Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 1/Trump

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< Project V17‎ | Powers‎ | Shard‎ | Tier 1

(Trump) Power Sight

Cost: 4 SP

You can see what powers someone has, as well as if they're actively using it.

(Trump) Error, Try Again

Cost: 4 SP

Whenever a power is directly used on you, it fails, and cannot be used again on you for 5 minutes. A power only works on you when it failed the previous time, resulting in powers failing every other time. This doesn't work on Thinker and Stranger powers. You can allow a power to be used on you if you consent.

(Trump/Brute) Madness

Cost: 4 SP

At the cost of your logical thinking/planing, you gain a major boost to your physical capabilities and powers. Additionally, you gain a boost to your instincts, capable of “feeling” the most suitable development for oneself during combat. You become immune to short term procognition and analysis based thinker powers.

(Trump) Powerswap

Cost: 4 SP

You can swap the powers of any two Parahumans for an hour. No matter what complicated web of power swapping you do, eventually everyone will have their original power back. You can choose whether they instinctively know how to use their new powers. Your range is 1 kilometer.

(Trump/Shaker) Hijack Council

Cost: 4 SP

You can choose anyone in your line of sight and tag them. If the tagged person has a power applied to them or uses their power, a similar thing happens to you. If they get buffed, you get buffed and if they teleport you teleport too. This includes mental simulations, time travel, and various kinds of enhancements given by powers. You don't have control over their power, you can only make it so that effects apply to them are applied to you. If they teleport, you can choose to appear within 50 meters of where they are.

(Trump) Scramble

Cost: 5 SP

You can swap the expression of powers to any Parahuman for an hour. They will possess the same Shard but have an alternate version of what they could be. Shaker power can be turned into a Striker power.

(Trump/Striker) Endow

Cost: 5 SP

With a touch, you are capable of granting up to 5 Tier 0 powers to an individual. These powers may be revoked at will. However, should you die, they will retain them. You may apply this to any number of people.

(Trump) Commander

Cost: 5 SP

You are able to improve the capabilities, such as physical ability, skills, or powers, of others by simply ordering them. The more specific the order as well the more closely they follow the order, the greater the boost. There's no master effect in play, so others will still need to follow through on their own volition. This doesn't work through the devices; orders need to be given face-to-face.

(Trump) Loyal Companion

Cost: 5 SP

You can select one person to be your Master. While this doesn't force you to follow their commands, you get stronger when you do so. This must come directly from them and recordings don't work. You can swap whoever is your Master whenever you want.

(Trump) Power Crystallization

Cost: 5 SP

You have the ability to crystalize powers, turning them into handheld consumables that anyone can use. A crystal can hold either a single use of an instant power, or 1 minute of a continuous power. These crystals may be used by tinkers in their creations, and they can also be affected by some trump powers, particularly ones that boost, modify, or nullify powers. It takes a minute to crystalize these powers, and you may crystalize the powers of other people if you are both touching them and have their consent. These crystals have a composition similar to quartz.

(Trump) Resistance Increase

Cost: 5 SP

Powers used against you will only deal half the damage they should normally do. Power-based flamethrowers will do less damage than normal flamethrowers. Resistance Increase also protects you from various forms of instant death, reality warping, and all forms of strange and esoteric effects. While it doesn't fully negate it, it makes it so it has less effect on you. To the point, you would survive a power that would normally kill you in an instant but only barely.

This can apply to Stranger, Trump, and Master powers as well. Although this power is less effective against All-or-Nothings.

(Trump) Fae Court

Cost: 6 SP

You can copy a 50% weaker version of any Parahuman's powerset if they're within 150 meters of you. You keep this powerset for an hour after they leave you range.

(Trump) Nope!

Cost: 6 SP

You can turn off anyone's power with a touch. However, you can only do this with one person at a time. Useful if you need to make sure someone arrives at the Birdcage though. There is no time limit on this power. If you die this power is deactivated.

(Trump/Changer) Reallocate

Cost: 6 SP

You can take one of five stats and reallocate them. This can be, strength, speed, durability, intelligence, and Dexterity. By decreasing Strength you can increase your Speed and Dexterity or increase intellect by reducing durability. You cannot go over the total amount of stats you possess, however, temporary buffs and other powers do add to the total value. If you possess Gamer System, you may reallocate any of the stats you have there.

