Project V17/Powers/Shard/Upgrades/Parallel Processing

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Parallel Processing

Cost: 2 SP

Required: Thinker (Multitask)

You can have a nigh unlimited amount of thought processes running in parallel. Each thought process will think separately and focus on a different subject from the rest. Your primary thought process will manage the others and keep them up to date with each other. This power does not improve your thinking speed or ability to make good decisions.

Mental Computer

With both parallel processing and the ability to self-program, your mind has gained a mental computer. Able to interface with both your conscious and subconscious, it can process the data your mind receives at an enhanced rate, as well as actively react to any commands you give it. While you yourself do not gain superhuman levels of thinking, you are able to utilize your mental computer to do something similar, as you can have it feed you data by overlaying your senses in any particular manner you desire. Be careful about overloading your senses with this, as due to this power not being able to modify your mind directly, any negative effects from the additional information that you provide through your senses will have to be taken at full force.