Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 1/Tinker/(Tinker) Hyperspecialized

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< Project V17‎ | Powers‎ | Shard‎ | Tier 1‎ | Tinker

(Tinker) Hyperspecialized

Cost: 6 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You have the power to improve one aspect of tinkertech, whether it be the durability, functionality, or utility, to an incredible degree, but this will come at a price, with every other aspect of the piece degrading to almost unusable levels. With this power, you can create hyper-specialized technology, able to do one thing to a level of mastery, but falling short when trying to perform any other function. Whether it's building a machine that can lift a hundred tons but breaks at a gust of wind, or building a computer that can process a million times more data per second than the current supercomputers but has no memory to store the data, you have the ability to create machines that can exceed anything ever created before, with one caveat: they have to excel at only one thing at the cost of failing at everything else.