(Trump) Ramp

Cost: 6 SP

The longer you use your powers, the more they ramp up. This could mean being physically stronger, firing projectiles faster, or even having a farther range. It ramps by x1.01 every second, to a max of 5 minutes for about x20 power. If you stop using your powers for longer than 5 seconds then the ramp resets. This does not apply to passive powers.

(Trump/Tinker) Enhancer

Cost: 6 SP

You can gradually enhance an item that you use or have on your person over time, improving the quality of its functions and granting it powers. These enhancements become more effective as the quality of the base item increases, and the rate of improvement speeds up when in active combat. You may divide your power between more than one item, at the expense of enhancement speed.

(Trump) Boosted

Cost: 6 SP

You can permanently boost the powers of any Parahuman based on a certain amount of charges you use. You gain a charge every 24 hours which can be imbued into any Parahuman. Every time you boost a Parahuman, the strength they gain gets weaker the more you do it. Boosts will completely stop once they reach 200% power. This can be used to recharge Eidolon. To fully boost someone to 200% power requires 6 months.

(Trump) Copycat

Cost: 7 SP

When you touch a Parahuman, you receive a full-strength copy of their power for an hour.

(Trump/Shaker) Drain Battery

Cost: 7 SP

You can gain energy from Parahumans in a 100 feet radius to recharge your own stamina, based on the power classification they are you gain various powers. If they are mover, you are faster. If they are Blasters, you can exchange stamina to shoot beams of energy. You can also choose to store this energy for later use. Any powers you have can utilize this battery to augment itself.

(Trump) Limit Break

Cost: 7 SP

It is possible to amplify your powers by pushing it past their limits, making them more potent and effective. However, doing so comes with significant consequences. As you continue to push your powers to greater heights, you will experience increased physical strain and pain. This could result in permanent damage to your body, making it more difficult to maintain and control your abilities. The increase in power is temporary, and it is recommended to not regularly use this power as the strain can kill its user.

(Trump) Warcry

Cost: 7 SP

By explaining your current action, you get much stronger. Your powers will express themselves in a more controllable and powerful manner. The longer the chant more accurately defines it, the greater it expresses itself.

(Trump) Redirection

Cost: 7 SP

If you are aware of an incoming Parahuman attack, you can redirect it back at the sender of the power. If they're actively manipulating whatever you're countering, they lose control over that attack while you send it back at them.

(Trump) Access Granted

Cost: 7 SP

You can make anyone you touch ignore negative Trump powers like Hatchet Face or even Endbringers. This allows Parahumans to use their powers even if they are currently being negated.

(Trump) Relocate

Cost: 8 SP

You can relocate any power you know of, changing it's point of origin to another location, object, or being. This requires 1 minute of focus on the power you wish to relocate, and you may chose to keep focusing in order to prevent the wielder from reverting the change. You may revert this change at any time. If you are trying to relocate someone else's power, you must be able to see them.

(Trump/Shaker) Imbuement Plane

Cost: 8 SP

You can create infinitely thin planes that can be imbued with your powers. These planes are both invisible and intangible, and when something passes through them they are affected by the imbued powers. It takes a second to manipulate a plane, but they last forever. Such manipulation includes the ability to move, reshape, create, destroy, and modify the imbuement. You may have an unlimited number of planes active at once, but each plane may only have an area of up to 10m^2. To imbue these planes with powers from other people, you must both be touching them and have willing consent. You are informed of whenever something passes through the plane, and what it was.

(Trump) Exonerate

Cost: 8 SP

You can break the effect of any power within 50 feet. You can revert area effects, undo mind control, and banish projections. The effected target will be immune to that power for an hour afterward.

(Trump/Shaker) Disperse

Cost: 8 SP

You can disperse effects like Shakers, Strikers, and other continuous effects into nothing or into the people around you. Dividing the effect on the people around you divides the total strength of the effect. An invulnerable object might make 5 people extremely durable. Once the affected object leaves your range, it returns to normal regardless of how dispersed it was.

(Trump) Growth Booster

Cost: 8 SP

You may give either yourself or someone else an enhanced growth rate for one of their powers. The boosted power grows at a rate of 1 SP/week, up to a max of twice the original SP cost. It will grow based on the owner's actions and experiences, and will try to suit their needs similar to Dynamist Jr. Using the power on someone else requires both physical touch and consent. Each person can only have one growth booster at a time, and they may not have a power boosted if it has already been boosted to the limit. You may grant boosters to an unlimited amount of people, and can remove boosters at will.

