Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Ascension Upgrades/Tomb Kings (Warhammer Fantasy)

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Tomb Kings (Warhammer Fantasy)

Cost: 4 SP

Required: Overmind

You now wield the power to shape and mold the Tomb Kings and their formidable Constructs according to your will. While the option to become an Undead or any variant of Nehekhara Constructs remains open to you, these entities regard you as their own, regardless of your chosen form.

Through manipulating and shaping bones in your general vincinity, you can create the undead Tomb Kings (Kings & Queens, Princes, Liche Priests, Tomb Heralds, etc) and other forms of Nehekhara Warbeasts and Constructs (Hierotitan, Khemrian Warsphinxes, Tomb Scorpions, Necrolith Colossus, Necrosphinx, Ushabti, Sepulchral Stalkers, Khemric Titans, etc). The creation of more potent and powerful entities demands a greater quantity of bones, although you have an innate understanding how much bone is required for each one to be created.

You have the ability to selectively impart, either in part or entirely, the wisdom and knowledge of the Nehekhara to your Undead from their creation, so you needn't worry about languages, technology, culture, architecture, forging, Magic, etc. being lost arts.

To the Tomb kings and your other creations, you are the unchallenged sovereign, your word a law they are bound to uphold. This devotion knows no bounds, extending to your created Undead and constructs of all intelligences, awareness, and inherent natures. Regardless of their complexity, each and every one of the entities you have brought into being, along with those subsequently birthed from your creations, is innately aware of your sovereign authority. They are instinctively and unfailingly devoted to fulfilling your commands, bound by an unbreakable loyalty that endures throughout their immortal existence. You retain the freedom to command them as if maneuvering RTS units, assume direct control, share their perceptions, or opt for a more hands-off approach, tailored at your discretion.

If you choose so, the undead entities you bring into existence are granted the restoration of their former intelligence, memories, personalities, skills, and abilities prior to their demise. Their resilience and durability is extraordinary, allowing them to endure the most ferocious of weapon swings without exhibiting any discernible harm.

Living eternally, these tireless, unbreathing beings require no sustenance and do not succumb to weariness. All of your creations, and those birthed from your creations are perpetually immune to true death, as their physical forms, if destroyed, promptly regenerate and reform within a matter of seconds. However, only you hold the exclusive power to permanently extinguish their existence. By making physical contact with the intent to permanently kill them, you can cast their souls back to the realm of the afterlife, ensuring their definitive departure.

Endowed with an innate aptitude for mastering magic, your immortal servants represent a formidable force that a rare and few adversaries can encounter without facing swift defeat or becoming enslaved to their will.

Fel Kings

The infusion of Mannoroth the Destructor's blood with your creations, along with those subsequently birthed from your creations, has birthed a transformation of unparalleled might. A surge of power courses through their very being, propelling them into a realm of prowess never before witnessed. This augmentation extends to all facets of their physical attributes, this also includes their innate potential for overall growth.

In this evolution, even the humblest of your creations have undergone a radical enhancement. Their strength is of such magnitude that even the weakest most pathetic among them wields the power to effortlessly uproot a fully grown oak tree from the very earth that nurtured it, while their swiftness eclipses the fleetest of cavalry charges, they can even exhibit the fortitude and durability to shrug off concentrated high-caliber artillery fire without a scratch on them to show for it. The degree of advancement experienced by each individual Undead and Construct is directly proportional to their type, variant, and initial power, constituting a monumental advancement across the board.

They are also now totally immune against harmful magical influences, poison, and diseases. Adversarial spells are rendered impotent, and they are also now impossible to affect through psychic means. They can still use magic or psychic abilities with great efficiency, where their control and talent with it, got even further augmented.

Your role as their sovereign remains steadfast and unassailable. They continue to consciously and unconsciously perceive you as their undisputed ruler. Their loyalty knows no bounds, and they stand ready to heed your commands with unwavering dedication, extending their service unconditionally to the very limits of their eternal existence. You still retain the ability to control like RTS units, or directly implement a hive mind, etc.The depth of your intervention at your sole discretion.