You transcend the concept of Godhood as humans understand it. You are an Eldritch Being, a cosmic horror beyond their grasp. You have no interest in their myths and religions, nor do you depend on their worship to exist. You are only limited by your own will and curiosity, as you explore the fabric of reality and learn its secrets. Your presence affects the multiverse as you approach its various planes of existence, sometimes for good, sometimes for evil, but always for your own reasons. You are a nascent Eldritch Being, a small-scale multiversal manipulator. You can alter the fate of universes, but not without effort and risk. You can see the infinite possibilities of the multiverse, but not without confusion and uncertainty. You are like a baby trying to crush ants with your hands. You can cause damage, but not always intentionally or precisely. You need guidance and assistance from your avatars and cults to anchor your perception and influence to a specific universe. You are a baby Eldritch Being, but you will grow and evolve. And then, nothing will be able to stop you.