(Trump/Tinker) Enchantment

Cost: 9 SP

You can enchant weapons with non-Tinker powers as long as you're within 100 meters of the person with the power you're using for the entire duration of when you're making the weapon. If they leave the area you can continue with it later without losing progress. You can choose whether the weapon grants the wielder use of the power, or has a variant of the power itself.

(Trump) Just the Thing

Cost: 9 SP

When you activate this power, you get a power designed to solve a problem of your choice. The power is only of the same strength as a 5 point or less power, but its specifically designed to help with the problem you present to it. The power stays for up to one day and you cannot use Just the Thing again until the old power is gone. You can drop a power at any time.

(Trump/Striker) Gatekeeper

Cost: 9 SP

When you touch a person, you can give their power a single use trigger that decides when and how their power will go off. The owner of the power is unable to use their power until the trigger activates. This trigger can be anything, such as a simple timer, a speech activated phrase, or even a complicated computer program, though any information it acts on will be based on what the owner of the power can perceive. There is no limit on how long a trigger can last until it activates, nor a limit on how many people can have a trigger at once, though a single person can only have one trigger at a time. Durational effects can last up to an hour, and cannot change what they are doing once activated, but are unable to be dismissed by the owner of the power.

(Trump) Fluctuation

Cost: 10 SP

You can alter the strength of any Parahuman's powers if they come within 50 meters of you. This effect lasts fifteen minutes after they leave your range. You can weaken their power to 50% its usual strength, or enhance it to 250%. This cannot be used on yourself.

(Trump/Brute) Twice Critical

Cost: 10 SP

You can temporarily double the strength of your body’s capabilities and your powers, you can also transfer this boost to another person. As a downside every exertion of stamina is twice as exhausting. How long the boosts last is tied to your stamina. When the boost is transferred to someone else you are still the one who pays the stamina cost for their actions while boosted.

(Trump) Protective Barrier

Cost: 10 SP

You can apply the effects of Telekinetic Barrier to anyone. This makes them far stronger and more durable than normal and can protect someone from non-physical attacks, including poisons, sickness, Trumps, Masters, Strangers, reality rewriters, precogs, and any power that directly affects others. Your protection lasts an entire day before disappearing. However, anything stronger than a gunshot will break the protection.

(Trump) Bestowal

Cost: 10 SP

At the cost of losing it yourself, you can give others any powers you have to another. If you can create/copy/steal powers, then you can give these powers to others. Temporary powers can also be given, but only last until their duration is up, after which the power will go away. You can also choose to split a power, dividing it equally between yourself and your target(s).

(Trump/Striker) Power Proxy

Cost: 10 SP

You can permanently make someone your proxy by touching them, allowing you to treat them as the point of origin for any of your powers. A proxy being your point of origin allows you to channel any of your powers through them, treating them as you for the purposes of location, as well as allowing you to be aware of both them and what they perceive. There is no limit to how many proxies you can have, and this power may be used recursively, allowing you to make someone that a proxy touches a proxy as well. By touching another person you can choose to allow them access to one of your proxies, for purposes of both channeling and perceiving.

(Trump) Power Absorption

Cost: 10 SP

Whenever a power is used directly on you, you gain a single charge for that power. These charges may be used as a single-use copy of the original power. For powers that run continuously, the time you spend being effected by the power determines how long the charge gained will last. You may use one charge to give another charge a +50% boost, and this may be used repeatedly to a 10x boost to a power, in any direction of growth that you desire. You can gain a maximum of 3 charges of the same power per hour, but different powers have separate counters. There is no limits on how many charges you can have.

(Trump) Immunity

Cost: 10 SP

After a power is directly used on you, you will become immune to it. This doesn't work on Thinker and Stranger powers. You can allow a power to be used on you if you consent.

(Trump) Wordsmith

Cost: 10 SP

You know when Parahumans are nearby and have a one-word generalization of their powers. You can change a single letter in the power description. You can only change one power per person. You can revert their power, allowing you to change another one of their powers. Your range is 16 feet. You can swap two characters. Whatever you edit the description too, it needs to be an actual word spelled correctly. The power's strength is not altered, just its versatility and applicability. Tier 0 Trump is useless if taken with this.

