Project V17/Powers/Shard/Upgrades/Mass Tinkerer

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Mass Tinkerer

Cost: 7 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

Required: (Tinker) Sharing

You are able to trigger a tinker fugue among yourself and others tinkers, having your shards temporarily connect to one another. You and the other affected tinkers will begin to work together to create something. This also loosens the restrictions on the affected tinkers ability while they are in the fugue.

Explosive Fugue

Now, every time you start a fugue, not only will all tinkers in the area be effected, even others will gain weaker copies of all the tinkers powers. You effectively master everyone, including yourself, into working together to create a single piece of tech. If someone who was affected was a non-tinker parahuman, they will also gain a minor tinker variant of their own power while in the fugue state, losing it after everything is over.