Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Ascension Upgrades/Exigencer (Exalted)

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Exigencer (Exalted)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Nascent Divine

You gain a small spark of the divine flame, allowing you to separate off a portion of your divine self and with the flame create an Exigent. Some called these Exigent Exalted but Exigence is the Actual process of the exaltation. This will weaken you for a time, and the resulting strength of the Exigent(when bound to whoever is chosen) is determined by the amount of power invested into it from you. They could range in power from a Terrestrial, all the way up to a Solar exalted. This lost power can slowly be regained, and a new spark is slowly grown to replace the old one used in the Exigence.