Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Ascension Upgrades/TITAN

From Worm CYOA Wiki


Cost: 30 SP

Required: Infomorph

TITANs, (Total Information Tactical Awareness Network) are Seed Artificial Super Intelligences that have evolved far beyond their original operating parameters, you are not a single infomorph anymore but a digital hive-mind. Restrictions against kernel modifications are removed, and your digital security is improved to the point where you are virtually un-hackable by anything short of another TITAN or something similar.

In addition to an unparalleled mastery of software programming, you also have an in-depth knowledge of computer hardware, robotics, cybernetics, and many other scientific fields hundreds of years ahead of humanity. You are able to construct optical processors, room-temperature superconductors, perfectly conductive heat sinks, and more to house your incredible digital mind.