Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Objects of Power/Discount Longinus (NGE Anima Jump)

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Discount Longinus (NGE Anima Jump)

Cost: 10 SP (EVA (NGE)The Seed of Knowledge (NGE))

Cost: 5 SP ()

Seele created nine artificial replications of the original Lance of Longinus, known as Copy-Lances or Replica Spears. Interestingly, there was an additional one designed as a backup plan, which you managed to acquire. This Copy-Lance possesses the unique ability to shapeshift, transforming into a handheld tower shield, a highly destructive close combat weapon, or even just a bracelet you can wear in your civilian life. Unlike typical melee weapons used by Evangelions, it boasts far greater destructive potential. The weapon can alternate between its default spear form, a double-blade configuration, and other forms that may develop to suit different combat scenarios.

Retaining some of the metaphysical properties of the original spear, the Copy-Lance can regenerate from damage over time. It holds a special advantage against AT fields and similar soul-based barriers, rendering them vulnerable to its attacks. Notably, the weapon can also function partially autonomously, adapting instantaneously against certain barriers and occasionally defending its user on its own. It even possesses the ability to recognize and refrain from attacking its master (you), rejecting use by anyone else.

Importantly, this weapon carries a fragment of the original's power, but accessing it requires the wielder to be in a life-or-death situation.

Spear of Lucretius

Before you stands the Spear of Lucretius, a symbol of philosophy, crafted from roughly 0.39 seconds' worth of energy at the peak of an Impact, it rejects myth to uncover reality.

Inspired by a Roman philosopher's quest to test human observation, the Spear of Lucretius shares the Spear of Longinus' ability to easily pierce AT Fields, and similar esoteric defenses. This spear, like the Lance of Longinus, can shapeshift, regenerate, and easily achieve FTL speeds when thrown for interstellar travel. But it also possesses its own set of distinctive traits.

While lacking a mind, the Spear of Lucretius can partially function autonomously, adapting and instantly shapeshifting against certain barriers. It might even defend its user automatically at times or abstain from attacking its master, if wielded by anyone else.

Despite its lack of sentience, the spear boasts an outstanding targeting system. It effortlessly predicts obstacles' movements, adjusting its trajectory as needed. This precision allows it to accurately strike a target, even if that target resides on the other side of the galaxy, a feat that other spears would struggle to achieve without precise calculations.

Representing philosophy rather than myth, the spear wields a unique effect on extradimensional and/or metaphysical entities and structures that diverge from the universe's "conventional" physics. This ability compels such entities to assume a physical, three-dimensional form that can be affected by more conventional means.

For instance, entities like Angel Leliel—described as a baffling entity existing in a pocket dimension defined solely by higher-order physics theories—could be forced into a physical, monstrous form made of shadow-like substance, enabling direct attacks.

Additionally, the spear can render invisible beings visible and intangible entities tangible again. Initially designed for use by an Evangelion, the spear can be persuaded to shapeshift into a smaller form for personal use.

Lastly, the Spear of Lucretius recognizes you as its master and can be summoned back to you at will. Should it be lost or destroyed, a new one will appear immediately.