(Trump/Stranger) Power Confusion

Cost: 10 SP

If anyone attempts to activate a power while the user can see them, it will result in the power being disabled for a random period of time (3–33 minutes), but the target will be convinced that it’s working fine. The user can toggle this effect.

(Trump) Sleep Empowered

Cost: 10 SP

You get powers at a rate of 1 SP an hour as long as you’re asleep. These powers are reset every time you go back to sleep restarting the cycle from the beginning. You think of a general concept/desire for a power before you sleep and get something that at least somewhat fits that when you wake. The strength limit on powers you can get is equivalent to a maximum of 10 sp per power. You can create multiple powers at once though that divides the SP generation between them with powers you desired most being prioritized. You can not create more than 10 powers during a sleep cycle. You can fall asleep on demand and don’t wake up before you want unless you are in active danger. You cannot make trump powers that permanently empower yourself with other powers or alter Sleep Empowereds rules.

(Trump/Brute) Injury Empowered

Cost: 10 SP

Gives you a power for every injury you receive. These powers last as long as you have those injuries and for up to ten minutes after being healed. Power strength is determined by severity of injury which goes up to about 10 SP worth for a severed limb, while what power manifests is determined by type of injury in order to someway counteract the negatives of that injury and the situation you received it in. This power comes paired with a healing factor that while in combat only heals enough to keep you alive from anything that doesn’t kill you immediately but outside of danger rapidly heals your injuries completely.

(Trump/Striker) Krampus

Cost: 11 SP

You can now Second Trigger any Parahuman you touch. This will send them into a 24-hour-long coma, and when they awaken they will not remember anything about the experience. They will likely need a week or so of R&R before they are good to go again. You cannot do this for Parahumans who have already had a Second Trigger.

(Trump) Fighting makes me stronger!

Cost: 12 SP

You get a permanent copy of any Parahuman's power if you beat them in battle, mock or real. You can only use one of these powers at a time and it takes ten minutes to switch powers.

(Trump) Santaclause

Cost: 12 SP

With a touch you can give anyone any one of the first first row powers for each power classification (Blaster, Mover, Brute, etc.). You can do this to 12 people at a time.

(Trump) Soulmate

Cost: 12 SP

You can give a copy of all of your powers and power related boons to one person. You can change who this person is on a whim; the person doesn't even need to be on the same continent. The person doesn't receive this power.

(Trump) Counter Attack Specialist

Cost: 13 SP

When you activate this power, you are able to choose a single Parahuman near you and receive a power tailored to neutralize the target's power. The power created has a maximum strength of 10sp. The power stays for up to 24 hour and you can instantly switch target to change your power. You can also drop a power at any time.

(Trump) Trade!

Cost: 14 SP

You can permanently swap the powers of two people you're touching. This has to be a 1:1 trade, so if you were touching Alexandria you could take her mental power and give back Captain America, as an example.

(Trump/Thinker) Trigger Bomb

Cost: 14 SP

You have a Thinker ability that gives you the capacity to see people who have a potential to trigger in the form of a faint red mist surrounding them and you can see and hear glimpses of their trigger event and possible powers they can gain from it by looking at the mist.

You also have a Trump ability that can force those potential parahumans to experience their trigger, when you do this you and those you triggered enter a cluster, they gain a primary power and everyone gains a secondary power from the other members, those secondary powers are weaker and compliment the primary.

The more members make up the cluster the weaker the primary and the secondary will be, you cannot add more members once you make a cluster. You can unmake the cluster anytime, with everyone you triggered losing their secondary and gaining a boost to their primary, any member of the cluster can retain their secondary by draining the powers of another member.

When the cluster forms, you have the ability to select and adjust the kiss/kill dynamic between each pair of cluster members. For instance, you could set the kill dynamic to maximum strength for two members, turning them into eternal enemies. Alternatively, you could set the kiss dynamic to minimum strength for a pair, making them more inclined to cooperate.

(Trump) Wheel of Fortune

Cost: 15 SP

You have three slots that every 24 hours will roll new powers; they can range from being very weak to decently strong, and every six days you gain 15 charges. For the cost of one charge, you can use it to re-roll a single power, and you can use two charges to determine either how powerful the power will be or what type of power it will be, or you can use three charges to determine both how powerful it will be and what type of power it will be, though that can only be done once per power slot every six days.

