Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 1/Blaster/(Blaster/Thinker) Fistful of dollars

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< Project V17‎ | Powers‎ | Shard‎ | Tier 1‎ | Blaster

(Blaster/Thinker) Fistful of dollars

Cost: 7 SP

When you throw a coin into the air, it can reflect a ranged attack towards an enemy of your choice, or the nearest one if you can't make your mind up.

This can work on most ranged attacks. If someone shoots a coin you flipped into the air, the bullet is gonna ricochet back towards the shooter. If someone fires a laser at it, then the laser will ricochet. If a constant beam is attacking the coin, it will still be able to ricochet it for as long as it is in the way, but it will need another coin to be able to send it back to the attacker, otherwise, it will just ricochet the beam into the sky.

This power also comes with a thinker ability to calculate the best position and area to throw a coin for any attack.

You can also hit the coin, sending it into the area you were punching with 500% of the kinetic energy you hit it with. This allows the coin to bounce once before it loses its power. It will bounce off any surface for as long as it has powers.

If you have multiple coins in the air, the attack that hits one of the coins will ricochet towards the other coin, making the attack 25% stronger for every coin it hits.

The coin can be in the air forever, as long as it is airborne, not touching the ground, and not affected by a supernatural force.