Project V17/Powers/Shard/Upgrades/Natsuki Subaru

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Natsuki Subaru

Cost: 8 SP

Required: (Thinker) Respawn

You can transform into Natsuki Subaru, have all his skills, knowledge, abilities, powers, blessings, and curses. You even know how to act like him. This includes the Witch's Love. This power replaces both of its requirements, replacing their effects with its own. Instead of Time-Loop, you have a true temporal time-loop ability known as Return-By-Death. You have no control over the save points, but you can rest assured they will always allow you to have some way of survival. Your heart will stop if you try to tell others of this ability, even if the explanation is vague or not entirely accurate, and if you manage to tell them completely the Witch will kill them. You can not use the Witch too many times consecutively without repercussions. Trying to tell others of your ability, or using it too often with a negative mental state, will make you smell like the Witch, which can be smelled by any Parahuman, Endbringer, animal, or entity, and will make them anything from wary to downright hostile (Though for Parahumans it only makes them a bit wary unless they have enhanced senses or animalistic instincts). If you do not have a heart or do not need it, you will still feel the pain as if your heart was stopping. This ability is not Shard-based and will last forever. Return-By-Death does not work in dimensions where a being makes resurrection impossible, nor does it work where time is not flowing forward.