(Trump) Network Hub

Cost: 15 SP

When you touch a Parahuman, they become part of your network. Members of the network can access weakened versions of the powers of connected powers (80% strength). A member can use at most use five powers at once, as the hub you can use up to twenty at once, however the more powers you have active the weaker they become (down by 20% for each set of 5 with a minimum of 20%). You can create partitions in the network and restrict which powers each member has access to, however you cannot restrict access to a member's own power.

(Trump/Shaker) Don't mess with a white mage

Cost: 15 SP

Within 20 meters of yourself, you can cast one effect every 5 seconds. Except for Smite, these effects can be cast discretely. You cannot cast any of these effects on yourself. All effects that stack can only stack up to 10 times, they are marked with an (S).

Smite - A Blaster power that can be released from anywhere in your field. When it hits its target it'll harm them as much as a full-power punch from you. However, every time you win a battle you'll be able to apply an extra 1% of force. This 1% is additive, so if you win 100 battles you'll be able to apply 200% of your strength with Smite. Purify - This cures sickness and poisons, stops bleeding, and sanitizes wounds. This works on cancer. This only works on a single person at a time. Staunch - Stops all bleeding in your range for 30 seconds. Heal - Fully heals the target of all injuries. While it doesn't cure you of illnesses, genetic or otherwise, it does cure the symptoms. Regeneration - You can give a person 5 minutes of high-speed regeneration. The speed at which a targeted person regenerates is visible, but only barely. This effect stacks, so if you apply it on a person 3 times in a row, they'd have 5 minutes of regeneration. This makes cancer worse. Bless - You can give a person incredible resistance to anything that resembles (or actually is) something unholy. Anything unholy or that resembles the unholy has a weakness to people with Blessing cast on them. The Blessing is strong enough that Armsmaster would be able to definitively kill Leviathan (Who is unholy, as an Eldritch Monstrosity). Iron-Skin (S) - You can give someone extremely durable and shock resistant skin for 5 minutes. Enhance Speed (S), Enhance Strength (S), Enhance Dexterity (S), Enhance Intelligence (S), Enhance Charisma (S), Enhance Luck (S) - You can double any of these characteristics for five minutes. Curse Speed (S), Curse Strength (S), Curse Dexterity (S), Curse Intelligence (S), Curse Charisma (S), Curse Luck (S) - You can half any of these characteristics for five minutes. For luck, this effectively doubles their bad luck. Elemental Breath - You can give someone resistance to an element as well as mid-level Shaker control over said element. Undo - Undo all active Parahuman effects on a person, aside from those that are part of their power. Rebuff - Undo all passive Parahuman effects on a person, aside from those that are part of their power. Reject - Undo all Parahuman effects on a person, regardless of whether they are active, passive, or part of their power. This does not remove their power. Remove - Undo all Parahuman effects on a person, regardless of whether they are active, passive, or part of their power. This removes their power. You absorb an energy ball with their power stored in it. Transfer - You can transfer an energy ball with a power stored in it to another person. The power will act similar to a Cauldron power, not giving them instinctive knowledge on how to use the power, but not messing with their mind either.

(Trump) Idolize

Cost: 15 SP

You can copy powers, and their strength is based off of how much you admire, respect, or look up to someone, ranging from 0 to 100%. You can copy someone's powers by admitting how you feel about them. The powers gained can at most be endbringer level.

(Trump) Power Seed

Cost: 15 SP

You may give someone a random 1 SP power with a theme of your choice that will grow with them at a rate of 1 SP/week. It will grow based on their actions and experiences, and will try to suit their needs similar to Dynamist Jr. When a seed hits 15 SP, it is no longer budding and it is now mature. When a seed matures, then it will stop growing at an enhanced rate, but it will continue to grow and adapt forever as if it were shardless. You may plant these seeds on an unlimited amount of people, but a single person can only have one budding seed at a time. At any point you may chose to take the power back, though it will lose it's enhanced growth rate as if is mature. You may have any number of these powers active at 50% power, but only one at 100%.

(Trump) Permanent Effect

Cost: 15 SP

The temporary effects of powers, whether yours or others', can now become a permanent feature. Whether it's Vista's distorted space or Othala's power that is the target of this ability, they can both be made to persist indefinitely. You can only have a limited amount of permanent effects at once. The more powerful the effects the less you can maintain. Maintaining only a single type of power is easier than maintaining multiple types of power at once. You can dismiss the effects on powers at any time. If taken with Negentropy you have no limits on permanent effects.