Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Physical Powers/Phazon Infusion (Metroid)

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Phazon Infusion (Metroid)

Cost: 20 SP

You have been implanted with a sample of Phazon, a corruptive substance with a number of outstanding and dangerous properties. Normally taking the form of glowing blue fluid, ores or crystals, it is in fact a pseudo-organic pseudo-mineral superorganism capable of self-replication, and possesses both highly mutagenic and energy-generating properties. It is also highly radioactive, volatile, and toxic and corrosive to most life on top of that, killing many creatures that touch it and mutating the ones that survive into monsters. While you specifically will be exempt from the more lethal effects due to being considered this particular strain’s “progenitor”, others will not be so lucky.

As the Phazon spreads inside you, it will gradually replace your ordinary flesh and blood with itself, enhancing your overall capabilities and granting the occasional beneficial - if sometimes disturbing - mutations. During this process, you will find yourself developing a number of abilities, such as generating and discharging Phazon energy, spreading your own internal supply to corrupt your surroundings, and even manipulating the Phazon in an area, such as forming solid Phazon constructs or controlling corrupted creatures and machines. This process can be accelerated by retaking and absorbing excess Phazon from any corrupted surroundings and creatures, though be warned that ‘overfeeding’ can lead to both physical and mental instability.

At the height of your development, after becoming a being of solid Phazon, you will find your body slowly stabilizing and reinforcing itself, skin forming into durable Phazite and internals shifting towards newer, stranger functions - and then after that, beginning to develop its own miniature Phazon Core like those of Leviathans, substantially increasing your output when fully formed. Once complete, your form will be similar to that of Dark Samus in miniature; resilient, needless, and possessed of an array of abilities that make you a terror to fight personally, with only outside forms of Phazon-based weaponry being capable of getting through your defenses.

As one last note: Phazon’s chaotic nature tends to interact very strangely with environments possessing exotic and/or unstable energies, with Aether’s split into two dimensions being a prime example. Should the substance be introduced to other, similar locales such as the Warp, or otherwise areas where reality is fluid or unstable, such as Shardspace, similar reactions may occur in the future.

Neo Phaaze

Your own corruptive influence has now been infused into your similarly-corruptive Phazon, causing a recursive effect: Wherever your corruption spreads, twisting and warping the world, it now brings Phazon along with it, and your Phazon likewise becomes a vector for your corruption, greatly enhancing the spread of both. Additionally, your conditional immortality is enhanced by the inclusion of Phazon; so long as an area is completely corrupted with both Phazon and your influence, you no longer need to be within one of your domains to resurrect, instead slowly forming a new body within it from scratch should you perish elsewhere.

Dark Phazon

Taking on an inky black with a soft blue-purple glow, your Phazon has absorbed the Darkness into itself, mutating and evolving into a greater form. Your Phazon now generates your Darkness within itself in addition to its own volatile energy, and said dark essence now carries and generates new Phazon as well. More than that, however, are the synergistic effects your Phazon now has; the corruptive substance now acts as a ‘binder’ of sorts for any darkness-based powers you have at your disposal, and its harmful effects now carry a supernatural edge, allowing them to work just as well against the mystical and/or paracausal as against the mundane.

Voidtech Mastered

The uniquely corruptive nature of Phazon, combined with the way it blurs the lines between organic, mineral and other, and your unique ‘compatibility’ with it as the originator of this strain have helped to evolve your abilities as a Champion of Autochthon: The horrific, biomechanical Charms known as Voidtech, which invariably mutate and madden Exalts who use them, have their negative effects severely blunted by the superorganism, mitigating the worst of Dissonance and Gremlin Syndrome - and growing stronger as your transformation into pure Phazon progresses.

As unintended side-effects, the power of your Exaltation and its Essence will bond with your Phazon during the transformation, eventually granting the substance an additional spiritual edge to its otherwise ‘mundane’ capabilities, and possibly even turning Voidtech to pure benefit, the spiritually-boosted superorganism slowly replacing Void corruption with your own.