Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Ascension Upgrades/Naggarothi (Warhammer Fantasy)

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Naggarothi (Warhammer Fantasy)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Overmind

You now wield the power to shape and mold the Druchii and their formidable warbeasts according to your will. While the option to become a Dark Elf or any variant of Naggarothi fauna remains open to you, these entities regard you as their own, regardless of your chosen form.

Through physical contact, you can utilize blood from any creature, allowing you to create Druchii and other forms of Naggarothi wildlife (Dragons, Hydras, Manticores, Medusae, Spiders, Cold Ones, Giants, Elven steeds, etc). The creation of more potent creatures demands a greater volume of blood, although you have an innate understanding how much blood is required for each one to be created. Additionally, you possess the capability to transmute blood into Ithilmar at a 1:10 ratio. This means that 1 liter of blood can be transformed into 10 kilograms of Ithilmar, over a period of 1 minute.

You have the ability to selectively impart, either in part or entirely, the wisdom and knowledge of the Ulthuan and Naggarothi to your Dark Elves from their creation, so you needn't worry about languages, technology, culture, architecture, forging, Magic, etc. being lost arts.

To the Dark Elves and your other creations, you are the unchallenged sovereign, your word a law they are bound to uphold. This allegiance is unwavering, transcending distinctions of intelligence, awareness, and inherent nature. Regardless of their complexity, each and every one of the entities you have brought into being, along with those subsequently birthed from your creations, is innately aware of your sovereign authority. They are instinctively and unfailingly devoted to fulfilling your commands, bound by an unbreakable loyalty that endures throughout their immortal existence. You retain the freedom to command them as if maneuvering RTS units, assume direct control, share their perceptions, or opt for a more hands-off approach, tailored at your discretion.

Capable of independent thoughts, and will even gain their own distinct personalities, the Dark Elves possess a remarkable level of intelligence, characterized by their astute and cunning minds that set them apart, all of your Dark Elves possess a cold like beauty, being said to take a mortal's breath away, both figuratively and literally. The Dark Elves are a warrior race, innately attuned to the art of warfare, thus all Dark Elves possess a certain degree of martial skill, complemented by their supernatural physical attributes, remarkable speed, and uncanny agility, rare and few can anyone hope to match them in comabt and not perish instantly. Yet, the defining trait of the Dark Elves lies in their inherent nature of malice, sense of superiority, and unparalleled sadism. Left to their own devices and without your intervention, their supreme arrogance and ruthless ambitions would gravitate towards domination and subjugation of the entire world. Their ideology is rooted in a stark dichotomy where strength and power dictates rule and the weak are fated to serve or perish beneath the whims of the powerful. For the Druchii respect counts for nothing unless it is backed by fear.

The creations you have brought into existence possess the ability to reproduce among themselves, contingent upon your allowance. When such unions occur, the resulting offspring will mirror the traits and attributes of those you initially crafted, essentially akin to if you had created them yourself anew.

All of your creations gain immortality, remaining eternally resilient and if they so choose with a youthful appearance, only growing stronger the older they get, with a prodigious natural talent with magic, no matter what world they're on. Your immortal servants represent a formidable force that a rare and few adversaries can encounter without facing swift defeat or becoming enslaved to their will.

Fel Inheritors

The infusion of Mannoroth the Destructor's blood into the veins of all of your creations, along with those subsequently birthed from your creations, has birthed the world's mightest tyrants. This augmentation extends to all facets of their physical and mental attributes, including their innate talents in warfare, being masters in martial arts and all aspects related to combat, the minute they are brought into existence. This proficiency is deeply ingrained in their essence, and they continuously improve as they age, evolving into even more formidable warriors over time.

In this evolution, even the humblest of your creations have undergone a radical enhancement. Their strength is of such magnitude that even the weakest and most pathetic among them wields the physical power to effortlessly snap a fully grown oak tree in twain with their bare hands, while their swiftness eclipses the fleetest of Elven Steeds, they also possess the endurance and stamina to engage in continuous combat for weeks on end without succumbing to fatigue, and can even exhibit the fortitude and durability to shrug off concentrated medium-caliber artillery fire without a scratch on their skin to show for it, and this is just the weakest of your creations. This elevation in capabilities follows an exponential trajectory, progressively more profound based on the type and overall strength of the individual entity, constituting a monumental advancement across the board. A Hydra, for instance, would transform into an unstoppable unkillable juggernaut capable of annihilating entire cities overnight.

They are now totally immune against harmful magical influences. Adversarial spells are rendered impotent, including an immunity to all illnesses, plagues, and poisons. They are also now impossible to affect through psychic means, though they can still use magic or psychic abilities with great efficiency. In fact, their control and talent with it is even further augmented. Your creations have also transcended the need for sustenance. The very essence of their being, the fire that burns within them, provides all the sustenance they require for eternity. Hunger and thirst are now distant memories to them, as they can forever draw nourishment from their inner flame.

The overall transformations they have undergone, will have no impact on the operational aspects of the Dark Elves or the fundamental structure of their society. If you so desire, these elements will remain largely unchanged, preserving the continuity of their ruthless and evil way of life.

Your role as their sovereign remains steadfast and unassailable. Each and every one of the entities you have brought into being, along with those subsequently birthed from your creations continue to consciously and unconsciously perceive you as their undisputed ruler. Their unbreakable, imperishable loyalty knows no bounds, and they stand ready to heed your commands with unwavering dedication, extending their service unconditionally to the very limits of their eternal existence. You still retain the ability to control like RTS units, or directly implement a hive mind, etc.The depth of your intervention at your sole discretion.