Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Objects of Power/Parasite Suit (My Adventures With Superman)

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Parasite Suit (My Adventures With Superman)

Cost: 25 SP

An advanced technological suit that’s capable of absorbing energy in all forms. While the suit itself is durable enough to absorb blows from a Kryptonian while still protecting the wielder, it only grows stronger with additional energy. The suit itself can absorb virtually any kind of energy (i.e. Electricity, Chemical, Kinetic) with seemingly little to no upper limit. Any energy source separate from the suit can provide power to it, such as other powers, or electrical lines.

In addition to its energy absorption, at the lowest level the suit comes equipped with claws and a tail for offense and is, to a degree, adaptive. When seeking out energy it can produce sharp tendrils to stab into the ground and draw from the central power grid, for example. These adaptations tend towards energy gathering tools, but these often double as weaponry due to the detrimental effects draining energy can have on an outside entity. The energy absorbed also feeds into the suit, first providing superhuman Speed, Strength, Durability, and limited flight, all of which only grow as the suit continues to absorb energies.

As the suit absorbs energy it’s tendency is to grow, eventually reaching sizes comparable to a kaiju, but requiring evermore energy to maintain this size. Sudden removal of an energy source at this size can cause monumental failures in the suit, reducing it to little more than a giant statue in the worst cases. In addition, should the suit be denied the requisite energy to keep functioning without deactivation, it will begin drawing on the user to stay active, which can have catastrophic effects on their health.