Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 1/Tinker/(Tinker) Information Hazard

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< Project V17‎ | Powers‎ | Shard‎ | Tier 1‎ | Tinker

(Tinker) Information Hazard

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You specialize in memetic hazards. Creating anything that can transfer data through a medium that can influence minds. Ranging from paintings that harm the minds of whomever you look at to objects that can pretend to be what it is not. You can rewire an entire human mind to do your bidding. However, you are not capable of creating memetic constructs that can spread across a large distance. Information Hazard is much stronger with (Tinker) Meme.

You can create devices that can block and protect the mind from outside influences and even reverse Simurgh Bombs.