass without touching a single hair on the head of any of its citizens. You can embue the concept of your heat into objects and foods, giving birth to potent weapons capable of defeating evil, and creating medicines and tonics capable of burning away what ails a person. Your martial might is enough to stand against the whole of humanity and bring them to their end should another god not come to distract you.

Taking the visage of a lion, your presence can evoke a great sense to act and work towards one’s ambitions. Pushing the weight and authority of your presence, the ferocity of your royal visage can bring the most boisterous and arrogant to heel.

Heralded by the Morning Star

The merging of your two halves has seen a great expansion to what you claim as your purview. You are intimately aware of everything within your light and fully capable of processing that information to whatever amount you wish. You don’t need precognition because the rate at which you gather information is instantaneous, but like any other limit, that won’t stop you. The flow of information within your light flows faster for you than anyone else, granting you your own form of precognition as you learn what happens before causality makes it so. This is your Morning Star.

As the Herald of your solar might, your Morning Star grants you free travel to anywhere within your light, at whichever speed you demand. As you grow in strength, so will your Morning Star. In time, you will be able to claim the authority of other sources of light throughout the cosmos in increasing orders of magnitude. No matter where you find yourself in the cosmos, you will always see yourself able to stand before the entirety of the dominant species that shares your home.