Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Objects of Power/The Traveller Invocation (Final Fantasy XIV)

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The Traveller Invocation (Final Fantasy XIV)

Cost: 15 SP

You now have in your possession the crystal of Azem which contains the signature magic of the traveler of the convocation 14 and later on the enhancement given by Hydaelyn to the warrior of light.

The magic has the ability to summon those who you consider allies to your side no matter how far the distance may be whether it be from across the world or from another dimension entirely.

The enhancement on the other hand gives you the ability to create up to 7 Aetherial combatants of equal strength to your own to aid you in combat. These combatants will last for 120 minutes before dispersing and the crystal will need to recharge for an entire day before it can do so again.