Project V17/Powers/Shard/Upgrades/Doll General

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Doll General

Cost: 25 SP

Cost: 6 DP

Required: (Master/Trump) Doll Master

Required: Queen,Shardless,

Your ability to summon and control dolls is greatly increased. The number you can control at once increases to 20 (30 with Negentropy) and the range expands to 10km (20km with Negentropy). They can be summoned up to 5m (16ft) away from you.

This upgrade includes all of the doll upgrades in the Doll Powers section. Your dolls are four times as strong, fast, durable, and are able to regenerate 1.6L of volume per minute , they are also capable of levitation. The range of sizes of your dolls expands from a cube 2cm per side to 6m and forms are no longer limited to humanoids. It is possible for a doll to exceed the maximum size, for each increment of 6m it will take up one more doll slot.

You gain the two Doll Tinker specializations (Automata and Android) and are capable of either building OR summoning dolls created with those specializations as well as any other Tinker specialization you have access to.

You are able to focus some of your powers through your dolls. For example, you can fire Blaster powers, use Striker powers, project a force-field, use empathic vision, etc. However, the dolls themselves do not have the power so Brute, Changer, or Breaker powers that are self-targeted like Deadpool, Phase, and Bowser will not work.

Your dolls can be empowered through the following means: Enchantment/Artificer at the cost of charges, Aliena for 25 points worth of powers, Prototype with 3 slots, sharing powers via Network Hub or up to 30 SP (48 with Negentropy) worth of powers. For the last option, dolls with 12 SP or less worth of powers uses one slot, 18 SP or less uses two, and 24 or less three. The use of a Tier 2 power increases the cost of a doll by two slots. The use of a Tier 3 power increases the cost of a doll by four slots.

You are able to store up to 5 dolls inside a pocket space and can summon them at will from there. (This is primarily useful for Tinker dolls.)

Doll Network

Your Network Hub allows you to share your powers to your dolls. This overcomes the limit of standard power-sharing and allows your dolls to use Brute, Breaker, and Changer powers. However, as dolls as non-biological, some powers will not work even with this.

Doll Manager

You are able to give powers to your dolls with Manager. Each doll can have at most three powers.