Project V17/Powers/Shard/Upgrades/Automatic Defense

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Automatic Defense

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Thinker) Danger Sense

Your powers now operate much more smoothly, requiring almost no conscious effort on your part. Your danger sense is now tied directly to your reflexes and other powers and will act automatically in your defense.

Your danger sense is also much more refined, capable of intuiting a much greater deal of information, almost acting as form of clairvoyance.

They can act in your defense, even when you’re unaware, unconscious, or otherwise incapacitated. They’ll automatically move your body out of the way such as activating your flight, teleporting you away, or even simply moving your body’s muscles reflexively to defend you.

This will only happen should you under normal circumstances wish for it, allowing you to harm yourself if you wish, albeit it’ll automatically minimize it as much as possible to meet your need.