Project V17/Powers/Shard/Upgrades/Force Elemental

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Force Elemental

Cost: 3 SP

Required: (Shaker/Striker) Force Construct

No longer do your Force Constructs have to be inanimate, they can now have a mind of their own. These Force Elementals have both memory and intelligence, allowing them to be rational and make decisions on their own. They can control their own body to the same degree that you can, but are granted no additional senses besides their default tactile one. These Force Elementals are still linked to you, allowing for you to still control them and telepathically communicate with them. They are not sentient and they lack creativity, causing them to be unable to come up with their own ideas and solutions to problems, as well as not be able to feel emotions. They have complete loyalty towards you, but have no desires of their own, causing a lack of initiative.