Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Objects of Power/The Key of Kings (Kill Six Billion Demons)

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The Key of Kings (Kill Six Billion Demons)

Cost: 20 SP

The Key of Names records the names of all of the gods of the Multiplicity, and therefore all of the secret Names of god. This key, like any regular Key of Kings, boosts and enables your abilities in The Art and Atum manipulation. The key acts as a supercharger and vast well spring of power that requires a strong willpower to wield and mantle properly. As long as you have the strength of will you will never find an end to the amount of soul fire also known as Atum you can draw. However at the beginning you struggle to draw large amounts of power or for long periods of time. With training however you could reach the Heights of power and spin the wheel to laugh in the face of God.

The Key of Names contains all of the names of all of the flames of heaven and contains within it boundless secret flames that relate to those names. In the beginning you have access to one of the 7 Names wielded by current demiurges (The Glory, The Tower, The Flame, The Diamond, The Blade, The Mind, The Beast), which with study can develop into much further and varied mastery. As you delve into your chosen name and understand more about it you can discover other names that are contained within, more detailed or specific concepts, mastery of these names improves your mastery over the broader names above them. As your understanding increases, you can branch out further into the remaining names of Royalty.

As you master names you gain the ability to draw on more things related to the deity or universe that deity Birthed. However in order to do this you must have a firm grasp on the meaning of their name, only able to tease out powerful or rare things from the name and universe with understanding and willpower.

The key of Names can also designate any location you have been to with it, with its own name which you can teleport to as if you had a kings gate to the universe you are in. You can also if you choose to teleport to one of the king's gates in the K6bd universe, and while this key cannot be removed from your head by force, that doesn't mean they won't try.