Project V17/Powers/Shard/Upgrades/The Old

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The Old

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Thinker) Precognitive Combat

Sean Connery, Baba Yaga, The Punisher, The Boogeyman, The First Hunter, The Big Boss, Doctor Van Helsing—what do all of these names have in common? They are all elderly individuals working in professions where people die young. Now, you can claim to be their equal (or even surpass them by cheating using powers). You can't lose in any skill-based combat, whether it involves cold weapons like swords, shields, even armor, or hot weapons, whether they are old, new, or Tinker-tech. Everything about you, including your limbs, is to be considered lethal and would almost certainly be banned by the Geneva Convention. Not even precogs on the likes of Cortessa or Ziz can match your skill! Just don't expect this to save you if they drop a nuke on your head.