Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Powers/Immortal Sun

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Immortal Sun

Cost: 35 SP

You are a sun made incarnate, conveying upon you all its grand power. You possess the durability and sheer physical power of a star, and have an immense amount of energy to call upon. You can call upon any effect that a star can produce, from massive solar winds, insane levels of radiation, scorching rays of light and heat, to even monstrous levels of gravity.

Your energy may be freely used to power your other abilities, freely able to convert to any other power source you need, and will passively enhance them regardless of conversion.

While you may possess the power of a star in it’s entirety immortal and untouchable by most, you also possess absolute and perfect control and understanding over all your powers, granting instinctive mastery and knowledge over your powers domain, keeping you from destroying everything around you without intending to. You can control your power in it’s every manifestation as effortlessly as breathing, capable of just as easily controlling even the most minute production of heat, unnoticeable to almost all, as you are in simply unleashing all of your power in a supernova.