Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Ascension Upgrades/And I'll Form The Head

From Worm CYOA Wiki

And I'll Form The Head

Cost: 30 SP

Required: Cybertronian (Transformers)

Instead of a single Cybertronian, your consciousness is divided among three to six bodies, each with individual personalities capable of acting independently of one another. In addition to each of these individuals having all the capabilities provided by taking Cybertronian, they are able to combine with one another to form a single, massive bot, one more powerful than the sum of its parts. While normally, a combiner's ability to perform, or even stay combined, is dependent on its components' ability to work together, because the transformers that make you up are formed from you to begin with, their minds combine to form yours, and are thus always functioning in perfect sync, either in combiner form or as a team.