Project V17/Powers/Shard/Upgrades/Dragon of Kyushu

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Dragon of Kyushu

Cost: 16 SP

Required: Lung,Kenta,

You are a dragon that thrives on combat, your enemy's shudder at the thought of you and your power. You now escalate exponentially faster as you grow in strength, I.E. as you get stronger you grow in power faster and faster. Your Escalation now also affects all your other powers and your specific defenses, getting hit with poison will give you a poison resistance which will then begin to escalate with you, the power will also begin to remove other powers weaknesses very slowly but this rate of improvement will be increased if those weaknesses are specifically targeted during combat. You permanently gain 10% of the power you had during the height of your most recent escalation after you return to your base state, this 10% is counted for each stat/power individually, this also means that every transformation/escalation will give you an increase in overall power no matter how small. You stay in your Escalated state for up to 2 hours with no conflict unless you willingly transform back. Your size will grow in equal measure with your power however once you reach a certain size, around the size of Lung when he fought Leviathan, you will be able to choose whether or not you continue to grow. The growth can also be evolved out or adapted to make you only grow when you want to if that's something you wish to happen, but it will be a slow change like all other power enhancements.