Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Ascension Upgrades/Mothership Chaos (Type-Moon)

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Mothership Chaos (Type-Moon)

Cost: 35 SP

Required: Divine Vessel Annulus Kronos-Crown (Type-Moon)

Instead of an Olympian you are the same type of machine god as Interstellar Navigation-Purpose Ultra-Massive Mothership/Celestial Sphere Type Space-Time Fortress Chaos. Like the Olympians you are both a conceptual god born from deified natural phenomena and an unmanned spacefaring ship built by an alien civilization from a dying universe. Unlike the Olympians you are also a dyson sphere built around a star which in terms of sheer scale, means you far surpass the entire planet Earth, making you a god that embodies every concept and natural phenomenon under the sun the Alien civilization could imagine which as part of your construction naturally gives you possession of all the functionalities of every machine god no matter the generation and on a much higher level than any of the Olympians to the point you could accidentally destroy an Olympian with a reflexively released Arrow of Light stronger than anything Apollo could do in his prime.

You can make more machine gods though creating a fleet similar to the Olympians predecessors would reduce you to less than a tenth of your functionality.

You can make dimensional rifts to other distant dimensions that you can act through though by quirk of design with this power alone you can’t travel through the rifts, these rifts are also resource and energy intense to create straining even your reserves and energy generation.

While fundamentally your database of knowledge starts the same as the Olympians, the sheer scope of your processors, the strength of your knowledge functionalities, and the power you can throw behind both means you can come up with ideas that Athena would bow to and creations that Hephaestus would praise as beyond him.