Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Objects of Power/Warframe (Warframe)

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Warframe (Warframe)

Cost: 8 SP

You now have a rank 0 warframe, a biomechanical weapon capable of superhuman feats of strength, dexterity and agility, as well as having a set of similar superpowers.

You are capable of performing a transference link with your warframe, allowing you to control it and channel your powers through it as if it were your own body.

At the height of its power, a warframe is capable of depopulating entire spaceships worth of elite soldiers within a matter of minutes, but at the beginning your ability to link with your warframe is limited, only granting you access to a small part of its power.

As you practice and learn how to better synchronize with your warframe, you will gain access to the hidden depths of its abilities.

Void Power

While holding a transference link with your warframe, you are capable of fueling its abilities with your own incredible reserves of void energy, adding your skill with its powers to its own, doubling or even tripling its strength.

You are also capable of summoning a linked warframe to your current position.

Modular Infusion

You are now capable of modifying your warframes with ease, allowing you to adjust its strengths and weaknesses or even grafting a portion of the powers from one warframe onto another.

Deeper Link

You are capable of remotely linking the Somatic Link to your warframe, allowing for a better quality transference link with your warframe. If you're controlling the warframe with the somatic link, you will find yourself capable of tapping into the warframe's instincts, allowing you to pilot the warframe and its abilities with such ease it's as if you lived your whole life controlling it.